Beat first quest

>Beat first quest
>Get a match
>It's a level 3 skeleton

>Potions can lower your stats

>get a match
I can't even get this far when playing.

Gotta put all your points into STR friend

>All these quests lined up ready, to tackle
>Never start them
Why did I even get this game

>Put most of my points into intelligence
>Need more charisma and strength to defeat the succubus

>Start a quest
>no events trigger and can’t even progress forward

>2 chad friends browsing tinder
>one making fun of all the ugly girls
>the other one has a gf but he's still browsing it
what is wrong with this generation

>put points in int, speech and jewing
>vampire grill needs cha and luck

As sad as it is, to have a successful society that keeps birth rates up you need everyone to settle for their next door neighbour (as studies have proven proximity is, every time, the biggest contributor to 2 people getting together).

People stop settling when they have easy access to something better, via dating sites and Tinder. Nobody wants to settle, not girls and not guys.

tinder is for sexual, no sane person should try to find someone for baby making there

i wish i was her boyfriend

>line up 3 quests hope only 1 starts
>all 3 of them starts
>1 includes a boss fight

get on my level fuckhead. I only match Butterfaces after a 2 year relation with a butterface

>potions have permanent side effects

You should rat on him.

>Rarely get matched with a somewhat qt
>Have decent speech stats so usually casual conversation ensues
>They eventually stop replying after a couple of days
>Have no idea how to stop that

Is there a gamefaqs about this

Be more attractive.
You could have been the most charming, funniest man on earth but if they got matched with someone more physically appealing than you, they will go for them instead.

Don't be meme'd into listening to anyone that tells you that women don't care about looks as much as men. Make a fake Tinder profile with a male model's pictures and I'll show you how much they "don't care".

The thing is that my profile is not terrible. I've seen what i'm competing against and i honestly don't know what the fuck they want.

They want a real man user. Put that picture up of you replacing your ferrari's tyres using 100dollar bills as a jack.

Women overvalue themselves, there IS no way to stop that >Be more attractive.

if you have less than 10 match ATM, you need to re-evaluate your life choices

>using tinder in first place

i have 0 matches
i used to have like 10 but none (NONE) of them responded at the first message, now i deleted all my matches for a fresh start and haven't had a new one since

It also bugs me that they think they have the right to be boring fucks and I'm expected to make the conversation fun for both of us.

I got matched with an uggo once and she started the convo, which was nice for a change but good god what a boring cunt. I went full powerlevel and made her uncomfortable asking her stuff that would require her to be funny and smart to get the convo going and she didn't even try.

Patch fixing this when


There's a work around in v1. Just search for men

>get grindr so i can fug some crossdresser
>ok now i feel more like fugging girls ill get tinder
>only matches are trans and crossdressers

i miss girls

They want more and better, man. Trust me, I know your feels to a T.

>It also bugs me that they think they have the right to be boring fucks and I'm expected to make the conversation fun for both of us.
>I got matched with an uggo once and she started the convo, which was nice for a change but good god what a boring cunt. I went full powerlevel and made her uncomfortable asking her stuff that would require her to be funny and smart to get the convo going and she didn't even try.

So fucking relevant it hurts.

If I wanted to play men I wouldn't need to play tinder.
That's like playing games for the plot instead of going to the movies.

You're not supposed to message them for a couple of days, get a date organised pronto

>rarely get matched with anyone
>so far I've matched with 2 single mothers with severe depression
>matched with one qt grill but she's studying and working non stop so she barely has the time to meet up
I should just uninstall this shit but then again I've been alone the past 10 years so I just want some girl to even chat with me at this point.

>so I just want some girl to even chat with me at this point.

Fuck user, I wanted to go a night without crying myself to sleep

dude if they stick with you for days it means they're just waiting for you to ask them out

you should have just asked her to bone instead of fucking your chances fr

>not getting grindr so you can fug Bowz look-a-likes every weekend

what a pleb

Nah. When i ask them what are their plans for the weekend they always make it seem they have it all packed up. Fuck that honestly.

>matched with one qt grill but she's studying and working non stop so she barely has the time to meet up sorry but thats a very bad excuse

>I just want some girl to even chat with me at this point.
I'm that way but anybody would do. I wish somebody would just talk to me a little bit every day

> sorry but thats a very bad excuse
Not really due to Im pretty much in the same situation. 1 year left at uni + weekend job so I barely got the time myself to travel 6 european miles just to meet up with her.

wew, my whole tinder experience in a post

>"reee men are supposed to start the conversation" "im a feminist btw xD"

>using tinder
dont do it. Its suppoused to be an app for quick sex, not to fix attention problems of ugly desperate females who collect miserable pathetic males.

they want a male model jock over 6'

trust me

t. tried

>Come out as female(male)
>100 matches in less than 3 months

hope you are well user.

yeah, sure, you look for love, a lifechanging experience, and you cannot give it one evening. Sure.

Im sorry pal, but girls either want to meet now or never. If she wanted to meet you, she would reschedule. But she does not. The
>haha, m-m-me too
response is just a lie

>tfw I'll die a virgin

I'm really happy I invested in the bone structure trait.

Goddammit user I don't want to have to get a facebook again for this dogshit app but you are forcing me. I scourged my internet presence, I can't go back you cocksucker.

show pics

I wasted all of my stat points in white skin, blue eyes and 20/20 vision. Did I fuck up my build?

>and you cannot give it one evening
I seriously can't right now, not until january.
>exam retake upcoming saturday
>practice work at hospital 4 days a week for 9 hours between 8 am - 22 pm (2 shifts)
>an exam in 3 weeks again
>papers need to be handed in as well as presentation needs to be prepared.
Semester 4 is going alright and I've managed to get out of the worst parts from semester 3 that was haunting me.

>tfw great face and personality stats but hairline stats are degrading

God it cannot be easy, it just can't.

do the hair transplant quest

Having a "cool" job helps a lot.

>Lester the Unlikely had the original virgin walk

>20/20 vision meme skill

Current build with contacts and glasses being cool make it irrelevant.

t.26yo who doesn't use glasses

I feel the bullet transplant will be better on my dignity and wallet at this point.

You have to arrange a meet up with them within the first day or two (arrange to meet, not actually meet). Remember Women get 30x more matches than you and you're competing with them all. Do it to a local coffee shop or something so if it doesn't go well you're only down the cost of your drink instead of a big meal.

Some will flake but many who commit to plans with you will actually turn up.

>tfw chubby face all my life regardless of current body shape
Is there any way I can lose some face weight? Or am I stuck hoping to meet girls who likes dad bods

Try a belt sander.

Your face is usually the last place to lose weight, you have to keep losing weight and eventually your face will

>brags about bone structure but has shit structure below head
You could have said beaty trait and it would be more accurate


This image is very uncanny. I would almost call it disturbingly disgusting.

There's this one who still answers on whatsapp who i matched with like 3 days ago.

I guess i could ask her out, but I really don't feel like it because she doesn't seem to enjoy talking to me that much. At least not enough to talk to me first. Is that normal?

Tinder expert here

You ask the girl if she wants to meet after like 3-4 messages, if she wants to fuck then you don't have to "convince her" by chatting, just fucking meet up

Top tier response
Well I've been losing weight steadily over the last year so hopefully I'll hit that point someday

>put all points into speech and charisma
>can't match with attractive people because everyone who has ever lived is superficial about appearances
>I get matched with fat chicks
>give up and delete the app

Yeah, I'm extremely skinny. I look like a H addict and have been mistaken for one before. But that's what all the art students around here get off to.

Don't hate the player hate the game.

She's too busy getting courted by chads to message you first. Get on that.

>meet npc
>all dialogues options are "?????"
how do i unlock dialogues?

That's an interesting approach. Maybe i'm not grasping how tinder works. I can make them invested in tinder but maybe i burn them out and it's supposed to run faster than that.

Join me in death user, we have nothing left in this world.

I always arranged to meet during those first 24 hours while the conversation is flowing at its best and they're possibly happy about a match. Around 75% of my matches would agree to a meet up at a bar or cafe, out of those that agreed to meet, around 25% flaked and kept making up excuses at the last minute.

>Ask them questions about things on their profile
>Give me one word answers, conversation goes nowhere
>They have nothing on their profile
>Have no idea what to say to them

Why do they have to make this shit so hard?

She already matched you, just test the waters with a few messages then ask for number or to meet up

>match with girl
>she is 18
>tell her straight up that that I'm just looking for a hookup
>agree to netflix and chill at my place
>"alright user I'll be there soon, my brother is driving me :)"
>at my place, watch tv
>end up having sex
>30 minutes later
>"oh sorry user but I gotta go my brother is back"

Still don't know what to think

post more pics of paige

Be born with the social animal trait or unlock it manually by reading books.

>play game
>matchmaking takes forever
>finally found a match after almost an hour
>”player B has left the game”

>Girl has a profile that gives you a tonne of good openings
>Come up with the perfect opening line
>"Hi user, my Tinder has a virus, lets move the conversation over to don't worry about the fee, lets just get down to business."

why is our society so addicted to sex and masturbation

>All tinder Women in my area have the same bio
>"I love travelling, Netflix, and sarcasm. I'm not like other Girls"

>Ask them questions about things on their profile
>Give me one word answers, conversation goes nowhere

Yeah this shit is terrible. Just ignore them and keep moving. There's a number of them that tries a bit harder than that so go for them.

Also I found out that deleting your account and setting it up again makes you more visible again. It's like most dude's accounts get some kind of ranking and if you're low you show less on other profiles.

I reinstalled and i started getting matches again, with the same pictures and everything.

>Be on UK server
>Migrate to NA server for 2 weeks
>"British Accent" is considered an exotic trait
>+10 attraction to opposite sex
>Party members normally out of my level range join my team with little to no persuasion

Biological imperative.

I can't fucking stand women. Even when they're hitting on you they make it about themselves 'how are you gonna make ME cum'.

Fucking self-centred whores, every last one of them. You can mark my words on this, they are all selfish.

For anyone who wants to call me bitter, a virgin, etc, I'm not, women are emotional self-centred, virtue signalling children. You can tell me I'm wrong if you want but I know I'm not, and I hope these words come back to you when one of them ruins your life.

It's literally not normal for civilisation at this level. We've become way too animalistic like we're reverting back into monkeys or something. It's fucking weird as shit

Everyone knows the childhood friend never wins

Experience with them only confirms everything you say. It's like with race, you're in denial at this point otherwise, squishy rainbow society of the '90s-2000s is dead.

sex & masturbation precede society

>"I'm a country girl at heart"
>"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"
>"I'm looking for Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now"
>"Treat me like a queen and I'll treat you like a king"
>"I have CURVES!"
>"My son is my everything"

Have a Sarah instead.

ill trade with you
>download grindr to fuck some prime boipucci
>live in the american south so choices range from husky dudes to chiseled gym bros
>very few bottoms, none of them fem
>plenty of pussy but who gives a shit

Germanon here. Every profile in my line up says "No ONS, no fun, am here to find Mr. Right".
As a consequence, no fugging occurs

How many other planets are you comparing us to?

Sucking dick can get you very far.

I exclusively match girls with tattos ,multicolored hair and piercings. I hate all these things.

>no fun
are we supposed to be suprised