Why does Fallout 4 feels like complete shit compared to New Vegas?

Why does Fallout 4 feels like complete shit compared to New Vegas?

Obsidianfag please leave

kill yourself


They removed the Role Playing from RPG, it's just a loot gathering open world quest completion game with a narrow story, terrible dialog system and unnecessary crafting and city building mechanics.

No balance.


both of them are complete shit

I'll spare you hours of essay and say the tone and quality of the writing,and basically all the mechanics. And for me personally,the visuals. Fallout 4 looks like fucking wind waker. Knew it was gunna be shit when I saw it frankly.
So, everything.

Was new vegas always a reddit things or you faggots just try to fit in?


You already know the answer, you just want to hear it again.

It's common fact that New Vegas is better than 4. Are you trying to incite something? Or are you just pissed at how shitty 4 is and you want to feel validated?

Fallout 4 did shooting better but everything else worse. SPECIAL stats literally mean nothing and same with dialog and quest choices. It’s hard to make a unique character when you can basically do every play style on the same character.

Fallout 4 is vastly superior. The brighter colours, the character models, the textures, the gunplay, the voice acting, the spectacle (Can New Vegas match the entrance of the Brotherhood of Steel?), are incomparably better. The quest paths are smoothly streamlined so as to smooth out the jagged edges of New Vegas and cut the fat; the multiple options in picture related, for example, which is only one quest in that game alone, are simply bewildering, whereas Fallout 4 will generally only tell you to do one thing and one thing alone. The dialogue wheel and perk system and removal of the pointless skill system are also improvements over the clunky New Vegas. The story is more mature: you have 4 factions, like New Vegas, but in this case the choices touch on scientific issues that are directly pertinent to us, whereas New Vegas presented you with a simple good-versus-evil mentality.

Is NV a reddit thing? I would have assumed 3 was, since it came first, it has Liam Neeson and it has muh emotional storyline.

Which is bullshit, since NV had way more feels. Boone's quest alone is way more emotionally gratifying than the entire plot of 3. Possibly just as emotionally manipulative, but still good.

I mean, you're clearly baiting, but I'll play Devil's Advocate. The war between the minutemen, railroad, brotherhood and institute is, on paper, the most morally ambiguous premise of all the games.

Even New Vegas had Caesar's Legion as the clear cut villains with the other 3 factions being grey. But 4 had a real argument for and against everyone that's truly compelling.

Or at least it would have if Bethesda wasn't so shitty. Instead we're spoonfed that the minutemen are the good guys and the institute may or may not be evil (they are evil), and the railroad and brotherhood are treated as eh, better than nothing.

Actually, you're not baiting, you're being satirical. I realized right when I finished but I don't feel like letting all this autism go to waste.

I realize that you're both clearly baiting, or being satirical, but I really did prefer the story of Fallout 4 to New Vegas. The Minutemen are portrayed as flawed as well. They are incompetent. If the minutemen are so perfect, why did Clint betray them and defect?

I wouldn't know, I completely forgot about 4's attempt at storytelling.

Emotionally manipulative?I don't think so. You don't even have to ask him about his past,or do his quest at all if you don't want.If you never talk to Manny and him about Bitter Springs, it might never trigger.
I agree though.Boone is GOAT.All the companions are.Plus the history point system was genius.I replayed recently and all the NPCs feel rock solid and are really memorable.
My shitty imaginary friendship with Boone is stronger than my shitty imaginary ROMANCE with McCready in F4.

>Fallout 4 is vastly superior.
Okay, Todd

Because it is complete shit compared to new vegas.

Another Obsidiot.

"More mature" squeeky clean Pg-13 Fallout while Fallout NV was not afraid of rape,torture,terminal drug abuse and others. Does Fallout 4 even contain a single swear or say anything remotely suggestive?The whole game is so cartoonish and sterile it's like someone wanted to make a Christian fallout game for the Westboro Baptist church.

>a Christian fallout game for the Westboro Baptist church
Not enough protests about Atom hating Fags for that

Don't remind me about the Atom fags. Damn wtf happened there. Fallout 4 has the biggest boner for Fallout 3.

I like the more bright and cartoonish style. It's in the true Fallout spirit (in a conceptual sense) which is ultimately based on 1950s American optimism. It's one more thing that sets the fourth game head and shoulders above everything else that came before it.

They even reused music from NV

3 already wrung everything out of 1, 2 and Tactics they could get away with so now all that's left is self references to their own previous game

>It's in the true Fallout spirit (in a conceptual sense) which is ultimately based on 1950s American optimism.

But FO4 has good body mods therefore it is better

Simple answer is, it's a story designed by Tod Howard

Now, Tod isn't a bad man. He's a competent designer and gets along with everyone.

But give him design over the narrative of a game and he does shit. In short, in roleplaying games, he's a bad DM.

>it's a story designed by Tod Howard
But Todd isn't a writer. The leader writer on 4 was the same man as 3.

It's why the overall theme of both games is "parent/child find each other in the wasteland and child/parent dies"

I said designer not writer. He obviously has someone to write his ideas into a coherent story.

They even have separate writers for different characters.

Fallout 3 and 4's stories have a real heart to them. People have cried when they found Shaun again in the Institute. What do the original two games have? A clunky interface and a computer called Skynet?

every playthrough ends up being the same

Jew Vegas is just as bad as the other neo-Fallout games. They're the 3DPD of vidya.

not an argument

You forgot the A in arpg.

It's amazing how such shitty (gamebryo) open world action games bring so much attention, thanks to consolefags I guess.

>He obviously has someone to write his ideas into a coherent story.
>into a coherent story.

Well, somewhat.

>people have cried when they found Shaun

Caesar: i liek teh hbo show rome, lmao i no this bulshit fal apart when i die but who cares??? lmao they half to cal me caesir and i maek them ware skirts

Father: "Right, wrong... irrelevant. It was necessary. The Institute believed humanity's future depended on it. At that time, the year 2227, the Institute had made great strides in synth production. But it was never enough. Scientific curiosity, and the goal of perfection, drove them ever onward. What they wanted was... the perfect machine. So they followed the best example thus far - the human being. Walking, talking, fully articulate... Capable of anything."
"I was the perfect candidate; an infant with uncorrupted DNA. But if something were to go wrong... if I died... Well, the Institute realized a contingency plan was prudent. Another source of pre-war DNA, preferably related to their primary subject. It only made sense that my parents should fill that role. So, you were kept alive and safe within the Vault. I'll admit, when I had you released from Vault 111, I had no expectations that you'd survive out here, in all this. To not only do so, but manage to find me... to infiltrate the Institute itself... Extraordinary."

It's a shame you people can't enjoy the game it's actually fun :)

Too bad the shooting is still too shit to be any fun.

Play unconventional for once. Instead of joining every faction and doing everything before the point of no return, shoot paladin danse in the face at level 10 and tell the institute to piss off when you first meet father.

because you're not playing FROST with 100 mods added on top

>not an argument
Neither is yours, faggot.

vegas is awful ,it might have a good story and choices but the gameplay is fucking awful ,the joke of a combat system makes the game unplayable for me . Even with mods its not even close to 4

correction :not awful ,awfully outdated

mah nig


How does fallout 4 manage to look worse than skyrim, it looks like a cartoon

Roleplaying is fun with Alternate Start installed. People seem to dial into a completionist mindset whenever they play this game and seem to forget that you can actually not care about Shaun and fuck off away from the main quests. If you ever meet Shaun you can just disagree with his ideology all together and put a land mine in his pocket and shoot your way out of the institute. You actually don't have to accept every settler radial quest in the entire game. I agree having a voiced MC is a huge step backward but you can turn that off too.

The actual dialogue choices are ass though and there is no defending them. Todd flat out says it sucks in a recent interview
>Obviously, the way we did some dialogue stuff, that didn't work as well. But it was I think -- I know the reasons we tried that, to make a nice interactive conversation, but [it was] less successful than other things in the game. For us, we take that feedback, and I think long term.

Also Settlement building is tacked on as fuck and requires several mods for it to be barely functional

>>It's in the true Fallout spirit

The original fallout was not about bright colors and wholesomeness. The mascot is a total satire of that.

>muh realism

its just a different art style you mong

Fo2 is like having the wild wasteland perk on by default

It's Far cry with a fallout skin
>story is shit
>voiced protag is shit
>dialog is shit
>gunplay is decent but Bethesda """"guns"""" are garbage and make no sense (legendary modifications, ""armor piercing"" receivers, no ammo types, very little variety, ....)
After playing Stalker for a while I wanted a more story driven experience and went to New Vegas, then because the gunplay was shit I reinstalled fo4 and modded the shit out of it but it was still garbage, with the time passing I can't stop thinking how much of a shitstain this game is.

God fucking lord Todd, cut it out a bit don't make it so obvious...

Why not mod NV to make the gunplay good? It's very easy to do

I'd rather have clunky gameplay with weapons that make sense (ie a believable gun with beliviable ammo type and characteristics) than a """legendary""" weapon that does double damage at night for some reason and has been modified with an """armor piercing""" receiver whatever the fuck that means, that also can ""crit"" on demand and do double damage because reasons and has only 1 type of ammo, Beheada is retarded and none of the gun mechanics if fo4 make sense.

I think it has more to do with the engine, it always had very stiff character movement, you can get bandaids like recoil modifiers and see trough scope mods but I think that all you can do, fo4 itself isn't exactly the sharpest gunplay in the world.

Because one is a roleplaying game & the other isn't.

if its shit to you and i hate you it must be the greatest game ever. stop hating fun user.

Getting shot in the head and waking up as a 10 intelligence badass doesn't make sense either mr. realism

I enjoyed fallout 4's map a lot more, granted new Vegas is a desert, but it felt so empty with half of it being a giant U straight to the strip

New Vegas was an RPG with first person shooting.

4 was a bland first person shooter with shitty rpg elements.

You can get a story detail off your head since its not beng constantly reminded to you (well it is mentioned by MR NewVegas on the radio at the start of the game) but you can't forget a CENTRAL part of the game, nothing keeps me from roleplaying as whoever I want because the story is open enough and the character literally has no past but I sure as hell can't fucking stomack the abortion of weapons they put in Fallout 4, it makes no sense, it breaks immersion and it piles up with an already shit story so no room to roleplay here.

People praise the weapon crafting in 4 and I don't get why. NV had a bunch of different weapons, all with mods. There were several different types of each too. Single shot, double barrel, lever action, pump action shotguns. I could use the lever action as a side arm and the pump action for bigger shit. In 4 you had fucking two, and one was just a different gun model reused. Fuck them.

This ^9001 I'd rather have a comprehensive arsenal of weapons with several "tier" that range from early to late game than that retarded 10 receiver atatchment scale up design they pulled off, must of their guns look like shit and dont make sence, the ammo types are missing, no more bounty hunting with a 200 round LMG loaded with 5.56AP, no more grenade rifles, no more pump shotguns, no more 22 silencer pistols, no more unique weapons.

I realy miss that realism/ far west feeling of weapons you actually believe in.

becasue you are an Obsidiot shill.

>rape,torture,terminal drug abuse and others.

That not mature.

Is FROST really good? How does it deal with removing all story and quests? Isn't the world kinda empty then?

yeah because that retarded playlist of cringeworthy 50's song they play 24/7 in Fallout 4 is clearly a mark of super mature design....

The opening is anticlimatic and boring, and the graphics engine is weird. Better lighting but models and animations don't look any better, just upscaled maybe.

Then let's hear your definition of mature game content

there's lots of bandit variety and survival mechanics.
example, Cannibals and survivors in the outlying areas are numerous but poorly armed.
Inner boston however, has U.S. Army remnants that are extremely well armed and will hunt you down and wreck your shit.
Survival mechanics include the standard stuff, but stimpaks and radaways make you thirsty and hungry, and drinking straight groundwater will give you cholera

>Breaks all the precombined meshes
>Enjoy your literal sub 20 FPS in Boston
>actually isn't all that difficult, Frost's idea of difficulty is having everyone one-shot each other
Frost is a meme, Horizon is where it's at

>Todd flat out says it sucks in a recent interview
You know that meme about Todd being a liar, it's not a meme for no reason.

>tipping intensifies

Does it remove the main quest though?

Because you're getting old, fag.

No, but you can just install Start Me Up for that. It even removes all references in the game to you looking for your baby.

thanks for reminding me why NV's quests were so good

gonna replay it after i finish dredging through the endless bland/boring repetitive side quests in my first playthrough of 4. i want to like it, really badly, but nothing about fallout 4 makes me want to come back to play it.

Because Bethesda.

And because Fallout 4 is an open world shooter with Fallout brand while Fallout: New Vegas was an actual Fallout game with roleplaying emphasis.