World of Final Fantasy

Is this any good, Sup Forums?

Not really.

Overly long intro, simple gameplay, bland dungeons. It's a bad RPG Maker game that has a license and cute things.

No. But Sup Forums will say it is because it's full of versus fags who won't stop bitching about XV.

it's basically a pokemon game aimed for kids
i dont find it too bad since you can skip the horrible localized jokes and other boring story drivel

When are we gonna get a ff game where you get to visit the Marlboro village our tonberry town?

I like it. It's cute and comfy.

does the girl have modelled and textured panties?

It's Digimon meets final fantasy. It is a fun game for Final Fantasy fans who wants to see memorable characters as adorable chibis.
Story starts pretty meh, but towards the end it gets kind of mind fucking. It also has a good difficulty only being dragged down if you want to by turning on the cheats in the options (at least on PC, I don't remember if PSV had it).

It's shaded out.

Any nude mods already?

Horrible port for pc

I don't think so.
Only bad part is the locked 30 fps. Otherwise it works fine.

Textures are missing for AMD cards and no mouse support,how is this fine?

It's way better than FF15. Make of that what you will.

>owning an AMD card

>no mouse support
I'm not sure what it is supposed to be able to do though.
And it sucks AMD still has issues with some games or rather the games not catering to them.

UI is pretty clunky,having the ability to go through it with mouse would help

This. The controls are fucking retarded. I really want to enjoy it because it seems like it getss pretty good about halfway thru, but God damn this start is awful.

I could see that being a thing. I'm using a controller for it though.

It's a game for literal 6 to 8 years old girls.

I shit you not. That's literally it.

You have to be the ultimate mandchildren to enjoy it, to a point that it's not even ironical anymore, you have to know you are retarded low testosterone male.

>he doesn't enjoy fairytales
Get a load of this soyboy.

Way to try and sound like an adult.

Next you'll be saying Style Savvy games aren't okay to play, either.

why are final fantasy fans always such chibi loving weeb cringe?

I hate the chibi aesthetic, so im not going to bother with it

Best FF games after tactics

Yeah, I much prefer my sausagefest man on man ass poundings in black leather across a bland "open" "world" and lack of story. I'm so mature.

I wanted to give it a try but I couldn't get past the aesthetics of that retarded stacking system.

Stacks are cute!

Why the fuck is the whole game bloomed

It brings back Chocolina so I like it.

I would advise playing it if you're a fan of the series and have played most of the mainline FF titles, otherwise a lot of nods and references will go over your head.

didn't notice any missing textures, but didn't play it too far.

>it's basically a pokemon game aimed for kids
so a pokemon game?