Is this game worth the steam price right now? What's the Sup Forumserdict?

Is this game worth the steam price right now? What's the Sup Forumserdict?
How's the co-op?

I thought it was worth it at full price so...

The sequel is better but the first game was also extremely good, it's just the Baldur's Gate 1 to OS2's Baldur's Gate 2.
I heavily recommend playing it since it's an absolutely amazing game, I didn't regret it back when the enhanced edition came out (I never played original, only the EE) and I loved every second of it.
It was also longer than I expected an indie game like this to be.

I'd imagine co-op wouldn't be fun in a story-heavy CRPG like this though, at least I never could get into story-heavy ones in co-op. Tried this, NWN and few others with friend and we always agreed that it's better to enjoy them solo and then simply fuck around with combat modules in co-op instead (in case of NWN).
Co-op will just detract you from immersing yourself in the world essentially.

Did you use controller or m/kb? Any preference?

It's a fucking CRPG, of course I used a fucking mouse and keyboard. These games aren't meant for controllers (or consoles for that matter).
If you are thinking of PS4 version, it will be a guaranteed subpar experience and I recommend getting it on PC unless you know your PC is so terrible it won't be able to handle it.
I'd also imagine exploring every nook and cranny and managing loot with the sheer amount of itemization the game has would make me want to fucking kill myself if I had to play with a pad.

Well shit. I want to use a controller.

Then neck yourself because CRPGs aren't for you.

Does the story draw much from previous Divinity games? I only played DD

I think it's okay-good

So you like sucking cocks?

It's a good game worth the money, are you poor ?

All Divinity games are essentially stand-alone stories.

get a job faggot

Why do only half the playerbase complete the easiest achievements in this? It's the same with pillars of eternity, where only 40% completed act 1 for some reason.

It's like people buy these games but never play them

I pirate the game, finish the game then buy it to support the dev

Fair enough but then you never play it again? I usually buy them when i'm still playing it

it has controller support and controller UI available, don't despair user

Likely like me they got through the first act, got kind of bored. And never played it again.

Divinity 2 has plenty of references to the first one, though

I really don't care about achievements, the only ones I've unlocked are by accident.

Yes but those achievements are the ones you need to complete to progress, so my question is are people not playing the game?

Impulse buying. Statistics show that it doesn't matter whether people play the game. As long as they buy it the goyim is happy

Nobody said it doesn't, I said it will be objectively vastly inferior control method in a game like this.

References =/= drawing from previous story
You don't need to know DD to understand story of Div2

>Larianiggers will defend this

>It's like people buy these games but never play them
That's actually how Steam Sales work.
They trick your brain into buying shit you don't need.

There's also a small percentage of people who pirated and beat the game already and then bought it as means of supporting the dev.

a lot of the mainstory progression ones on GOG were ~20% but it seems not many of them bothered to finish it

It's like I'm really playing A Dance with Rogues sequel

not saying it isn't but it's a non-competitive game with turn-based combat. let him have fun with it any way he wants

she has a cute lil butt

They probably gave up finding the cave to go to the beach hideout. Fuck I'm playing it for the first time and I think I killed a later boss before her. Some skeleton pirate fucker on the south beach.

my dick gets hard thinking about that posh faggot having to read this aloud
go on

Gameplay is fun, but the story was pretty bad, specially considering how much text there is in the game

As someone who's been playing RPGs since I was a little fucking shit, I genuinely can't imagine playing a CRPG with the amount of loot (and environmental interaction for telekinesis and whatnot) on a fucking controller.
It must be infuriating hell to do anything slightly more complex which is why I recommend against playing it on a controller and only doing so as an absolutely last fucking resort when you're a console-only nigger that can't run the game on PC.

I like to think of it all as Wolgraff from OS 1 writing the whole OS2 story down in notes as fanfiction and that part was him jotting down smut, I was a little sad when he got his voice back and the narrator was gone and I was glad he was back for good in 2

Oh yes it's impossible to know what the fuck you should be doing at any point in this game, without a guide

>It's a fucking CRPG
You mean it's a shitty h&s shitfest with zero roleplaying depth, where none of your character building decisions matter, since alternative quest solutions are dependent solely on your charisma stat, but you don't actually need to build your characters with Charisma in mind to pass Charisma checks, since you can simply stack charisma bonuses from random shitty gear and/or play the retarded persuasion RPS minigame that is actually worse than the one in fucking Oblivion.

Oh, and the sequel is dogshit too.

Seems normal sadly

>Gameplay is fun
>spamming AoE CC skills to win fights in 1-2 turns is "fun"

Returning Wolgraff's voice is unironically the worst part about his questline that completely defeats his entire story. Such a horseshit "payoff" seriously.

I stopped playing when I got to the orc love potion quest because the game is literally written by redditors

>using charisma at all in DOS

it's rock paper scissors mate and I am glad as fuck they removed that for 2

OP here.
So if I didn't like Pillars of Eternity I will not like this? Is that what I'm gathering here?

It's similar to Pillars but it's overall a much better game and isn't infested with 1/10 as much purple prose as Pillars was.
But sounds to me like you're a turbocasual consoletard that doesn't like CRPGs to begin with so fuck off.

PoE is real time with pause and this is turn based, so the combat system is wholly different.

Too bad they've added infinite fucking free respecs that completely gut the roleplaying system and remove any notion of consequence from your character building decisions, ESPECIALLY since you can try passing the same fucking dialogue check with multiple characters independently, so you don't even need to savescum. These retards removed the retarded persuasion minigame to add something arguably worse.

What I'd really like to find is a game like Grandia II or Baldurs gate Dark Alliance.
Anybody got any suggestions for games like that? I love the combat system in Grandia, and DA was one of the most amazing action rpgs ever.
Why don't they make games like that anymore?

There are achievements on the pc?

Also I beat the game twice but every time I'm in the last area my screen gets stuck on black, I have sound but cant see anything. Sucks.

my mom said i could be hardcore

It's a fucking Diablo clone.

>Baldurs gate Dark Alliance.
So a h&s game where you control a single character? Just play Grim Dawn.

pillars especially is one of those games that is fairly expensive, but you won't really make it past the beginning in refund time unless you rush it. I played the game for about 10 hours before I realized that it just bored me to shit, with its bottom tier combat system and 'lets dump a wall of dialog on you instead of actually trying to apply some good writing' type of exposition.

>thought the thumbnail was diablo 3

most games on steam are like that tho

how did you even get to that conclusion from the replies

>The sequel is better
no it fucking isnt you nigger shit

I understand what the drooling idiots on Sup Forums are trying to say. If people like have anything positive to say about it then I know it's dog shit, just like PoE.
CRPG fans are almost as bad as weebs. I know to stay away from anything that's highly praised in either of those communities. Just look at the turd that is Persona 5.

Hello Plebbit!

I got this game because you can play as a skellyton.

That should be enough for anyone

t alberto barbosa
1 was better in every department

but CAN you play as skellingtons?

It's also now essentially non-canon

not everyone here has to succ their dad to get money for games

skeletons are gay and homosexual fags


Female skellingtons exist you know.

I'm ready to purge, bro

not in my videogames

the problem is you if you lack impulse control so much you can't roleplay in an RPG, it's not the devs fault you are a retard.

Grim Dawn is shit though, basically unplayable.
Titan Quest is far superior.

Yeah fuck you too, I bet you're one of those skinfags that like breathing and having useless internal organs.

the game plays totally fucking fine with a controller
why are you making shit up? it's a turn based game, the menuing is shit no matter what input method you use and when you move your characters with a gamepad at least it doesn't look fucking jerky like WASD

>you move characters with WASD in DoS on PC
what did he mean by this?

>Original Sin
Kill yourself poser console pleb

It was worth the fullprice when it came out, so yes.



We don't really now and it all depend which OS 2 ending is canon.

I think most people will be playing the second game, so co-op isn't going to be great. It is better than the sequel, however.

OS2 story and some of its endings render Divine Divinity and Divinity 2 entirely non-canon.

im playing the second one. Very split on the game. lots to like and dislike. Combat is fun, but armor system is fucked up. Good environmental interaction, but way too much useless shit to pick up. Fun, open ended quests, but shitty dialogue. Cool companions, but retardedly meet them all right at the beginning.