Why did we hate her again, Sup Forums?
Why did we hate her again, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums just has bad taste in general
who stills plays overwatch?
>i find it fucking cancer
I'm not overly fond of her generic hacker quotes ("Hack the planet!"). They're super cheesy and pander to people who like Hollywood Hacker nonsense. However, most of the other characters in the game have generic quotes as well.
Though, I do like her design. I'm a fan of the neon trim and her hairstyle (Don't judge me. I like side cuts). She also has some decent alternate skins.
>Sombra will never BOOP you.
Why live?
Hack the planet is literally a hollywood quote from hackers, the movie. Just like mess with the best.
I don't hate her.
because she is ugly,shitskin,mexican,useless and bad copy
I hate everything
Sombra and Widowmaker is top tier booty
I go to Mercy when I want some healing and nurse fetish
>You will never get to enjoy beautifully built blueberry ass and thicc latina ass
styupid BITCH
Trust me, OP.
She's got fans here.
I know that, user. I'm saying it serves as being nothing but a cheesy reference.
>"I'm a hacker so I'll quote the movie Hackers. Get it, guys?" *wink* *wink*
She's cute. Not a fan of the side cut but more qt brownies is never a bad thing.
Pharah's better though.
Called fun
>Not attractive
>Can't tell what race or gender its supposed to be
Not into grannies, sorry.
She is in the wrong game, also I want her to be real and mine.
Delicious brownie
>tfw no qt brown gf to choke
Every OW girl is top tier waifu, with exception of Orisa, which still has some uses, and Moira, who is absolute garbage of a character
You don't want an Irish David Bowie girlfriend?
No. David Bowie as a bf, maybe, but not David Bowie in girl form
Some would say it's the only redeeming factor of the game.
>She will never be real
What the fucks the point?
Gee i wonder why Sup Forums hates her
Fair enough.
only Sup Forums is racist, and they're not welcome on this board
Umm, are you okay? You know you don’t have to play Overwatch right? It’s perfectly fine to not like a game. It’s another to pretend that it was an unsuccessful failure played by no one. It’s popular, e-sports are digging their roots in deep, Korea might have another holiday for Blizzard.
You don’t have to like a game, but you don’t have shout out that you think it’s cancer.
Just relax, find a game you like, play it.
It’s like anything else in life. You don’t have to like football, but the Super Bowl is not cancer just because it’s popular.
Only looks good in fan art. Looks retarded in game.
People didn't like the idea of a mexican hacker.
there probably exists a woman that looks exactly like her in some mexican slum but the chance to meet a girl like her doesn't exist.
nobody only the friendless loser here everybody else is playing PUBG with their friends.
>Every character is nothing shy of the Trigging Nightmares of SJWs
Because after how ever many months there was of teasing, she finally came out and was just a bore and not very good to play as
They should've just dropped her at Blizzcon without the stupid Viral Campaign because as she stands to this day she wasn't worth the wait.
>Everyone who has a contrary opinion to mine on a thing is an evil racist natzi from Sup Forums
She is a bad boring character with a corporate approved tag line and her look reeks of designed by committee. Also you lost the election, let go already.
found the Sup Forumstard. go fuck your ugly trashy white wife instead, loser.
>Make nigger character
>Call it a Mexican
What did Amerimutts mean by this?
>this a nigger
Aren't you fed up with shitposting?
Yeah, looks like one
Doesn't look remotely Mexican
I guess she could pass as a Brazilian or Colombian
mexicans arent that dark
especially hackers
She looks mixed black (black from Ethiopian or other Horn of Africa country descent)
Sup Forums at it again... I'm american and I'm black, color doesn't mean anything
>what is dark lighting
God I love brown girls.
Too bad they don't love me.
I want to ____ Sombra.
Because she's useless outside of a 6 stack.
Thanks (senpai)
>mexicans IRL aren't cute like her
t. spic
H-Hold hands?
but Hackers is the best movie
Fuck while she begs me to impregnate her in Spanish
Sombra should have been an omnic
I just want to play with a healslut that worships my cock. Too bad they dont exist.
Terrible character design, fun to play.
Everything can be hacked, and everyone. Hacking in Hollywood 101
Hello gamefaqs.
This nigga knows what's up.
because she wasnt the cute spooky skellington we were promised
I will never not be mad
can she make me horchata