Got this QT's game for 17 bucks, currently installing

Got this QT's game for 17 bucks, currently installing

What did I think of it Sup Forums?

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i like it


It looks nice and some of the robot designs are pretty cool but I found everything else to be really boring. I tried to give it a shot but there just wasn't that hook to keep me coming back.

Just started in the new hard difficulty, is like a totally different game, I'm loving it

You suddenly realised how ridiculous it is that console games have to be installed these days.

Not really if you knew anything about how these things operate.


The robots are massive health pools and fighting them becomes a chore because it's not particularly difficult even on the hardest settings, just lengthy. But the world building is good.


maybe it's just the shitty hairstyle but man, her head looks huge.

bruh, look at this dood

kinda looks like zac efron

Sony just rips off all of the famous people.

The sad thing is that europeans will make Aloy a feminist dyke in the sequel
Guerilla should sell the series to Sega or Sony of Japan

I never saw any footage that proved this game is decent. I have too many buyers remorse to risk it.

same person EVERY day

You shouldn't.

obese wizard sonybro detected

What's the reason for making an ugly character? Do the devs want to punish their customers for some reason?

how much do they pay you op

She's a robot

The first self contained section is similar to BOTW in that it gives you a little primer for the rest of the game and is actually quiet good. Once the game opens up it has the same pacing problems all open world games suffer from.

PlayStation either pays a LOT to post here or Sonyfags are getting more desperate since Xbox is starting to push past the PS4 Pro. I'd say it's a bit of both.

The story + world is unique and rather amazing. The combat gets stale after a while. This game is the definition of a 7/10.

Solid 8/10 if i don't take the graphics in to consideration.
However guerilla really did go above and beyond what most others are able to.
So i guess if i had to rate it i would give it 0.5 to 1 point more just for the graphics alone.

>Solid 8/10
shit taste

holy shit is this real?


Are you an actual retard?

post more alloy please
I need love

You are an idiot. The complete version goes for the 6th of December.

You convinced me OP to find some footage on youtube. It still looks painfully mediocre at best. I think it's just a case of buyers remorse, that time you wasted on this is never coming back.

what are the differences

Oh look, we have been blessed by an arbiter elegantiarum of vidia!
Post these superior 10/10 games you are playing, o mighty one, the bearer of superior taste so other can be so cool as you are.

AAA gaming experience.

I really like this game but it feels like its almost VTMB levels of unfinished, that or it's just kind of poorly thought out. As an example what the fuck is up with the skill system? It's the definition of pointless RPG mechanics in a game that doesn't need them. They might actually matter if you could use them to like build a class or whatever, but you can't. Aloy plays the same no matter what you have, she just gets slightly better with each upgrade. They should've just given all that shit to you right from the start.
Another example is the difficulty in general. They give you all these tools to use that make the game a complete joke on lower difficulties, then they overcompensate on the higher difficulties by forcing you to win mostly on strategy rather than skill, as if it actually were an RPG. If you don't absolutely maximize every encounter to the point where you couldn't lose without just dropping the controller you have extremely high chances of getting killed in a single hit.
Also why does it seem like they went out of their way to make the spear insanely hard to use? Is that to convince you to keep your gathering up or is knockdown so good that they want the enemies to do their best to stop you from doing it? I mean sure it's possible to knock down pretty much any enemy in the game, but the tougher ones making it nearly impossible to the point where you'd have to be stupid to not try and fight at a distance instead.

Also Aloy is cute. They need to give her some bigger hips though. She's not even fridge-tier, she's literally got man hips.

She looks like a dead potato.

>lemme skip the dialogue so it makes the game look jerky

are you actually retarded or

Developed by Bethesda.

>being this retarded
Point is she does the same robot animation every time.




Lol every cutscene I've seen from this AAA "cinematic experience" looks like shit. Everyone is so stiff. This is the biggest thing I don't get about modern games, they want to be movies so bad but can't even do basic shit like have people move like actual people.

Does the combat ever go beyond flinging arrows and a couple of useless gadgets or what?

ITT: Essential soycore

Aye, it clear Chloe is heavily shopped there, she doesn,t look that good in real life

t. soyboy trying to fit in

You shoot shit, lay traps, and spear shit, that's it. I don't know what more you expected. It's a monster hunter clone with stronger small enemies and weaker bosses, and some actual stealth mechanics. They try to make it interesting by having you fight tons of enemies at a time or just decking out one to four enemies with some sweet guns or whatever. How far in are you? Have you fought a thunderjaw yet?


>monster hunter clone
Monster Hunter has a lot more weapon and ability variety
>stealth mechanics
Just crouching in stealth grass

I expected to be scavenging the parts of defeated enemies to make a more interesting variety of cobbled together weaponry instead of just picking up the occasional detached turret. The enemies are nice, granted, but having nothing but a bow with a few different colored arrows to fight them with is rather stale.

you'll most likely love the first few hours. Not the tutorial trials though. that part was terrible. the 4-6 hours after that are great.

then you'll start to see that nearly all the quests are uninteresting and samey. go here, kill that, go here now, kill three of these. that sort of thing.

the detective mode is really half-assed. Click a button, select the things that are highlighted. Awful
the story Its pretty stupid. the world building is alright.

the visuals and sound make this game. Combat is fun, and keeps changing in the early game. In the mid game you'll grow in strength rapidly, start 2-3 shotting everything, and nuke the spongier pretty fast. then it all crashes into the same shit and gets very repetitive.

solid 7-8 out of ten. very front loaded, but fun.

I almost went an entire year without spoilers

enjoy your sjw garbage

oh look a sony fag get buttmad that HRZD is a failure

I don't actually know that for sure, it's second-hand shitposting.

I dont care about DLC and never have, I have never bought DLC in my life

messingen bcndf

>no armpit hair

If you want weapon variety you won't find it here. You get two varieties of bow, some dumb wires and ropes, and an explosive slingshot. I said it's a monster hunter clone but it's not that kind of clone. It just takes the basic combat formula that's convenient for an open world game because the environment doesn't factor into it much. Which is funny because the environment in horizon is actually pretty important to the combat with the threat of getting cornered and entering water where you're basically guaranteed to die, and all the shit you can use as cover from projectiles such as large rocks and trees and shit. Also the stealth is slightly more complicated than stealth grass and more legitimate than what you have in MH since you can use the environment to break the line of sight, and you actually have the necessary tools to do significant damage while undiscovered, but whatever. I'm not a shill, not going to try and sell you the game. You aren't going to get what you want unless they decide to make a sequel that isn't open world for some reason. Horizon is mostly straight up shooting arrows, and a billion little alternatives supporting it.

>feminism has progressed enough that female characters are routinely featured in huge budget AAA games
>but not enough to permit body hair in even the most mundane of semi-popular indie games
feels bad man. at least real life women oblige our patrician fetisch

she's not a robot tho. She is the daughter of a scientist that wiped the earth clean, she's the cure.

I mean, it's the same as with Rey from Star Wars, why the hell would they shave there, they're out in the fucking wilderness and all kind of social norms don't count there.

These aren't cutscenes.
This is the very first side mission in the game it gets better later on and also they have been improved for the DLC aswell.

rey is an alien :^)
aloy is a robot :^)

stop marketing your shit game, this is getting old

I'm not sure if I should get this or Dragon's Dogma.

apples and oranges

The majority of people prefer DD, I prefer HZD and Sup Forums regularly gets upset at my opinions on games. Hopefully this information will help you decide.

But it's not DLC in DLc terms. It's an actual expansion. They add weapons, two or three new dinos, batch of sidequests, adds some story. Was well worth the $20 for a 6 hour romp, could probably spend 2 more hours in finishing getting the new collectibles.

haven't played HZD but dragon's dogma was too close to world of warcraft and oblivion for me. I expected something more shadow of the colossus and DMC3 like. DD has a lot of copypastin and stuff like "kill 5 mudcrabs".

>17 bucks


DD, easily. HZD is not a good game, just a pretty game with none of the interesting robo dinosaur hunting stuff being central to the game at all.

Stop shilling this soyboy game here you cuck

aloy dropping redpills

>17 bucks
Where do you get it at that price.

>someone was so triggered and brainwashed by the current political and social climate that the thought of a woman running a fictional nomadic tribe in a videogame made them take out their cellphone and take a picture of their tv screen while a character onscreen was in mid conversation
>probably had to replay the conversation topic in the dialogue wheel several times to get the "perfect shot" without blur and with the correct subtitles on screen
>all the while not just using the playstations built in screenshot function

what a great human being

So stop skipping, dumbass.

>this pajeet-tier defense
Just stop lad.

Nice try shillguy

But the complete edition is coming out soon.

Worth a playthrough. I completed the bare story and did some messing around and that was enough for me. I don't think Aloy is as bad looking as the fags on this board but i didn't rate her as a main character. If this game had character creation it would have elevated it's overall status right up i think.

How much are they paying you?


It's fun enough for a playthrough or two, but it's neither good or bad enough to warrant the amount of shitposting this game gets.

i can see the connection, they used the same picture

you are right because if it did I would have tried it, it looks kind of interesting and has pretty graphics but the main character is just so fucking ugly that I don't want to touch it. She looks like a fucking caveman.

All that is the The Frozen Wilds DLC + Base game + some collector's edition DLC items for 50.

I did not enjoy it.

Not even the same filename.
user i think you have been on the internet too long.

A true case of butterface. Also WHY would you have a stupid hairstyle like that


That's basically what she is.

What do you mean?

boring but there are spots that look pretty

>You can only use face paints and Focus variants on your 3rd playthrough

Absolute bullshit

I mean... she'd be a cute boy at least


That roastie is hideous. Between her abused face and the horrid plot, good job wasting your money. If I'm going to watch a female vidya character run around for hours I certainly want her to be attractive, not this 'average' model of a female.

The game looks nice and it's fun so far buy holy shit is Aloy ugly and holy fucking shit are the voice actors and facial animations terrible. God damn. Also the first 3 hours are extremely boring.
Why do devs feel the need to have this huge grand tutorial shit that drags on for literal fucking hours? It's awful.

I genuinely like it despite Sup Forumss bitching
It's not a stand out game but it is fun and engaging. Combat is as easy as you want to make it. Use ropecaster and tripwires to win easily. Do sick bow jumps off of another robots head to have fun.
Hitboxes are the only real stand out feature here but they really stand out once you pay attention. I've seen fighting games that wish they had the hitboxes of horizon.
Story is unique and cookie cutter at the same time. you're the chosen one whom from birth was meant to stop the ancient evil hades from killing the entire world. But the scifi part/history of the game is actually really interesting to learn about an its a really novel side story(for a video game).
Horizon is a good game trapped in the body of Ubisoft game but some good ideas and good programming shine through. It's definitely worth 17 bucks.
As a side note Aloy a cute.

your waifu is shit