Why does Japan keep doing this?
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The demographic they want to appeal to are kids/teenagers/manchildren
Japanese people are way more respectful of their elders than most countries. Happiest seniors in the entire world.
enjoy youth while it lasts
then they become gears in the machine
Once you get out of high school in Japland, all you have to look forward to is getting drunk with your boss and stumbling home to a child you forgot you had and a wife you don't even like anymore.
Almost like Persona is for children.
kys personafaggot kys kys kys kkyyyysssssssss
I want to FUCK Ryuji.
>false flag
It's in everything though.
Anime is full of it, especially mecha.
Why do people like this bait so much
4 C H A N
>everything I disagree with is bait
>grow old
>miss youth
>become bitter
Guess who the target audience of mecha anime normally is.
Pretty much only in anime, which makes sense because Persona 5's story is written for people with the intelligence of seasonal anime watchers.
Kids and middleaged plamo/garage kit owners?
Being an adult is pretty depressing.
How do we stop these smartass kids?
Every new generation seems to think they know best, when they're just fucking retards who don't know shit.
What did he mean by this?
Why does Persona 5 keep doing this?
Japan is a deeply weird culture, just like the rest of the world.
>All the adult confidants are good people
What was Ryuji trying to infer here?
Instead of growing up, they'd rather attack figures that represent maturity and responsibility. Same reason why young people hate conservatives.
Ryuji did nothing wrong. Why Persona games like shitting on bro characters so much, each of them have pretty much fucked up life. Junpei loses his girl and is treated like shit by SEES, Yosuke is hated because his father owns a supermarket, Ryuji gets his leg broken and rest of his team hates him for actually not being a fucking pussy. Why?
>implying you didn't think so at age of fifteen
It's a phase that passes, rebellion is something yound people need. Look what's happening right now, in times when everything is allowed rebellion is disallowing.
Yeah, Persona really failed as mean for escapism.
False flag for fucking what?
In Japan, you start adulthood at 11-13 . Are middle aged by 17-18. At 20, you are old and rotten. If you aren't married with kids passed 20, you must commit sudoku.
I'm 15 hours into this game and I have to say, while the intro was shorter, holy FUCK do they screw with the pace WAY too often.
Why the living fuck do I have to get a dialogue prompt every single time I approach a puzzle, enter a safe room, see a treasure chest, all that shit?
What fucking purpose is there to making me wait an extra goddamn day to finish the goddamn dungeon when I'm already prepared to finish it that day?
P3 and 4 at least let me climb floors in peace with minimal interruption, albeit those games takes WAY too goddamn long to get started
Is this what personababs want in their games? Fuck dude I like the game so far but I will never understand how Atlus consistently learns and then unlearns from their mistakes
>finally bought last week
Is rape pretty much legal in Japan or are they all just fucking assholes, you stopped a woman from getting raped now everyone hates you
>OP literally can't into subtext
More news at 11
t. Socrates
user... I started the game last night and it's already pretty clear the guy is pretty rich and powerful and was able to get his way
People dont like Yosuke because he's an obnoxious dickhole to people. Ryuji gets shit on because he doesn't think things through before blurting some dumb shit out
Because Anime and the majority of Japanese Video Games are designed for children.
Most Westerners are man-children.
>someone has power
>they use it to do evil
>they crush anyone who dares to oppose them
People in high places are pretty fucked up very often, read Jeffrey Archer's Prison Diary, story of one of inmates from first prison he was in is in the third part, I think, with guy's suicide note. What's more crazy, it's all actually true.
Because they know pathetic western manchildren like yourself lap that shit up.
>implying there is such a thing as a japanese child
Even as a kid I hated Kids Next Door for this annoying theme
Shido did fuck up
Because they’re right
because the older generation really fucked everything up in japan. the inhuman working culture of current japan was not always a thing.
Underage b&
I'm not talking about fans hating Yosuke, I'm talking about people of Inaba. Yosuke is an obnoxious dickhole, but reason why people don't like him is because his father is manager of Junes. After all, it seems like he's a friend of Chie before Yu shows up, so he isn't that bad of a person.
they're right tho
Because anime is trash made for teenagers.
What is the source of your claims?
I don't get it
>He introduces makoto to the team
>Nothing wrong
The first two palaces have this tutorial level feel.
I'm a teenager and I don't like Persona
Because Japanese adult life fucking sucks. Your job is literally your life. Your co-workers are your family and your boss decides everything. This is the social structure in that country. They work from sun up to sun down. The worse part is, Japanese workers are incredibly fucking inefficient. They focus more on looking like they're busy instead of actually getting shit done. Another thing because the Japs want to maintain a social order, Japanese adults are expected to stay quiet and suck it up. They generally don't really talk about their feelings so they're all miserable on the inside. I've heard Japanese adult life is a prison
Play Pesona 2 EP. The adults in the game deal with being an adult just fine. Even Chirs/Reiji form P1 got his life together and became a good man. Neets not waiting to grow up hold Persona back today.
>Makoto following me around pretending to read manga
CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to find what you love. Maya love being a reporter. It's their fault if someone can't decide what they want to do in life.
Japanese culture is super restrictive. It's only natural that plots like P5's resonate with the youth.
God knows they need some social upheaval.
He's an adult user, he knows what he's doing. You're just a teenager who was being rude
Nice Kirari user.
I wonder how all the MCs form each Persona game interactions with each other would be like?
They'd probably just look at eachother and not say anything.
For sure Yu would be the womanizer of the group and Joker would give tons of smug. Door-kun would be dead.
"Nice to know we're all cool and not some fat dudes with no social life"
Yu and Joker would spend the entire time making fun of P1boy and Tatsuya/Maya for not being able to use multiple personas
Japanese place social structure and order above their own feelings. Which I don't disagree with but bottling everything up for the sake of pretending to be nice has a bad effect on your mental stability.
They can use multiple personas user. They can use their persona in the real world too. What you been smoking?
Their life sucks because they make it shit for themselves. If a foreigner or someone who isn't subject to peer pressure lived there they'd have a much better time
Why did everyone shit on him at every opportunity? Especially morgana
Designated comedy relief, like every nu-persona bro character.
ask the writer
>implying that wouldn't happen to you in the west if you did it to a corrupt politician and there were no witnesses
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” - Sokrates
is this supposed to made me feel good about current generation? because it may does
Morgana is the worst character in a team of decent characters.
I honestly would have not minded Morgana never coming back if we could replace him with someone else.
The most I used him for was out of battle healing.
While Ryuji might have meant well, he can be rather annoying, Mona too. At least Ann and Yusuke will fuck off and do their own thing.
>t.never played P1/P2
Think of it as Persona team saying sorry to the youth of Japan, sincerely from the older generation
When are they going to stop putting mascot characters in this goddamn series? Koromaru was cool because he wasn't forced on you and he was just a cool dog but Teddie was fucking annoying any EVERYONE knows it.
I have no fucking clue why Morgana had to be a part of the game and have the exact same shitty character arc as Teddie with the whole "I wanna be a real human" thing.
What if the next Persona mascot character was Jack Frost himself?
Say that to my face and not online and see what happens
HEE-HO mai nigga!
>If a foreigner or someone who isn't subject to peer pressure lived there they'd have a much better time
You have to understand they are pressured from the moment they are born. They do it to each other. I could never thrive in that culture. I need work life balance
Name a flaw
I enjoyed her personality in the metaverse but outside of it she is pretty boring.
Junes is supposed to be one of those big box stores driving mom and pop shops out of business with their fair prices and deals. Many of the business owners of Inaba hate Yosuke because he's the manager's son who's store is driving everyone out of business.
Generic mary sue who is so bland the only way she can look smart is if everyone else magically becomes incompetent.
Is Haru the least interesting character in Persona history?
We're talking about Makoto, not Naoto, silly.
>Mary Sue
More like Really Cute
She isn't Kawakami
Oh boy, you're in for a treat.
>plot device
>stupid mask
>ultimate persona is shit but all apart from Satanael and Kamu Susano-o are, so doesn't matter much in the end
>awful Confidant
>autism and unable to handle banter
>for a tactician she doesn't really do much
>can't toy with her feelings in confidant because of autism
>despite all those things she still is poster girl for Phantom Thieves and gets most of the screentime
And I don't even hate her with such passion like most anti-Makotofags, but still, from PT she is the worst girl.
Everyone else became stupid the moment she joined. Without her Ryuji was doing fine, suddenly he's supposed to be some drooling retard while queen makoto is the only reason heists succeed.
That's not Yukiko