What are some good modern JRPGs that look like anime? None of that chibi shit please.
What are some good modern JRPGs that look like anime? None of that chibi shit please
we rae anime
Example of what I'm looking for.
How modern? Gen 8 only?
Example of what I'm not looking for.
Eternal Sonata
>Ys 8 is fine
>Ys 7 is not
Also, Frieda > Laxative
Avoiding "chibi shit" means you'd have to ignore all bar about two Ys games, including all the best ones. Why would you do that?
Cold Steel
Xenoblade Chronicles
didn´t know that ys had this good character models/graphics.
I mean if you compare this to tales of faggots it´s like miles above.
It's impressive considering it's a Vita port, certainly.
Only YS8 and Cold Steel 3 have anything close to the level of models you're referring to. And the OP isn't even better than Berseria.
>this good character models/graphics.
I'm sorry, are we looking at the same picture? That looks like absolute garbage.
The Vita has fantastic graphics though.
I don't really see the difference between "chibi shit" and that screenshot
xenoblade chronicles. the FIRST ONE, not X or 2
Fantastic for a handheld release in 2011, you mean.
Chibi as in super-deformed, presumably. Where the proportions are wildly unrealistic, the head and/or hands are about the same size as the rest of the body, that sort of thing.
Tales games.
Star ocean.
Atelier games.
Honestly there are more anime themed JRPGs than chiby ones nowadays.
>Star ocean.
So you think op´s pic look like this?
Dunno user but alone from the colours and other shit that character models look much better than this.
> That looks like absolute garbage
the over world textures and shit, for a ps4 game yes, for a vita game dunno.
The character model? Hell no.
>op start a rec me games you bitches thread
>you do it like subhuman cucks
What's your fucking point, nerd?
Well the OP said "good", hence the greentext.
this board went to shit, just start coming less and less here and you will be fine
Atelier games are good, numale
Are the Tales game even worth it? I've always read the stories are cliche ridden shit, and the visuals look like a mess while in battle, full of unnaturally colorful designs. But Berseria kind of looks better, and it has great reviews.
Don't think there has been a single good Tales of game.
I've only played Symphonia and its sequel. Symphonia was worth it. The sequel was pure trash.
I suggest starting with Symphonia, because I hear that the later games spoil you mechanically, so it's difficult to go back for that reason. By starting with Symphonia, you can get the joy of playing a good game, and then moving on to a game with better mechanics.
I actually do think it looks better overall yes, especially in the clothes department. The color palette is different so that's up to anyone's taste but things like cloth/face textures look a lot cleaner. Skin tone and how its shown in the OP might be why you think its better, I'll put that in the "up to anyone's taste" as well.
>guy who likes to play as little girls in bad games calls others "numale"
I played xillia, and will probably never play a tales of game again.
- animations are shit tier
- story had its ups and downs and was sometimes really good, in some stuff way to obvious but in the end it wasn´t thad bad
- the characters were the most cliche characters I´ve ever seen in this game. People bitch about ff13 because of that, I can´t understand it, but tales of whew. This shit was so fucking shit. Here are some examples:
MC has a childhood friend, which joins you and there were never that much of romance between you and her, because main focus is mila. Still in the end "I love you jude". Literall typical "tomboyish childhood friend". The whole characters are just basic archetypes without anything.
The whole overworld is just like flyff or any other mmojrpg.
I would never play it again.
Play Abyss if you want a good story.
Characters were always an embarrassment in the franchise however the map thing you pointed out was the cancer that started in Xillia and went onto other games. Pre-xillia tales had an overworld, linear maps that you could explore and just better dungeons, towns, etc overall.
Who is that qt
Xenoblade 2.
Then you never knew what chibi meant in the first place
these designs are seriously making me cringe... do you guys like them in an ironic way?
No, stop being a beta cuck, please.
I could ask you the same thing about whatever games and character designs you like, but the fact remains that you like them yes?
I agree with him. The designs are just awful. But it's impossible to get through to tasteless wifufags. So easily manipulated by a bit of cleavage and big anime eyes. You'd eat up anything that uguu~ed your way.
I like them with my dick mostly.
But yeah, as a long-time weeb I can't really watch most anime/play most anime games unironically, they are aimed at 14 year olds after all.
Could you elaborate on why you think the designs are bad at all?
>Taking the bait
It's like you think you can convince them.
I'm just trying to understand what the hell is wrong with them.
>what the hell is wrong with them
unironically pic related
I really can't be bothered, as I've written lengthy explanations before, and I just get the stock defensive answers.
>"It's not supposed to be real!"
>"If you don't like it, go back to [western game I don't even play, but the assumption is that I do]!"
I'll give you the talking points though:
-Too busy with too many abstraction shapes and adornments
-Looks like high fashion you'd see on a runway, not at all fitting for an adventure.
you're the one who likes big titties waifu bait and yet call others beta cuck. Ironic.
i like them ironically
Anything with a remotely "anime" art-style just have certain connotations and baggage attached to them. It's easier to view it all under an "umbrella" if you don't "get" it.
Xenoblade 2, releasing this Friday.
>muh realism
Jesus Christ, son, just how boring are you?
Ok, then what games do you even play, given your requirements?
Then it's just a matter of taste and/or not being acclimated to Japanese character design. They generally work "backwards", aiming to make characters visually appealing to their audience first, then layer the thematic elements on top after. Naturally the impracticality of it all kicks in, but as you play more and more Japanese games you get desensitized to it all and stop taking it seriously. At the end of the day, how seriously you take the characters in Japanese games tends to end up hinging on they're actually written and characterized.
So in short, one gets used to the ridiculousness of Japanese character designs over time until you unconsciously separate their visual appearance from their actual character. In that sense our bar far "acceptable practicality" is drastically lowered as it eventually stops bothering us like it still does you. Don't get me wrong, it's still nice to see when they go to the effort to make a practical design that's also visually attractive, but either way it rarely lessens what we think of the characters at the end of it all. We get a little eye-candy, but also well written characters.
I haven't touched a JRPG in years. Not one released after 2008 anyway. They no longer appeal to me. They all have the same poor aesthetic choices that turn me off.
Although, admittedly, I might have massed a few good ones. I was talking to someone the other day, and he recommended a couple RPGs that looked pleasing. Although, I'm blanking on their names at the moment. I'll have to try and remember them and get back to you. I think they were both Xbox 360 games.
[insert western game here]
>on they're actually written and characterized.
on how they're actually written and characterized* sorry.
I'll add that it's not to say all characters in Japanese games with anime art-styles are well written. Far from it in fact. But it means instead that yes, character designs across the board in "anime" art-styles share common elements (the large eyes, trend towards "cuteness, etc), but it doesn't define them as a game overall either. But getting used to it does help you judge whether or not the actual game behind the visuals is good or not if you don't immediately write it off on account of its character design. But of course, that means you'll have to cross that initial "barrier" of discomfort/dislike for anime character design, and that's not something everyone can nor wants to do which is fair enough. The metrics for what constitutes a "well designed" character just differs between the East and West design culture.
You should go play Xenoblade X. Or wait till they port it to the Switch.
Fuck modern JRPGs! Are the Wild Arms games good? Should I start with 1 or 3?
Nice theory there. Only problem is, it all hinges on the idea that I haven't played many Japanese games. Which I have. I loves many of the JRPGs from the SNES to the Gamecube/PS2 era. For the most part, their designs were complete abstract highfashion garbage that you see today. The highfashion shit became the norm in the last 10-15 years.
So to me, this idea that you need to be acclimated to Japanese designs is pure bullshit. I've been consuming Japanese media since I was little. And you can't fit all styles under the same "Japanese" umbrella. There is plenty of variety. It just so happens that JRPGs use shity artstyles.
Potato faces aside, I did like the look of that one. But the gameplay videos made me lose interest. Jogging in that big field, and the attacking giant enemies in what looked to be the most unsatisfying passive manner. It looked like a single player MMO to me.
You get a fucking giant robot that can turn into a fucking car midway in the game, I don't know what more do you want.
Well, you just discounted the majority of DQ series.
Isn't that just the case where your tastes have just diverged from the changing trends in Japan? I'm generalizing a bit sure, but I'm definitely referencing the design trends that kicked in starting around the mid 2000s, not so much "Japanese designs" as a whole across gaming's history. Or maybe you've just outgrown them. Not aligning with your tastes doesn't mean their inherently bad either.
>Too busy with too many abstraction shapes and adornments
>Looks like high fashion you'd see on a runway, not at all fitting for an adventure.
Yeah, who in real life would ever wear something like th...
Wow, so MMOs have mounts?! Whoa... Now I'm sold.
When did you become so jaded? It's pretty sad.
I've played most of them. I'd say the majority are forgettable but if I had to recommend three from the ones I've played I'd say.
>Tales of Vesperia
>Tales of Xillia 2
>Tales of Symphonia
The rest are pretty meh. I didn't include Abyss because no amount of late character development excuses how much of an annoying twat the MC was for 99% of the game.
Tales is very "B-tier" franchise. Enjoyable but very flawed. Berseria was alright, just make sure you get it on sale and play it with a controller. Don't be a madman like me and play it with M+KB.
>Good story
I will never understand this meme. I'll have to chalk it up to nostalgia. One of the worst MC's in the series. I'll take Velvet's edge any day over Luke's mangina.
Play 5, the western kino
>Doesn't even show how fancy the sword is
The Katzbalger was swag as fuck.
Sometimes trends are bad. JRPGs became incetuous with it's art. At first, they were like WRPGs, only with a Japanese flavor. But then JRPGs started using other JRPGs as their reference point. So what spawned lost its grounding. It mutated into something grotesque. Now instead of a stylish warrior, you have a high fashion runway model wielding the spine of a michael bay transformer as a sword.
That looks retarded though. Thank you for supporting my point.
Can't fucking wait.
So in other words you just don't like it because you don't like it.
Look... I was excited for the vehicles. That's one of the things that made me pay attention. But after the initial gameplay video, all interest plummeted. I'm not jaded. I'm simply not interested in that style of gameplay.
You can change your characters armor in Xenoblade 2, right? I'm honestly upset how weak the base armor design is.
Nope, they funneled that budget to making more Rare Blades instead.
You may disagree with me. But don't diminish the points I've made. I've given you a reasonable explanation for why I think the art looks bad. Can you really not grasp it?
I just finished Abyss and I loved it. I also started on Zestiria and I don't like it at all, I'm about to drop it. There are some good tales games, from what I'm told the best are Symphonia, Abyss, Vespiria, and Berseria
I GET it, but I don't share your opinion either so there's not much left to say. We go our separate ways.
I hope you're joking right? I fucking hate his design.
Zestiria is the 3rd shittiest Tales honestly. Apart from it and the other 2 all others range from decent to pretty good.
I'm not joking. They confirmed this already in the recent previews of the game various sites/youtubers did.
Use other characters then.
Zestiria is the literal bottom of the barrel for the franchise. Drop it ASAP
>At first, they were like WRPGs, only with a Japanese flavor.
What are you getting at? If you mean to say JRPGs were originally influenced by western table top games and early PC RPGs then sure but that is also their divergence point. The nips took the barebones D&D framework of an RPG and always put their own spin on it from the beginning. You could say the same thing about the difference between American/Canadian made RPGs and European ones. They differ in their own ways and have always fed their own perspective of the genre. Ever since they established the DQ formula for RPGs they have been basing many of their titles off that template. The waifu shit that game after is more a product of it's time rather than some rift between JRPG and WRPGs. Not that Western RPGs and littered with waifu shit of their own.
>those eyes
You may not agree that they're bad designs. But would you agree that those designs are a tonal shift away from older designs? And that they are relatively more abstract?
I still have to see it in cutscenes and stuff. Hopefully they sell DLC costumes by the time I get a Switch.
I'm curious, what about the gameplay makes Berseria any better? It looks like a reskin of Zestiria.
That goes without saying
Yes and no. For one thing Berseria assigns artes to the face buttons instead of requiring directional-input+button like Zestiria does. It also has a weird "soul" system that's best looked up rather than me explaining it. Other than that it's not much different than Zestiria. At least the camera is much improved.
Speaking of Dragon Quest. If you look back to the old designs, what do you see? Practical dress done with a Japanese flavor. Actually, even today, Dragon Quest is one of the few games that actually still sticks to grounded designs. Because, thank Toriyama, he still has that flavor from yesteryear.
Look at pic related. A simple tunic, leather, chainmail, plate... All very grounded. The most ornate piece of armor in this image has less detail and ornaments than current standard character designs.