>it's comfy
It's comfy
Comfy = boring and low IQ desu
>I lack the imagination to understand a simple concept like comfy
>it's cuhrayzee
Comfy = relaxing and low stakes
the kind of game you play to unwind from a hard day
>it's fun
me on the left
Those wojack are getting out of hand.
>regulate it
Comfyfags are parasites, I keep telling everyone that. They're worthless pieces of shit
>Durr who hurt you in your life
Why can't we have more smug smart Wojaks?
We need more 40k wojaks like this
There's nothing better than playing something chill like minecraft after a long hard day of work, but that's something you neets don't know about.
Tell me you at least play terrafirmacraft
Because everybody's too busy posting brainlet wojaks to even care about intelligent wojaks anymore. Most you'll ever see of smart wojaks these days is when a brainlet wojak is so dense that it sucks the smart wojak into it like a black hole.
>He has such a low IQ that he has to be constantly stimulated by flashy pictures and high action
>What's worse, his IQ is so low he thinks this mindset means he intellectually superior.
Do you think reading is for boring, unintelligent people too?
>I don't like comfy
>I like stressful vidba
Nah, im playing a self made modified version of project ozone 2 at the moment, but I've been playing tfc for a whole lot. Also gt is pretty nice too.
>it's cinematic
Wojak was always the "loser" face. Brainlet is actually funny. If you want wojak to be unironically smug/cool, you're probably a loser in real life.
>stressful games are the only times I feel comfy
fellow brap poster
>Brainlet is actually funny
Neither wojak nor pepe are funny, and never have been.
>dude, have you seen the latest Avengers movie?
>it was sick bruh!
>it's an early access, open-world survival game with crafting and RPG elements!
>Neither wojak nor pepe are funny, and never have been.
What kind of reddit name is this?
we need a wojak where the limbs, torso, and head all have faces
>tfw to intelligent to share a board with Sup Forumsedditors
>Hi! I'm new here!
Oblivion is comfy, yes.
I remember finding pepe funny when I was a newfag. After a while it stopped being so.
You do know that intelligent wojaks were always posted ironically, right?
Honestly this. Wojak was a forced meme (you should've seen how much he got spammed on Sup Forums initially) and Pepe was rightfully dying out until he got revived by Sup Forumsdditors.
you have no idea what you're talking about, so shut up
>Neither wojak nor pepe are funny, and never have been.
Intelligent wojak =/= original "feel guy" / smug wojak
Different memes
>Oblivion is comfy, yes.
a comfy game is not something you play if you need to pretend that you have a job
No I was literally here when Wojak became popular, faggot. The /r9k/ diaspora started spamming "feel threads" over and over and over until he eventually stuck. Crying Wojak was a forced meme too, and if you go to enough boards you know that he's spammed by mostly the same people. The same people who spam crying Wojak console war threads also spam Marvel vs DC bullshit on Sup Forums and Sup Forums and campaign bullshit on Sup Forums. It's all forced meme shitposting by a tiny vocal minority of hyper-autists.
Aren't all of these meme-statements kind of run over and raped, utterly undermined and meaningless when coming from people who watch hundreds of anime shows, make autistic lists about what anime shows they have watched and what anime shows they want to watch?
Don't get me wrong, an interesting conversation can be had about this subject but not when coming from people who use anime for escapism. You're all faggots.
All the posts containing brainlet wojak in this thread are comfy.
Stop it with these shit cuphead threads
>being so autistic you can spot the same anonymous users, on different boards at that
wasn't even a thing back then
b-bideo jame
Do you know what diaspora means? This was during the period when /r9k/ was temporarily deleted.
I bet you've never heard of /new/ either, faggot.
>game is so bad it's actually good
we've gone full circle
are you the same fucking user from the snes mini thread you keep making threads with pictures we used to call you an autist
>browsing Sup Forums on a sunday for the IIIIIth time
>actually feel myself getting dumber
lol okay "oldfag." I can use google too, you know, the only difference was I was here for all of it
at this point is it safe to assume that every wojakposter is an underaged redditor hiding behind 17 layers of irony?
>I-I was totally here I swear
Okay faggot.
>bibeo gaem ib good
Saved this rare brainlet.
most of the comfyfags are NEETs though
>Stop it with these shit cuphead threads
there's no difference between hyper-irony and seriousness anymore, anything done ironically is eventually done earnestly, they should be treated with the same disdain
>Stop it with these shit cuphead threads
Trying WAY too hard to fit in, but at least you're putting in the effort unlike your other friends. Do me a favor and tell them this isn't their special hangout.
>it's a deconstruction
I hate nothing more than faggots hiding behind irony.
>You called me out jokes on you it was only irony huh whos the smart one now
>We might do the exact same thing but I only do it ironically you know its not the same xD
>I save thumbnails
It's not my fault that I actually have a memory and don't try to rewrite history to suit my own narrative.
>Mom look at this hilarious mspaint comic im a real 4channer now :D
>it's good because by nintendo
>it's good because sony exclusive
>I don't buy nintendo because I'm an adult gamer
>game announces DLC before the game is even released
I'm not a manchild like you, though. I grew up and matured.
>claiming you're mature when you're posting on Sup Forums
>I matured so I play sony
>someone somewhere took time to draw all this cancer
let that sink in
I love this shit lol
>i lub wojak maymay!
>playing video games at all
>The virgin poster vs the chad poster
Every time
It's the new bamboozled
Making shitposting threads just to dump them is annoying though
>he spent time posting on Sup Forums
>pc master race is just a meme and they're all pcûcks who will NEVER EVER get muh bloodborne
Green text me as a brainlet!
>Plane noises
lost it
>low IQ
To be fair
Who the fuck is getting off of work where brainlet threads flood the board this early in the morning?
I will kill every brainlet
seriously ?
>I will kill every brainlet
This guy is a seriously retarded faggot with no life.
Not only has he spent hours drawing all of these retarded pictures, but he also does nothing but spend all day spamming them as much as possible.
Just laugh at how pathetic he is, report his threads and hide them.
I always feel unconfortable when I see this one brainlet because I had a teacher with the same fucking face and similar head shape.
this is a shit meme
>this is a shit meme