What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
fat chance, queer
Yellow fever
>Fucking your boss's daughter.
>Fucking the president of the United States daughter.
He was smart enough to not open that can of worms.
What, she can't have a boyfriend because her dad is the president?
Because thats mixing your job with your own personal affairs, wich is a no-no
Is there a bigger soyboy than leon in vidya?
>Presidents daughter kidnapped
>Send 1 guy
He is, was and will always be, a huge fag
He is retarded.
Is that true. I've heard that a lot but I recently got a job and there's this girl who likes me who helps me out a lot and compliments me and stuff. I don't rally cre about dating her I just want to fuck her and lose my virginity
it works everytime
>fucking the presidents daughter
im sure the president wouldnt mind that the guy he sent personally to find his daughter also fucked her
>2: You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
It's a proven strategy. It's like a ninja movie. If there's a hundred dudes, then they're obviously going to lose, but if there's only one, you better watch the fuck out because he's a badass.
>Injected with mind-controlling parasite
>Slaughtered hundreds of people
Men do have their limits.
Bitch isn't even attractive.
Even less after rescuing her worthless ass over a few days work.
Negatory, queer
He's not a fag
He's a professional. Women will NEVER understand this.
They think with their uterus and nothing else. Men have higher aspirations. We are elevated beyond our animal instincts. Women are stupid fucking apes.
>Men have higher aspirations
You mean "muh Ada"
>w-wait user you're a virgin? Whoopsies something came up b-bye!
or 2 if you have a player2
Las Plagas.
He didn't want to get that sloppy second
>Sent a secret service agent with 2 cops
>2 cops died
>Sent a chopper
>It got shot down
>Sent another chopper
>It got shot down too
>president gets kidnapped
>send 2 bad dudes
Not one bit buckaroo.
Was she raped?
According to older lore T-virus is supposed to sterile the host but las plagas might be different
He is a pro. Also no way fag.
Not a chance, fancypants.
Both of these.
Still the best
>you don't shit where you eat
Leon is a wise man
wish he kept his jacket
Thankfully in the PC version you could use a trainer to swap your costume to have the jacket.
user the president isnt forever in power
Just sayin, I would destroy ashley and even rape her in the midst of my mission
this is impressive
I am good very,
thank you for sending the person
She was small time
Unlikely, poofter.
That second sentence reads like something out of Ulysses.
no we cenot do this, niger
Anyone know if the books of the CGI films have an English translation? Would settle for a fan translation.
cough cough James Bond, the face of masculinity cough
This is bullshit Hibana doesn't look like a damn lizard here
I don't know guys you tell me.
wtf I'm horny now
He loves Ada, naturally, he can't feel romantic affection for anyone else.
That's for a career, not whatever menial bullshit you're doing at a grocery store.
>then er massive fuckin tits sag bounce a little
Aww ye bbe everytyme
sexbot midna when
>there is absolutely zero percent chance of that happening, homosexual
Is there any word on a RE2MAKE?
Has anyone ever considered that Leon is just not a breasts kind of guy? Ada is alright, but her chest and bum are rather slight compared to the usual RE affair. Even Sherry was bigger in RE2 ffs
leon is all about them feetz
I know a lot of people complain that the Island section of RE4 is a step down compared to the Castle and the Village sections, but I still think it's at least an 8.5 or a 9 out of 10.
Memorable sections:
>"It" boss fight
>Krauser boss fight
>Behind the truck on-rails section
>The entire Saddler fight and the speedboat exit
Even the Mike section is memorable. The only problem with the Mike section is that it dragged on for too long and was too reliant on throwing enemies your way.
>tfw I used to think this was funny
holy fuck man
I like the Island section in general, but it hasn't got the hidden shit that the village had and it's much more linear. Backtracking for treasures and stuff was fun.
>taking advantage of a traumatised girl
No way fag
>Its at least almost perfect to almost perfect out of perfect
I dont mean to be a dick but 5 means average.
Know eho has LOVELY feet and legs? Jill.
Well, the island section is anything but average.
It's at least very good (an 8.5 out of 10) or extremely good (9 out of 10).
A 9.5 out of 10 would be near perfect, but it's not near perfect. There are at least 4-5 combat scenarios that are just meh in the island, like that double button section before Saddler.
>hey mr. president, hope you don’t mind me sleeping with your daughter -luv Leon
i still love that cat part though
Do you cum all over your paperwork before handing it over to your boss?
Yet Leon let Ada get away with the Plagas sample because he wants to fuck her.
Is Mike meant to be really that useless in Professional?
It took him like ten minutes to get rid of a single turret blocking my path and after that he does absolutely nothing.
Imo visually the Island is really bland. Especially after the Castle. They could have done more with the industrial design and less brown trench warfare.
we cenot do this, niger
As soon as possible.
Yeah same for me on pro mode. But by that point I had a decked out Red, bolt action and TMP with their ultimates unlocked also the starting shotty.
On pro mode the adaptive difficulty is turned off so the game does everything to make your life difficult