are we going in the right direction with fps?
Are we going in the right direction with fps?
NuDoom and Serious Sam (and Shadow Warrior to a lesser extent) make me think we are.
New Colossus and Hell & Damnation make me wish I could turn back time.
Overall good list but
>serious sam 3 : BFE instead of Serious Sam : The Second Encounter HD
Sorta. The overall increase in Arena-focused games worries me.
Wolf II was a fucking letdown too.
Serious Sam 4 and Doom II when?
I know Doom(2016) is a good game but calling like that sounds like it`s a shitty game.
>Serious Sam 2
>great tier
>above BFE that's on the same tier as Duke Nukem Forever and Daikatana
patrician taste
black mesa was fucking shit though
Well the games are starting to feel more comfortable with their arcade roots which is a good thing but there's a lot to be desired. Decent level design and non arena combat are the big ones. I doubt AAA will ever make shooters as good as 90s classics because of their target audience and corporate nature but they can certainly become better. Hopefully more decent budget indie devs try their hand at the genre.
Replace Wolfenstien II with TNO, and you got the right idea.
pain killer series is shit except first game.
>SS3 in meh tier with DNF and Daikatana
>While UT3 is in high
>Tfw no love for Doom 64
>nu-doom higher than meh-tier
>quake 3 not in god tier
>no FEAR
step it up 先輩
>he would rather play SS3 over UT3
Is this the most forgotten great fps of all time? I blame the publisher removing the game from Steam and GoG.
Great argument explaining why NuDoom is a bad game, fuckboi
It's not without shit moments but shit it's not that bad. That Fusion thing Croteam's doing recently also packs some improvements across the board.
UT3 on the other hand I'd knock it down a tier, it's okay but it's like the least good UT. Why aren't the other Unreal games on there? Faggot
Fuck no, outside of user made maps, level design quality has only dropped since the first Quake
I just don't understand the appeal of Serious Sam and Painkiller, these games are boring as shit
> sp arenacancer
> good fps
You dont know olddoom or fps games if you think the above 2 statements can be combined.
kys underage
Why don't they work together? give me a proper answer instead of throwing insults.
fps games are all about massive, tough fights with multiple opponents in a huge, well-made labyrinthian map.
nu-doom has none of this.
Just replay D3D, quake1, blood or doom 1/2 and stfu, kid.
It got Freespace as a spinoff
>Freespace 3 never
>fps games are all about massive, tough fights with multiple opponents in a huge, well-made labyrinthian map.
nah retard, not every game has to fit your stupid autist standarts
Having replayed the original Doom and Quake recently and going through Unreal at the moment, you are completely full of shit, unless you count a dozen enemies as a "massive fight" (which it probably is by Unreal standards).
I'm guessing games like STALKER and FEAR are also pieces of shit because they don't meet your standards?
nah, fear and stalker got either amazing mapmaking, AI or more than 4 fodder enemies (nudoom).
nudoom is fucking trash, it has 0 challenge, no maps to speak of, boring as fuck enemies and lame combat that is made for consolized retards like you 2.
nudoom HAS no mapmaking, it just has arena's, which are locked off when you start fighting anyway. It's deep cancer and everyone that likes it genuinely hates fps games.
ITT shit taste general
So despite playing games like Quake and Unreal and absolutely loving them, I actually hate FPS games because I also liked the new Doom?
What kind of a fucked up reality do you live in?
>high tier
>nudoom HAS no mapmaking
are you retarded? do you know what these words mean?
Siege is boring
I mean, it's not as bad as it was for a long time. Giant dip there in decent FPS games for like half a decade.
Not as good as its peak, but even the less-than-great ones are giving it an honest shot. Though I will be honest, I don't see the appeal behind Painkiller and Serious Sam - big empty maps filled with mooks. Like lazy WADs.
You try so hard to act like some rugged fps oldfag yet you can't stop reddit spacing.
>reddit spacing.
Fucking BOTW faggots bringing this stupid fucking meme into Sup Forums culture.
Sorry you got called out, redditor. Just try not to do it again in the future if you don't want to be.
This is such a stupid hangup for you dumb fucking retards.
Kill yourself
I usually reddit space and I've never used reddit.
I just type that way in emails because autism and it carries over into this
this spacing you meme out has been modus operandi since the start you retard.
Black mesa doesn't deserve to be there as long as they don't finish their game.
>No Heretic
if you were an actual oldfag you'd know that no one gave a fuck about "reddit spacing" until a year or so ago
>All those butthurt redditards
I've never seen autism of this caliber. So pure, unaffected by the march of time.
Serious Sam is nothing like Duke Nukem outside of having a roughly similar character.
I'm still upset that FPS games lost their way so hard in regards to level design, Duke 3D has some of my favourite FPS levels, they are recognisable so you know where you are, there are plenty of secrets to find along with easter eggs and you have complete freedom to move wherever you want, you aren't forced into dumb arenas or moved forward in 1 direction with no ability to go backwards and look back over an area for more health or ammo.
I've also felt no love towards the Serious Sam franchise as a whole, I played it when it first came out on original Xbox and I thought it was shallow with weak level design, then I replayed it last year thinking maybe I was wrong but I wasn't. The games just contain so many incongruous elements (like the enemy and weapon design) that all sense of atmosphere is lost.
Also also, I'll never understand Sup Forums's hateboner for Doom 2, it introduced more weapons and more enemies and had some of the best Doom levels available to it.
Hot take: Black Mesa is unironically better than the original Half-Life.
>Quake 2 not in Meh tier
>DNF and Daikatana not in Shit Tier
Complaints of reddit spacing only became a thing this year though. The Reddit paranoia dates back to mid-2011 and you can't seriously expect me to believe that it took 5 and a half years for it to suddenly dawn on everyone that it was suddenly a reddit thing.
Before that people only got angry
>perfect tier
How's that single player?
lmao that shit sucks dick.
Hexen and Turok 1 need to be in God Tier. Turok 2 and Heretic in High Tier.