Just bought a new rig and want to start emulating all the classic games I never got a chance to play on their original consoles.

What are some people's favourite Gamecube/PS2/Xbox games? And not just the usual top 10 stuff which I've likely played; what are your personal favourites?

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god hand for ps2 is deserving of the hype, its really fun smacking people around in that game.
you can't emulate xbox for shit by the way.

Yeah, Godhand is on my list.

What's the deal with Xbox, just not a strong emulation community?

lack of documentation and lack of dev interest mostly

if you have a really good rig you can emulate mgs3 in 60fps hack on pcsx2 which is cool
its a stupidly demanding game to emulate

SMT:Nocturne/Digital Devil Saga
Resident Evil Code Veronica X
R-Type Final
Front Mission 5
F-Zero GX

The warriors
Balder's gate dark alliance
Crash bandicoot
Digimon world

>crash bandicoot
name one crash game worth playing on gen 6

Ratchet and Clank 2 (needs a bit of tweaking to get right)
Burnout 3 (likewise)

The first .hack games. Infection mutation outbreak and quarantine.
The GU games just got a remaster. But you can emulate the originals as well.
Also Valkyrie profile 1 and 2 The psp version of 1 is good enough.
If you want some weeb(more than the stuff above) stuff i would recommend Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 the sound track is godlike.

Got a 1070 with i5-8400, reckon that would get me over the line? Snake Eater has been on my list for a long time.

Shin Megami is another one I've wanted to get in, not so hot on RE. F-Zero for sure, I logged a metric fuck ton of time on the N64 version.

Already got The Warriors, one of my favourites of all time. Tenchu and Digimon World are good ones.

Actually managed to play R&C and Burnout 3; I'm Australia, so it was easy to get the ones they promoted as part of the 'best sellers' and 'platinum' collections.

Dragon Quest VIII is one of the best PS2 games and emulates like a dream

Fair enough; it's interesting, because I figured with all the initial promotion of how 'XBOX WILL BE JUST LIKE A PC', that'd it'd be relatively easy to emulate too.

Ace combat

Haunting Ground
Forbidden Siren
Silent Hill 2 and 3
Jak and Daxter series
GC version of Resident Evil 3

Had SSX, it was sick. Had Burnout too.

Ace Combat is on my list, played 6 and AH but never got the chance to play the early stuff. See threads about it and everyone keeps banging on about DANCE WITH THE ANGELS

i5 8400 might make the cut, too bad you cant overclock it though. as for your gpu, emulation is mostly cpu dependent.

Most of the good games can be found on PC since xbox is essentially a 1999-2000 PC and porting is easy so people don't bother.

og xbox has more good exclusives than any of the current gen consoles though

Although this probably falls on the 'Usual top 10 stuff', I always have to recommend Skies of Arcadia.
PS2 JRPGs you should check out are Rogue Galaxy, Shadow Hearts and Wild Arms.

And of course, one of my favorie series ever, Way of the Samurai. 1 and 2 on PS2, and you can play 3 and 4 on PC

PS2 Shinobi
Viewtiful Joe
Ultimate Spiderman

This is the /vg/ emugen wiki.
It will tell you all you need to get shit set up. Plus it does have links to proper game dumps.

How is 3 compared to 4?Also,are the first games that different from the others?

4 has slightly more comedic/ridiculous elements. All have slight variants in gameplay.
Imo, 1 has the best town/setting, 2 has the best route variants, 3 has the best combat scenarios, 4 has the better gameplay/waifus.

Playing them in order is probably the best.

Thanks user,I guess I'll go and try them all now.

Xbox seems to be gaining momentum though

I'll see how I go, cheers.

Viewtiful Joe for sure; played BLACK a lot and thought it was probably the best FPS on PS2, might get it again for nostalgia's sake.

Yeah, thanks for the PS2 ones, definitely want to try Wild Arms and Way of the Samuria, as well as stuff like Yakuza which never really made it out here.

Thanks for this, i'll give it a solid look.

We had emulated 3DS multiplayer before any XBox emulator could run decently any commercial games,just think about that for a second.

Kya dark lineage
Ape escape 2 and 3
Sly Cooper trilogy
Drakan acient gates
Raw danger
Portal runner

Yea, Xbox scene sucks.

People are actually developing it now though, which is more than we could say two years ago

Medievil, jack and daxter

>Actually managed to play R&C and Burnout 3; I'm Australia, so it was easy to get the ones they promoted as part of the 'best sellers' and 'platinum' collections.
I'm an Aussie too, same here.
I mean, a nostalgia hit ain't bad.

that'll never be emulated now

Delete this it pisses me off

If anyone needs to know why reddit is such cancer, look in to the story of this.

Isn't this the developer's console for the xbox that somebody found and then gave back to Microsoft?

It's the fucking Starcraft source code all over again.

No he did not give it back, he gutted it for the case put all the hardware on carpet and wiped the had drive.
The case looks shit as a pc rig. He destroyed a possible leap in xbox emulation for a shitty looking pc case.

Supercar Street Challenge
no rubberbanding
customize your supercar
semi-arcade racer
weather system

Daily reminder to NOT use the stable versions of dolphin or pcxs2, they're both over a year old. Use the latest daily dev builds instead


for the record this wont help with emulation development.
the reason for this is the drastically changed hardware and software between this and a DVT3. Trying to use this as a tool to help emulation wouldnt get you anywhere if you want retail xbox games emulated.

Hell the difference between a DVT3 and DVT4 are already huge in that the whole CPU was unfinished on a DVT3. And then throw in the resources and hardware in a DVT3/4 that are completely absent in an Alpha Tower as well as absent or weaker in a Debug kit, then throw in the reduced hardware and software changes between a debug kit and retail xbox, not even counting the differences between a 1.1 and 1.6 xbox which causes more issues.

The argument that this would have brought emulation is only true if you have alpha hardware samples or games (like simpsons road rage, which was recovered from an alpha tower and will only work on an alpha tower). the sheer difference in software and hardware with each phase of xbox development makes any emulation a pain in the ass.

to put it simply, you have
>alpha tower
>all with different hardware and software absent on another
>making each one functionally unique
>youd have to build 3 different emulators and then merge them into 1
>alpha tower emulator
>dvt3/4 emulator
>debug/retail emulator
>because thats the most similar they are in distribution

its like the Xbox One. The alpha kits use FUCKING SERVER COMPONENTS while the release versions dont. 360 used a Power Mac G5 then changed hardware as they saw fit, which is why it's such a pain to emulate things needing devkits since they have certain software dependencies not found in retail hardware, and even some hardware aspects that need to be emulated and that sure as hell wants to put a bullet in people's heads

pcsx2 is shit, dolphin is okay, theres no good saturn emulator, theres still issues with dreamcast emulation that youd think wed fix by now



t.reddit apologist

>pcsx2 is shit
95% compatibility fag
>hurr it doesnt do everything perfectl unlike emulators of 100% documented and primitive hardware from the 80s
literally entitlement

hardware isnt perfect either fuckboy
thats why i have multiples of the same system to cover everything that might be a problem

saying pcsx2 is shit isnt even going off the compatibility list. its just plain shit

reddit posters can go fuck themselves. nothing good has ever come from that site.
the shit that ruined that alpha kit is a fucking retard no matter the conditions. there is now one less alpha tower because of that.

at least he didnt fuck up the case like this asshole did

Valkyrie Profile 2 not as good as the first one but still great

What's the best processor for running emulators?

ryzen if you want ps3 since it works better with more cores
otherwise go for high end i7

The lead dev for the Xbox Emulator actually went on a huge rant about how annoyed he was as people spouting "Xbox is just like a PC so emulation should be easy!"

The gist of it was that x86 instruction set is so vast, basically every action has a few dozen methods of completion and you have to try and figure out how each thing was done, that it's actually harder to emulate a x86 platform without extensive documentation.

- Zero documentation on the Xbox's BIOS
- Zero documentation on its sound card
- Very little documentation on its GPU

Unless serious documentation leaks for PS4 and XB1 then we won't see emulators for those any time soon either.

Drakengard series
Rez (although the Infinite version for PC is very good too)
KH 1 and 2 (CoM is better in GBA)
Shadow of the Colossus if you haven't yet
Metroid Prime series

Also, if you have a good rig you should aim for some Wii/WiiU games as well, now that you can

>Unless serious documentation leaks for PS4 and XB1 then we won't see emulators for those any time soon either.
both are leaked already, no need to worry.

the only thing NOT leaked for ps4 is SAMU documentation (the security co-processor thats fucking everyoneover) and since its nearly stock freebsd you dont need to worry too much. early builds of OrbisOS (what its called) can be dualbooted on a pc

But does it have any good games running already?

Persona 5
Demon Souls


demons souls


Yes. Both.
Catherine is the one perfect title I can name. It was the first to run full speed perfectly without bugs for some reason.
Project Diva is nearly perfect too

lobosjr streamed a full playthrough of demons souls on rpcs3 without crashes at least

Oh shit, forgot all about Katamari, definitely on the list. I suppose I should play Drakengard too, loved Nier.

All over Kingdom Hearts, but Shadow of the Colossus is another one i've been wanting to play for years, want to try Ico too.

And yeah, I'll definitely give Wii a look, although I'd need to get a remote for any wagglin games.

Thats not what i said, “crashing” is “not working” i said stable. frame rate?

try replying to the person that gave you the answer then dipshit

>Blazblue series
Wow, they really advanced with this, nice

They got Mighty Number 9 onto playable
Let that cloud your mind for a while

Whatchu emulatin' today f a m? Is it stable?

you should have specified stable framerate. instability typicall means crashing.

Are you fucking retarded? I did. That user/you said “without crashing at least” so fuck off with your shit.

This reminded me to get Zone of the Enders and try Oni, so thanks user

I would file that under “fucking broken, do not waste my time”

good for you. you don't make up the terminology however.

DO try Oni.

that user is also a retard and hasnt used the fucking emulator unlike me doing shit that just flat out shouldnt be done

Best way to emulate burnout 3?

>good for you

Terrible for everyone actually. Don’t call unfinished broken will-crash-at-random emulation issues “stability” it is you who are trying to use a pussified terminology to try and call something broken, something workable.

“Stability” should be used to term a WORKING porduct that lags

umm, no, sweetie.


If your only options are the ps2 and xbox versions, then you're pretty much stuck with trying to emulate the ps2 version with pcxs2

The original PS3 lags like a motherfucker at times, do we qualify it is broken?

Not an argument clown shoes. I am right.

No because it does not crash. Go back and read what i wrote, i file the frame rate under “stability” i file crashes under “go back and finish this broken shit” sorry, random crashes are “broken” end of. Simple as.

Parasite Eve
Vagrant Story
Silent Hill
Heart of Darkness (also on PC)
Policenauts (also make sure to play Snatcher)
Echo Night
Vib-Ribbon/PaRappa (casual games, worth trying out just for the charm)

Yakuza 1 and 2
Silent Hill 2 and 3

Eternal Darkness

what am i supposed to say to a subjective opinion? there is nothing to argue.

So, when the original game is not stable under your standards, what are you supposed to call the emulator performance?

old games suck
don't bother

Dont fall for this meme. I had an rx470 and a i56600 and i got like 15fps in breath the wild. I just upgraded my gpu to a 1080 and i get 40 to 60fps. Didnt touch my cpu

Is the sound in XCX finally fixed?

What do you mean? Do you mean if it keeps crashing? Or if it keeps having serious and consistent frame rate issues but no crashes?

ryzen wins again

Shadow of the Colossus
Devil May Cry 1 and 3
Viewtiful Joe
God of War 1/2
Persona 3/4
Kingdom Hearts 1/2
Tales of the Abyss
SMT: Nocturne
Burnout 3
Prince of Persia games
Beyond Good and Evil.
The Warriors.
Sly cooper games.
Ratchet & Clank games.

Some of these have remasters or PC versions.

For more obscure titles, try:
Maximo: Ghost to Glory (not obscure, I know)
Nightmare of Druaga
Chaos Legion
The Divide: Enemies Within
Nightmare of Druaga: The Fushigino Dungeon
Shinobido: Way of the Ninja
Kya: Dark Lineage
King's Field IV, for a classic.

Not heavy recommendations, I wouldn't call them must-plays, but they're a bit outside the Top 10.

>Max Payne
Just get the PC version.

>subjective opinion

Objective fact: if an emulated game KEEPS crashing and it isn’t your PC’s fault it is “broken” something is WRONG with it. We do not call this stability, we call this “broken” we call this “unfinished” we call this “less than dogshit”

I just started it the other night and have had zero issues. I saw one graphical glich with the ground but it stopped after a couple minutes. Game basically works flawlessly for me so far.

Good to know.

> its shit
> plays all relevant games well

Yeah no. Sorry it doesnt perfectly emulate some obscure nip game from the early days. It still does the job for 95% of people who use it.

PS2 hardware has 100% support so i find this much better an option than emulation

Then you have to try and buy the obscure nip games and scalpers will just fuck you.


how new are you f@m?

That place has been a shithole for fucking ages.

Is valkyrie profile 2 playable now? I remember game getting weird glitches in first forest area some time ago.

Most games don't support hd resolutions and you have to mod the system for true 100% compatibility due to region locking