Wave Trooper Here

Wave Trooper Here.

Daily Reminder that Plasma Troopers are Faggots.

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user, wat


you keep saying that faglord

>Pimp Purple

Fuck off you Flaming Faggot.

Ice Trooper here to remind you wave faggots can never handle a metroid because they are a bunch of purple faggots

>Ice Troopers
>Thinking they were ever relevant in the first place.

These were such a pain in the ass holy shit ice beam sucked dick in prime.

What? A quick charge shot freezes them, then you just kill them with a single missile. It's really quick.

The problem is nothing about ice beam is "quick".
Normal shots have terrible cooldown and both normal and charged travel at infamous speeds, plus it's difficult to hit more than a single pirate, and they come 4 at the same time minimum.


You don't actually need to fully charge the charge beam. You can release a partial shot that will still do the desired status effect; in the case of the Wave and Ice Beam. This allows you to stun-lock targets weak to the Wave Beam until they die. Fully charging the beam just lets it do more damage, or use your Charge Combo.

Oh, that and fully charging the beam let's you draw in certain enemies, ammo, health, and something else at the end of Prime 2.

God these assholes made me never want to go back to chozo ruins, such a pain in the ass.

god metroid prime was so fucking good
15 years later and i still haven't come across a more perfect game

It's less that ice beam sucked and more that Ice troopers are too fast and zany for the Ice beam to reliably hit them.
What you're supposed to do is get closer to them so your shots don't have to travel as far.

Morphology: Metroid Prime
Highly evolved, Phazon-producing life-form.

The aberration known as Metroid Prime is the source of Phazon, making it immensely powerful. A genetic flaw makes it susceptible to certain weapons for brief periods. Only its head is truly vulnerable: other attacks are a nuisance. Offensively, Metroid Prime has a number of natural and mechanical weapons at its disposal. These include Ultrafrigid Beam, Multi-Missiles, Snare Beams, and Particle Wave Projectors. Its massive strength and barbed carapace make it lethal in melee combat. Recommend maximum firepower when engaging this enemy.

>15 years later and i still haven't come across a more perfect game
i have.

pic related.

I just played both on the original gamecube and prime is miles better

not my fault you have shit taste user.

everyone but fringe weirdos agrees, prime was a masterpiece, 2 was just alright

Is there an enemy in prime that is not made simply to provoke tediousness in the player?

Prime 2 would be a lot better if it didn't have beam ammo, or if they made getting ammo less tedious. I mean I like both and find them to be fucking amazing games, but that beam ammo thing just stands out as a glaring flaw.

I always liked how Metroid Prime was designed, then again the bulk of the enemies in the Prime games look good.