Why was it so much better than MGSV?
Why was it so much better than MGSV?
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Because it's an entirely different genre that is probably more suited to your tastes than a MGS game.
Uh, actually it's pretty shallow and just mindless button mashing.
Because it doesn't promote terrorism the same way TPP did.
Because its dumb, over-the-top fun with good controls and made by a good company
Epic memes. That's it.
I just bought this game in sale and don't get this meme.
Do I have to finish it to understand it?
It was focused and finished. It didn't force you to micromanage your base through a boring mess of screens as well. Although it's not as good as Bayonetta or even God of War imo.
So you didn't start playing yet, and wondering why you don't understand it? It pretty obvious if you played for like 20 mins.
because i like tiny games that end in 2 hours
I've finished this game twice and still don't get the memes. Are we just quoting mundane things from the game?
sequel never
the story is completely in line ith the mythos
machines have evolved to the point that humans are only component parts of small parts of the cpu, and even then are reprogrammed
reprogrammed, they have acess to better virtual lives than they do real
if you pay attention its pretty good
oh, also, snake is a fag and ruined everything. a robot ai still rules the planet, this time its even meaner than the patriots
the player (raiden) is an edgy teenage and kills donald trump, delivering the planet to a malevolent ai
mgs2 predicted the future by 10 years. mgr predicted the future by 5 years
pretty good
>reprogrammed, they have acess to better virtual lives than they do real
What? The kids abducted by World Marshal were living in hell, even when Doktor was treating them.
>oh, also, snake is a fag and ruined everything. a robot ai still rules the planet, this time its even meaner than the patriots
There weren't any planet-running AIs left by the time of Rising. The world was back in humanity's hands.
>this is the average platinumfag’s intelligence
I am pretty sure they mentioned the kids earned money for their function that let them buy vr modules
in fact, after being saved they're given employment... as cyborg mercenaries
the pmcs that formed after 4 are run by ais. everything is run by supercomputers
That's not the plot at all. The children were abducted from third-world countries, had their brains ripped out, and were constantly subjected to a VR program based on what Solidus did to Raiden when the latter was a kid. After Raiden defeats Sundowner, Doktor collects the brains and tries to treat the children while cybernetic bodies are prepared for them by putting them in VR rooms with some simulated luxuries. However, it's explicitly stated that the treatment is a short-term solution. At the end of the game, Doktor and Maverick help the children find jobs to get their lives back on track and so that they can help pay for the costs of their cybernetic bodies.
None of the PMCs in Rising were run by AIs. In fact, Blade Wolf is the only AI in the game anywhere close to the level of the Patriots.
yeah I never noticed the song either
sure Raiden throwing RAY up in the air was cool but I couldn't hear the song over the sound of all the slashing and cutting
Lots of fun boss fights. The characters were absolutely great, every one of them. Senator Armstrong especially.
And there's also Kojima, who designed the story, and damn does it show. Only Kojima can mix hollywood-esque themes with anime and wake your inner teenager.
What the fuck
Pay attention to the song and notice how it syncs with the game events.
yes I got the game day one and never noticed it. all the other bosses' themes were great though, except red sun because he dies too quick.
A Stranger I Remain > rest
So is the fascination with the song or with the way it syncs up with the action? Because if it's the latter then it's really not that special since it's basically a glorified cutscene anyway. It's not like the timing can vary greatly.
get Sundowner's shields down and you'll get to enjoy Red Sun, it's really great
Stains of Time
Collective Consciousness
It Has to Be This Way
Rules of Nature
A Stranger I Remain
I'm My Own Master Now
Red Sun
Tracks not mentioned were not memorable.
>proper codec
>proper boss squad
>didn't bill itself as filling in the gaps between games, story mostly stands on its own and is a logical expansion from MGS4
>story feels complete, has a clear beginning middle and end
>memorable mixture of cheesiness, drama, and philosophy/politics like the first three MGS games
While it wasn't without its issues, it actually felt like a full experience. Platinum really knows how to create memorable endings, and that meshed really well with KojiPro.
Kojima didn't write MGR's story. It was done by KojiPro, headed by Etsu Tamari, with some input from Platinum.
>>story feels complete, has a clear beginning middle and end
Dunno, the fight against Samuel felt more like the ending than against
>nanomachines son
Especially since you have to fight
Armstrong in the MG
Armstrong in unbeatable mode
Armstrong with Sam's blade
While having 5 gorrilian cutscenes inbetween.
oh fuck OFF crybaby, Armstrong was an amazing boss fight and every single cutscene too
I autistically replay MGSR's boss fights on a weekly basis and Armstrong is always the best one. I almost always watch all cutscenes too.
It's not a Metal Gear without the over-the-top twists though.
because Kojima wasnt part of it
>And there's also Kojima, who designed the story, and damn does it show.
are you fucking retarded? If you dont know something, why talk about it?
It's a song
He contributed with the story.
>MGR was right about the memes
He abandoned the whole project and handed it to Etsu Tamari.
he didnt do shit to the story
The ones who don't know shit are you memers who think Kojima played no role in the game's development.
Kojima Productions directed not only the story but also Raiden's design. I don't know if Kojima specifically was doing anything here, but that's irrelevant, it's his team, each person was handpicked by him or by someone he trusted, so he deserves credit too.
PlatinumGames did an amazing job, of course, since the game's swordplay mechanics, boss fights and music sync were top tier.
Armstrong sure is better than Monsoon
>let me get into another stage where I just waste your time and can't be attacked lmao
Monsoon pulls the exact same shit.
>oh hey I'm invulnerable, now you must completely break the flow of the fight by standing still for 3 seconds to throw a grenade and make me targetable again!
Armstrong's fight takes some preparation, but once you get going it's smooth like butter. I especially love when he charges in and you get a QTE sequence since they were so well done.
? That was my point ¿
>slightly starts deviating from the main pointmade because was clearly priven wrong
you said Kojima wrote the story. stop trying to deflect your mistakes.
And Kojima didnt design anything, Shinkawa did, back in MGS4.
Again, Etsu Tamari from Konami wrote the story, not Kojima or "Kojimas team" and you like to call it.
There's a reason why Rising isnt cannon and its beacuse Kojima did absolutely nothing on the project
>better music
>better story
>actual bosses
>actual codec
>doesn't turn into a repetitive mess
>no credits every 5 minutes
Its pretty clear
where's Kojima because i swear i cant find his name in any key positions on this project
This or bayonetta?
>No "The only thing I know for real"
I just killed Monsoon.
ah okay, I'm ESL so in a action sequence I don't focus that much on song lyrics. Now I get it thanks.
I enjoy Bayonetta more.
Oh, I think you meant Armstrong did it, because he does, he has two stages where he is effectively invulnerable
>Armstrong fight
>Peace Walker theme starts playing
I got a Wii U. Can I start from Bayonetta 2? Or should I play 1 too?
Is Metal Gear Rising a game that should be played with controller or m+kb?
Didn't realise it's steam sale and i've been meaning to play this
I never Played Bayonetta 2, I dont own a Wii U.
But Bayonetta 1 is amazing and should be played by anyone who enjoys the genre.
I was so happy when they released a PC version and and I got to play the game with constant 60 fps.
Playing it right now with controller and would recommend it.
What genre is it anyway?
I really want to know what is this genre of games with tons of cutscenes and QTEs.
They say God of War is part of it but I absolutely hate it for example. On the other hand MGR:R is gold for me.
Hack and slash
Spectacle Fighters.
Bayonetta is from Platinum Games, just like MGR and from partially from the same guys that worked on DMC.
Speaking of which the XboneX runs it at a constant 60fps might have to get the game now
Into the thrash it goes.
I guess I don't really enjoy the genre. I just enjoy Metal Gear's style of eccentric characters, over-the-top twists and that magical mix of anime with western shit. It makes the teenager inside you scream.
>Spectacle Fighters
That sounds great, I'll check Bayonetta user, thanks
All of this game's soundtracks grow inside you the more you listen to them. Every single one of them.
I finished the game only enjoying Rules of Nature, Stains of Time, A Stranger I Remain and It Has To Be This Way. Then I listened to the others a few times and began loving them even more.
soon you'll find yourself singing them out loud when you're alone
>reading this thread, remembering RULES OF NATURE
>can't get it out of my head anymore
Because it's not open world.
These burgers look so tasty
i wouldnt say that
its was a different genre too, you probably like hack n slashers more than stealth games
the game was changed to appeal to american audiences
monsoon was only memorable because he used the word "meme"
fucking good one user