How to start playing horror games ?

How to start playing horror games ?

I'm a pussy and i never finished or even gone more than the 5 first min of horror games

I feel really bad about it because I want to experiment this kind of games and i feel like i'm loosing a lot of good games

I wanted to try the silent hill series is it a good start ?

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>how do i play an gaem?
Load it and play it.

Resident Evil is a good start. Not very fast paced. Few pop scares. Uses gameplay to achieve tension.

lmoaaaaaa i'm so dead rn eksdeeee XD you got me !!

i'm crying rn

i'm crying

post more hot nurses

Right i'm take a look to the 1st resident evil remake then

>tfw my normal reaction is the overreaction of most youtube ecelebs
I'm such a little bitch but it's fun to play scary things anyway.

Go force your way thru FNAF. Not even trolling. If you can desensitize yourself to the jumpscares, not much really bothers you anymore. But then again that defeats the purpose of horror games. I don't think horror games are for you OP.

Go with the original. The goofy cutscenes will help you pull through the scary parts.

>Tfw you will never be beating an horror game

I just want to play it because it gives a lot of sensation and some games looks awesome but i just can't that's so unfair to be a pussy like me

There is so much jumpscare in those games I think i'm gonna make an heartattack

Actually i don't want to desensitive to horror games i just want to find a way to play more than 5 mins to horror games

Silent Hill 1 might be too much for you
Start with 2

Horror games, much like horror films, are 99% shit (whereas other genres are 90% shit). Your problem stems from the issue that they have shit gameplay. Silent Hill has shit gameplay. Resident Evil 1-3 are good. If you can't tolerate their format after playing for at least an hour, play Resident Evil 4. It's fantastic but not nearly as scary. Also see: Heart of Darkness, FEAR, Limbo.

You need to get physically addicted to the adrenaline hit from being scared, when you start grinning when shit starts getting spooky you'll know you made it.

Alien Isolation is a good place to start, the AI for the alien is super impressive, it learns from your playstyle and wises up to your tricks throughout the game and as a result it's really good at creating those skin of your teeth moments.

I feel you OP. I've always wanted to play a proper horror game but I'm too chickenshit. I've beaten games like Resident Evil 4, V and VII, Condemned and Dead Space, but it was pretty uncomfortable for me at times and I had to take a lot of breaks to chill. I stopped playing REVII for like 3 months because at some point it was just too much for me.
I would love to be able to play a game like Outlast but I gave it a shot and I couldn't handle playing it for more than 15 minutes. I think it's the helplessness in that game that gets me, I hate not being able to fight back.

You'll probably start playing and feel like taking breaks or pausing the game when shit hits the fan but that's normal. You just gotta focus on not doing it so often as you go on playing.

anyone need nurse tonight ?

I hate horror too. I'm a little bitch when it comes to jumpscares and spooky atmospheres. Don't know how to "fix" this, but I just don't play horror games or watch horror movies.

Start with cry of fear (which is free) and especially force yourself through the wood level, subway tunnels level and Asylum in the woods level. If u can stomach that u can stomach every horror game out there.

You should really start with something like DDLC. It's not outright scary, just unsettling. It will help get you used to the spoopy atmosphere of games.

>How to start playing horror games ?
You just literally start playing them, and then STICK to them. Doesn't matter if you have to inch forward some 30 minutes at the time / from save-spot to another (that's how I started as a 10yo kid back in the days), just do it!

>I wanted to try the silent hill series is it a good start ?
It's absolutely golden pinnacle of survival horror genre, and the common go-to saga for chickens who hate jump-scares. The OG games also have tons of other elements to enjoy and appreciate.

Here's the DL links + SH PC Guide :


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH2 PC fixes site:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.

I think if he starts with one of the most intense ones like Silent Hill, Fatal Frame or Cry of Fear he can do anything afterwards. Outlast etc is baby shit vs them

How the fuck do you even get scared at RE 5?

the level design is so bad it's scary

ease yourself in with some "horror not horror" games like
>Dead Space 3

The cockroaches were kinda spoopy.

Lol I didn't, I should have mentioned that. 4 and VII were pretty spooky though.
First time I played Dead Space 1 I literally screamed at the first jumpscare and dropped the game for years. I'm a wuss.

You are a god among men. If you have a sister, I'd date her desu.

>I wanted to try the silent hill series is it a good start?
Honestly, maybe that's just me, bu I think that SH1 and 2 have aged too much to really be considered scary any more most of time, so yeah, I would say it's a good start. I'm sure they were terrifying back in the day, but having played them for the first time recently I found most of the monsters rather goofy and beating them up with a stick/plank/axe hilarious. Especially in case of SH1. The atmosphere and tension are still great, but I didn't find them truly scary at all because of that

The first 2 genuinely give me anxiety. The lore got demystified so it no longer has that spooky mystery about it, but seeing one of those fuckers in the doorway hasn't gotten any less scary.

>tfw started playing resident evil about a year ago and played maybe 20-30 minutes and then quit because I got too scared

I'm playing Darkwood at the moment. The isometric pov detaches you a bit which I think maybe makes it less scary than some other games, but it's clever sight system and atmosphere make it a lot of fun. No jumps cares so far, but some really creepy moments. Give it a look.

Just play them everyday until you get used to it.
It's like gore or porn.

To be honest it is slightly less scary after first 30 minutes, other than shit jumping out of windows several times nothing surprises you

The spookiness isn't the jump scares. It's the soul-shitting terror of being seven screens away from a typewriter with no herbs, health at DANGER, and only one magazine of pistol bullets left-- when it's been 23 minutes since your last save. And one of the rooms you have to pass through you've never actually been in before.

Guys give me a really scary horror game. I honestly can't remember when was I truly scared by a game last time, I don't think I ever was since I was 14 and I want to feel it again. What's the most terrifying game you know?

Do you watch horror movies or no? Movies are what really got me into the genre I didn't touch any horror games till after, also if you are afraid of jumpscares you need to just embrace them you get used to them pretty quickly. Start with Silent Hill

cry of fear

Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut.

it's a free HL1 mod. You are not prepared.
Don't play on anything but Easy on 1st run.

Arent these 2 from the same dev?

you don't

Just do what everyone else does who is incapable of handling horror games. Come on here and claim that it's cheap jumpscares that keep you from playing and not just the fact you are a scaredy-cat.

AoM was the original one, and it got the superior Director's Cut couple years later.

CoF's practically like a spiritual sequel to AoM, with greatly overhauled engine and gameplay. I appreciate CoF a lot for trying to replicate the oldschool, RE / SH style gameplay in first person, but ultimately I do think AoM:DC is the way scarier and more challenging game.

I just started playing one horror game. Just i mean 3 days ago. It's so hard to play it, im feeling like i played it for months. I can't sleep, i can't play anything and all i feel is the fatigue like im running under the water.

Just dive in and remind yourself "its just a game".

>Resident evil remake
>despite the photo realistic nature of the zombies they're still slow and stupid just remember to blow off their heads
>Dead space
>When walking forwards into near areas most enemies would show up infront of me but always be sure to do a 180 before backing up
>Horror VN's
>its just a story jeez

Lately games are just a collection of jump scares, sometimes they even give you warning by having the music change when enemies are are of you, just screw fuck you and get your weapons/run

start with something easy and not so scary like RE7 or smth then up the ante with Silent hill games and Afraid of Monsters/Cry of Fear when you are used to horror games.



after a short while the enemies will feel more annoying than scary

Just play 30-60 minutes at a time. I find some masochistic pleasure in being scared, and playing in small chunks works the best. The longer I go on the less I start to be immersed, possibly because the prolonged anxiety slowly just melts away.

The games end up feeling a lot longer than they really are that way. In general, I feel like horror games are really not suited for marathoning to begin with.

If you're still here OP, Alan Wake
It has great story and atmosphere, fun gameplay, but almost no jumpscares and only a few sections which I could call legitimately scary, although it keeps the tension most of the time. Really a very good beginner horror, and a great game in general

>Alan Wake
>great story
>fun gameplay
Lake please go

Don't listen to this retard, the REmake is one of the very few 10/10 remakes out there that actually improve on the original.

Start with castlevania?

>maybe that's just me
It's just you, SH1 is by far the scariest and most tense silent hill game, none of the sequels measure up.

I loved Cry of Fear but tried and failed twice to get into AoF. It's been such a long time since I've played HL and the mod feels like it's aimed at people who know the game in and out and know how to preserve ammo, kite and so on. Level design when the lights go out also seemed a bit confusing.