ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
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You first
what kinda name is suguru even lmao
Adolf Hitler
That's not Shido
Is it true that most of the villains in that game were based off of actual scandals? because Atlus handled those subject matters with no tact or subtlety at all and everything just gets solved with friendship power like in every other anime-inspired video game
>literally did it all just because he couldn't get laid
beta-ass bitch lmao
>High school bitch has a job and barely goes to school
>He offers an exchange because he grades are really suffering and he doesnt want to see her flunk out.
Truly a great man with great taste.
Show me a single thing morally questionable that Kandori attempted.
>everything just gets solved with friendship power
everything gets solved with literal brainwashing and it's ethical values are questioned throughout the story because it's basically a bunch of kids taking justice into their own hands and playing vigilantes which will cause a fuckton of hysteria amongst the masses
>started the game
>Kamoshida is sort of introduced as a decent dude but it's gradually developed that he's an asshole
>"oh wow this game is actually dealing with some heavy shit like sexual abuse, that's interesting"
>"wow there's even points about the mentality of abuse victims this is pretty neat"
>and then it literally ends with Kamoshida falling to his knees in public going "WHAT HAVE I DONE I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF FOR MY SINS"
I thought when they said he was gonna "confess" that he was gonna turn himself in to the cops or something
Jesus fuck even Adachi's repentence was more graceful than this
>want sports team to succeed
>motivates his pupils to give their best
>gets brainwashed into suicidal thoughts by some edgy kids
We can assume he turned himself into the cops and they just didn't show it.
He admitted to his guilt in a very public event after all.
>it's ethical values are questioned
For like 3 seconds a few times, until it's all a "power of friendship" over again.
No, its ethical value is questioned all throughout the game.
The black mask even calls you out on it.
It's questioned very-very formally.
It ultimately leads into nothing, as it's questioned but not answered, they just drop this point and go for a "power of friendship solves all!".
I haven't actually finished the game yet(I'm in Shido's palace currently) but I'm assuming in the true ending the group decides to stop being Phantom Thieves because of how wrong it is? I've seen the good ending on accident and it seems like they just keep being phantom thieves for an indeterminate amount of time.
And to be fair, there really is nothing they could do to stop those people outside of killing them(which would likely just lead to them getting replaced in cases like Kaneshiro).
I feel like what the Phantom Thieves did is equitable with murder and throughout Akechi's heel turn I kept thinking of how hypocritical the group was being for being so disgusted by it.
But still, no real choice other than letting it all happen as far as I can see.
> physical abuse and rape is totally fine
Kill yourself.
>reporter bitch was cheating on her loving husband
>student bitch betrayed her parents and was sleeping around with old men
.he couldn't get laid lmao
No one cared or took to heart anything Black Mask said. Not even Black Mask himself by the end of it all. So no, it wasn't questioned all throughout the game, the gang letting fame get to their heads is questioned more.
we were the villains in p5
To who? The alien slavers? Or because he used you as a peon? Beats rotting away in stasis.
Also a decently written character.
Tycho was a fucking maniac, was glad he got rammed into a planet.
How beta of you. Might makes right.
Adachi literally did NOTHING wrong.
He killed only trash.
>we, the Band of Hawk, are ready to die for your dream!
>time to die for his dream comes
>WTF, you're faggot, we are not ready to die for your dream!
Let's end this thread quickly.
>got so upset that his bear oneitis wouldn't fuck his ass that he went and got himself arrested right as he was about to be able to marry her anyway
>killed all his friends afterward because of his own fuckups
>"did nothing wrong"
>dying honorably in battle is the same thing as dying and being tortured in hell for all eternity
griffith apologists are fucking retarded
>we are ready to die for your dream!
>but only under our conditions
>and by your dreams we mean our dreams!
>Captain Qwark
>willingly allies with a corrupt politician who endangers not just other planets, but also his own population for money, all because he wants to be rich and famous again
>nothing wrong
don't call her fat please
i am fairly certain you are the same person every time, its the exact same even the second response is the same wtf
Is Griffith brought up this often in different threads?
It's because he threw a beta male tantrum when guts left and sperged out with the princess thinking he was anything more than a dirty peasant. You wouldn't follow a man like that would you?
I thought it was slightly more complex than that?
>Starts liking Yamano because she's a constant in his life, develops a crush and paints her as a pure waifu character
>Finds out she cheats
>Goes and asks her for the truth because he can't believe that she'd do that
>Gets brushed off
>He loses it, Accidently pushes her into the TV
>Doesn't fully realise what happened , is physically sick when the body is found
To be honest I don't really remember much about Maki, but he seemed a lot more pissed off in that part and murdered her on purpose, which don't fully understand.
He went completely powermad with what he could do.
Was him doing nothing wrong Platinums greatest plot twist?
Prove me wrong.
Yeah, they changed the entire Shido arc last minute so he could be Trump, that's why his dialogue is so awkward and why they decided to go with groping, it's cucked
>literally possessed by an evil god
Not really.
They're all weak retards who are the definition of "IM NOOOOTRAL" retards
>A bloo bloo we might as well just destroy everything because fuck actually putting some effort in :'(((
But they were literally right.
The world IS an endless cycle of Law vs Chaos. What Nanashi does in SMT4A is basically what the White want, wiping it all out because it's fucked up beyond repair.
Also pic related.
>fallout 2 happens
>the world is even a more degenerate shithole than it was before
>turns out he was exactly right
Why is Soda even here? He literally did nothing (other than be a cuck).
>abloobloo we're gonna show you why this world should be destroyed
>proceed to go into two different worlds where you fix the problems
>abloobloo now this is why you should destroy this world
Fuck you, faggots.
Except he wanted to recreate it.
>You wouldn't follow a man like that would you?
Apparently the Band of the Hawk would, or they wouldn't have bothered saving him.
The white wanted literally NOTHING. That's not what happened in SMT4A. If anything they're worse than both law and chaos because they want to dictate that everyone should just stop existing wether they like it or not
>they changed the entire Shido arc last minute so he could be Trump,
I don't get why you think Atlus has any personal feelings towards Trump being elected president.
>it's ethical values are questioned throughout the story
I was just shitposting, dude. I haven't read or watched berserk.
That and the other bitch that caused him to lose his dream job. Adachi was just tired of having to put up with bitches.
Your assumptions are entirely wrong.
Which will inevitably result in the same Law vs Chaos shit because humans are trash, except this time with Nanashi being at the top instead of YHVH. Good job.
>Question 3: What were the topics that were the most interesting to you in 2016, and why?
Mr. Trump being elected. I have been paying attention to populism for a long time and dealing with “Persona 5,” so Mr Trump’s election made me think “As I expected.” It was an impressive event that represents the turning point of the world.
Kamoshida was the chad to Adachi's virgin, literally everything he wished he could be.
I love how this quote is purposefully vague enough that people on both sides could take it to mean he supports their views.
Hashino is a spineless businessman who will say anything to make money.
>That and the other bitch that caused him to lose his dream job
His dream job was already lost before he came to Inaba. He said he was put in the boonies when he was supposed to be the best of the best.
Which you then defused and convinced him to turn himself in instead.
Guess what game
She is a cute raping ghost, why barely any "monsters" in those stories got a loveful happy ending?
At least put in Nagito or Kokichi or Kaede
I don't want to photo her, I want to stroke her gently and call her beautiful.
Say what
"x did nothing wrong" is cuck mentality.
What she did wrong is not having enough blowjob content.
po po po
But seriously the ending from the doujinshi freaked the fuck out of me.
Igor is the real villian and they use the power of friendship to summon satan and kill god. They then go on a roadtrip before the MC goes back home effectively kidnapping him.
Morgana can still talk despite the metaverse being gone.
>Morgana can still talk despite the metaverse being gone
That's because it's not gone, obviously.
How would they do Persona 6 otherwise or milk Persona 5 with over 9000 spin-offs and crossovers with ohter personas?
>Morgana can still talk despite the metaverse being gone.
Mementos is gone, but Metaverse still exists
Yeah, it basically the reason why the year is listed as 20XX instead of the obvious date of 2016
And that was because he got involved with the wrong woman. Bitches and whores man.
Summoned a bunch of demons that killed people and then tried to become a god of his own world.
Wasn't that Namatame? Did Adachi ever give out why he was transferred?
>tfw you still kinda sympathized with kamoshida after he confessed
Who doesn't want Ann's ass?
What ass?
>Good morning! You want me to give you a ride to school? You're gonna be late.
>Do you need a lift too?
So what changes with femMC here?
The cucks will deny this, they're too far gone.
How is defending people who work for you mutual benefit cuckholdry?
Didn't he rape a bunch of people? Or am misremembering?
>Hashino is a spineless businessman who will say anything to make money.
No shit, the "good" politician character who was one of the confidants had no identifiable political views on anything (aside from being against corruption?)
get your eyes checked, m8
Adachi and Kamoshida are good for rooting out incels so you can safely ignore them.
Kamoshida is actually fucked up, dunno how anyone could defend him, but Adachi never done anything wrong.