Villain actually wants peace

>villain actually wants peace
>does this by killing people and destroying things

If we blew up the middle east right now, there would be peace. If we killed all the niggers in America, there would be peace.

True peace can only be achieved when everyone against you is dead.

>Character seems perfectly normal and functional
>After the twist reveal that they're the villain, they turn into complete retards that say stupid wacky shit all the time

t. Antifa

>Sup Forumstard ruins another video game thread

I hate being Chinese.

It's like our ethnicity has no stereotypes people can latch onto aside from "GO BACK TO YOUR RAILROADS". Other than that what is it? We're all engineers and mathematicians?

>line up religious people and shoot them
>it for the good of humanity!

>line up nationalists and shoot them
>no more capitalist struggle! Freedom for all!

>deliberately starve independence movements developing
> we must unite! One state! One nations! Down with capitalism!


world peace can only be if the opposite side is gone. there will always be war if there are different sides.

No, you are street shitting monkeys full of diseases that is at least what other non indian asians say about you.

Animal abuse, but you guys legit dont give a fuck so it's not like that can be an insult

There will always be different sides as long as there's more than one human being alive


Chinese have long taken for crown for "Rudest most destructive tourists".

dont cry little soyboy
just go back to reddít where you can downvote posts you don't like

>kill everyone
>no more war/violence

It's a fucked up way to look at it, but it makes sense in a twisted kind of way.

>instead of a vidya meme thread the first post turns this into Sup Forums faggotry

Reminder that Handsome Jack quite literally did nothing wrong.

The U.S. would unironically become more peaceful if every nigger and spic disappeared overnight

Yeah, the point in stopping a war is to stop people from killing each others, but if everyone is dead then there's no one to kill anymore right?

unless you continiously kill everyone who oposses you.

> t. an authcuck

>If we killed all the niggers in America, there would be
no americans

you say that but white liberals are a bigger poison than anyone else

At which point there will be exactly only one human being left, unable to reproduce.

Anyone who posts in Sup Forums should be banned from all boards except Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /ml/ for 24 hours.

I guarantee the quality of posting on all other boards will sky rocket.

Chinese stereotypes include gambling addictions and a complete lack of human empathy.

Just going to ignore the fact that what op described is literally what marxists believed in the 20tg century?

This. He just hated bandit scum