Valkyria Chronicles

This cheeky motherfucker rolls up out of the river next to you and charges straight into your main camp, what the fuck do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:


>pick a scout
>activate demolition order

Psssh...nothin personnel gallians

Suddenly 4 shocktroopers

Literally just beat this mission the first time a few minutes ago. I drove Edelweiss up to the main camp to clear out the defenders and cover the approach of my scouts.

>next turn starts
>enemy reinforcements have arrived!
>FIVE fucking soldiers pop into existence in the enemy camp
>expect them to run round my tank and maul my scouts to death
>each one takes a single step forward, gets shot by Edelweiss' MG and stops
>my turn starts
>single mortar shell into the enemy camp
>scout comes out from behind Weiss, walks past the pile of dead infantry and occupies the camp

I think I actually quite like this game, strategy isn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be.

>strategy isn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be

There is a reason why the rabid VC1fags are scared of VC 2 and 3.

>run to the side
>shoot the back from an insane angle
>instantly win
Nothin personnel

>activates defense orders
Nothin' personnel, inps.

Woof. That's a lot of different dudes.

>strategy isn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be
That's because it's not strategy.


Okay, but it feels like strategy. Please let me have this.

How do you like your Alicia?

VC2 went full retard with the classes


I couldn't afford old cemetery man's special order when he offered it me before, and now I'm back with enough XP he won't teach me it? Fuck.

That sniper order isn't super useful is it?

Rush past them with a scout and touch a flag
They surrender to me right after

Such a massive let down
I was all hyped for careful planning on the battlefield and the whole game boils down to rushing and ignoring enemy, and you get punished if you dont

Outside of Fencers being the new Scout Rush and Anthem being useless, a lot of them were great editions though.

I hate the melee units too but Scouts being able to specilialize on combat or roushing, Shocktroopers being able to specialize on charging at the enemy or providing defence and support fire, and the other specializations were great.

his orders are RNG.

if you want them all you need to save before you finish a chapter, then go to the next one, if he doesnt have an order you reload and repeat

Did this Dom bitch peg Homer?

Demolition, Double movement

You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Shoot his sister.

>even underwear comes with lore

its ridiculous how much lore they made

Thanks, good to know I didn't miss out permanently on anything.

Is it worth not using all the xp on training then in order to have some saved up for orders?

How to Valkyria Chronicles 3 in English:

First get ppsspp to emulate.
Then find a iso of Valkyria Chronicles 3 Extra Eddition
Then patch with this:
vc3translationproject DOT
Alternatively, you can find prepatched isos if you google.

It's best played with a controller, but ppsspp also has keyboard support.

Visual Improvements:
Here's a video and some settings to improve the visuals a bit:
postimg DOT org/image/qm6tmayr5/

get the 60 fps code and lod removal codes from the ppsspp forum too
forums DOT
forums DOT
>I've already got the ISOs, but how do I use those codes?
Start the emulator, go into settings and under system turn on cheats.
Next start the game you want to modify, press esc and select cheats from the right menu. Next select edit cheat file and copy and paste all the codes in there. Save the file and close it. Next select cheats again; if you did it right the cheats will appear as a list of options.

>why are you spoonfeeding?
More people actually playing 3 instead of looking at that one image and screaming "WEABOO EDGY" can only bring more positive things to the valkyria chronicles discussions in the next couple of weeks.

It oversaturates the classes. In VC1 each class had a clear role and place on the battlefield. You need a tank killed in VC1 you call a Lancer.
In VC2? Elite Lancer, Mobile Lancer, Mauler, AT Sniper, and Tech mines. You can basically turn any class to be anti anything.
Some people might enjoy it, but for me it ruins the whole purpose of having classes at all.

>Chilling with my fellow Imperials in some spitfuck of a town we've occupied
>Settling in, finally have a few machine guns and tanks up and running
>Glorious Flag fluttering in the breeze

>Rumbling in the distance
>Its some Gallian faggots with two shitty looking tanks
>Scattering of infantry looks like, but we easily outnumber them 10 to 1 at least
>Snipers, machine guns, a couple anti-tanks, yeah we can deal with this no probl-
>They have a scout
>They have a motherfucking scout

>The next 10 minutes are a hell of bodies, screaming and blood as the damn Gallians just sit at the far edge of our camp while a single woman runs around at sanic speeds headshotting all our soldiers, blowing up our tanks from behind and captures our flag all by herself

Why are we still here?

You could look at it another way and say that the focused classes in VC1 was severely limiting. You had only a few real options to deal with specific threats unless you abused orders, which could cost way more CP than just using the right class. It also opens more tactical depth because enemies also get those extra classes which means you need to take extra care and make sure you aren't throwing yourself into an unwinnable situation

>You need a tank killed in VC1 you call a Lancer.
Or you place a demolition order on a shocktrooper or scout, have them go behind the tank, and shoot it in the radiator. Far enough in, you'll have Alicia do this, because Alicia is the best unit in the goddamn game.

Here's your (you)

This is an order!

Was this you?


someone explain this autistic blue nut for me, please

>wasting extra command points on orders for scout or st when lancer can oneshot a tank for a cost of 1

sure, you can also clear the map using artillery support / sniper support orders but what the fucking point?

>inb4 muh short range of lancer movement

ln2 fucking tactics and propper positioning

This isn't that far-fetched, if you just got a message that your HQ fell then most of the grunts in the trenches would give up

in order to get the lancer into position behind the tank i would need to spend as much CP as just using a scout with a couple orders

No but that's basically what happened.

Are the orders you get random because I got nothing useful early and I think I used orders maybe three times in total.

I tried so hard not to abuse the Alicia, but those A rankings were stronger...

As someone playing through the game the first time I'm not too unhappy about this, it helps to know there's a broken mechanic I can rely on if playing normally doesn't work out



Just popping in this thread to say after fuckloads of attempts, I finally just beat chapter 7!
No deaths, 17 turns.
I had never encountered the valkyrie girl until this attempt and she scared the shit out of me.
This level felt like a casual filter.
Does it get easier for awhile?
This shit stressed me out.

Mission 7 is a casual filter. But you can relax for a while, next couple of missions are more normal.

truly, a modern sun tzu

I didn't even realise Alicia was this OP.

>"class" veteran
>"class" elite
huh really makes you think

Thank god, cheers user.

>literally part of the main plot

with children

In the VC thread on 2ch they call her psycho baker or invincible baker

>you get punished if you dont
The punishment of playing the game exactly the way you wanted.

I like her.

she should have a serious expression like that of of a cold blooded killer

Oh oh oh, you misleading asshole.

This game actually has great replay value. Once you scout abused your way to A rank on every mission, and completed the game, you have so much $$$ you no longer care about it, or ratings because you already have a perfect record.

I still play it now after getting every cheevo, but slugging through every mission with tank supported by infantry. Sure it takes like 30 turns and I get shit rating but it feels more authentic.

Yeah. Ever since VC4 was anounced, I've been replaying through 1 with my NG+ save. It's great! I feel like I have the tactical flexibility to play maps how I want to play them (with some exceptions) and am having a great time. Bounding fire with two shock troopers is great fun.

rip isara i wanted 2 fuck u so bad :(((

Distract him with some exotic fish.

threadly reminder

>dicking the Darcsen


Have you tried the rebalance mod?

I want to fuck /k/-chan!


Let me suck on dem sniper titties, babe.

>the third one
I'm gonna get nightmares

Pregnant and with big lactating titties.

Riela a best

Honestly it doesn't even need to be Alicia, though her massive movement and ability to flat out ignore suppressing fire makes her genuinely gamebreakingly good.

The game was kind of ruined for me once I discovered that abusing scouts was essentially the only way to A-rank missions and there was absolutely no incentive to killing enemies other than the ones between you and their flag. EVERY scout has bullshit high movement meaning they can all cross basically the entire map in a single turn on their own, and even a small amount of savescumming means almost EVERY mission is over in 1-3 turns of you just charging a single infantry unit through the mission and park them on the cap right after.

Hell Alicia specifically is so broken that you can actually beat Selvaria's boss mission in a single turn, FROM THE MISSION START AREA, by just boosting Alicia's accuracy and crit and sniping the bitch from your spawn.

>Hell Alicia specifically is so broken that you can actually beat Selvaria's boss mission in a single turn, FROM THE MISSION START AREA, by just boosting Alicia's accuracy and crit and sniping the bitch from your spawn.

You can do that better using actual snipers from the spawn position. Scouts being broken isn't really related for that particular mission.

>no incentive to killing enemies other than the ones between you and their flag
Not entirely true, you get bonus XP for killing Leader enemies, tanks, and Aces, in addition to the weapons you get from Aces. However the XP you get from A-ranks is massive compared to the amount you get from killing enemies, so you can nit kill them and still come out fine.

Why didn't Lelouch just fuck Selvaria to make an army of Valkyrias for his revenge against the Empire? Seems like a better idea than autistically getting yourself killed in a war against a non-country.

>translator's note: kawaii means cute

>Started VC3 a while ago
>Delayed beating it because of work
>Finally getting around to it
>Realize I am on the Riela route

Please tell me I don't have to go through the whole game again after beating it to do Imca.

Is there anyway to play VC2 and 3 with mouse controls?

>desert trench hopping map, expect enemy to stay hunkered down and start making a slow advance on them
>kill a sniper, scout, and lancer on turn one, end turn
>enemy has 11 actions
>spends all points sprinting three lancers halfway across the map through two nests of shocktroopers and scouts to get in range of welkin
>if they run out of movement or get hit, they snipe from a million miles away and still hit him
>welkin dies on turn one at his starting position because I didn't rush my squad past their wall of machine guns to assassinate their lancers
I like this game, but the AI makes it hard for me to not just scout cheese to avoid lancer spam like this and that awful forest map.

He may have died of old age before the offspring were old enough to legally go to war

Put two fucking snipers on the elevated bench to the right, run an engineer to them and then snipe into fucking oblivion everything that is not a tank

It's too late, I just brought six scouts and sprinted at dudes and headshot them. Apparently that stops the first turn lancer rush.

Can't the fucking difficulty be changed in ps4? I want to make it harder

goes into the reason why he invaded gallia, and why gallia won against such an empire.

Quote myself from the last thread >>that always bothered me
>>how can a small no-name face the wrath of some huge empire with superior numbers and weapons?

>What is Vietnam and Afghanistan
>But in the case of valkyria chronicles, it was imperial politics. Taking gallia, and it's vast ragnite resources, was a political move by maximillian, a bastard heir to the imperial throne, to secure his position in the big boys club. So as EW2 starts, he takes his relativity small army, and invades Gallia for a simple win. Progress gets slowed in the first couple of months.
>He leans on his power and asks for more reinforcements, which he is given. A couple more months. The imps are pushed back to Ghirlandaio. At this point, I'm assuming the powers at be are incredibly frustrated at the men, material, and money Max has taken and wasted on this invasion and his shitty valkyria and other shitty projects.
>Max then throws a fit, takes the highly secretive joint Marmota project and steamrolls it right into Randgriz. At this point he's on his own. Gets a fuckhuge weapon, and blows himself up with it.
>At this point, the greater war of EW2 is at a standstill, with some losses in the north and some gains in the south. At this point, especially with their losses in the north right by Gallia, continuing the war might tip that front into a complete rout for the imperials and a breakout for the fedies. Also they must have realized at this point that after their intitial failure to capture gallia, they are extremely lucky gallia didn't just throw in with the feds and give THEM all their ragnite instead.

>So they signed a treaty and called it a loss.

VC1 has no diffculty settings for the campaign- just the skirmish missions. VC3 added difficulty settings, but I can't remember what they actually changed. But at least this means VC4 will have difficulty settings too- if what they said about learning and applying lessons from VC3 is any indication.


>Scale 1:19,000,000

This is what japs think romance is



Shoot the darcsen scum of course

I bought Revolution because it was only 15 bucks. Ignoring that it's not really a VC game, does it at least play well?

okay then

>bunch of high ranking officials sitting on one area
>hans has one shot left before he bleeds to death
>could shoot any of the commanders or even one of the generals to turn the tide of the war
>shoots the only darcsen

what did they mean by this?

Going to be a hard question to awnser- most fans of the series stayed away from that game on principle. Not sure any of us have actually given it a fair shot. I never will, at least.

Coming from a guy who beat the game on hard. If you're gonna play on hard then get ready for damage sponge bosses and not very amazing gameplay

So is Largo and Rosie but that doesn't tell me I can abuse them.

>Belgium are the good guys

Not in this damn timeline.

God I want to force Imca to watch Darcsens get burned alive by Imps.

Man, the shift in shitposting from hating vc3 to darcens is a really odd turn.

>best girl contender ruined by being canonically impure

So close to being being best girl

Great... now i want doujinishi rape about her!