What do you guys do when you're playing fightan vidya against low skill friends? Is it always best to not hold back or let them win the odd game?
Do low skill players like it when their friends pick their best characters and continually body them?
What do you guys do when you're playing fightan vidya against low skill friends? Is it always best to not hold back or let them win the odd game?
Do low skill players like it when their friends pick their best characters and continually body them?
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I don't speak from experience but couldn't you simply use one of the games with auto-inputs for beginners and let them use that?
Hold back to begin with until they get used to the controls, then go a little bit harder. Depending on how good they are it can take less than an hour before they're playing well enough for you to not have to hold back.
Been on both sides. I hold back because my friends get discouraged and salty very easily by repeated losses so I just keep doing obvious shit like jump in until they're anti-airing me almost every time, starting with lows until they start blocking low, etc.
On the other hand, I am garbage outside of fighting them, and I absolutely hate getting sandbagged for some reason. I want to get beaten into the dirt until it clicks and I get it, but I understand that shit doesn't fly for everyone.
As far as I know, only the anime fighters and KI do that.
I'm usually the low skill person, but if someone is somehow worse than me I'll just pick a random character I don't know how to play.
I'll usually randomise or pick a character I'm not familiar with until they start picking up the controls. Then I'll switch to my main and beat them into submission.
>Body them with your main for 2 rounds
>Swap to secondaries and try to body them for 2 rounds
>Switch to characters you're shit with
>Play those until they start to beat you
>Gradually move back up
What if your friend isnt a total beginner? Like he has some time under his belt. We're talking the gap between someone who is good, and someone who is familiar enough with the game to know they are not good.
>auto-inputs for beginners and let them use that
Those are garbage and bloody repetitive. Even beginners will get bored of seeing the same miserable combo everytime.
hold myself back and teach the basics while we are at it
That's probably where having alts, or just playing a new character comes in. You probably won't be able to confirm everything into big dick damage, which will probably make them feel safer about being a little aggressive and making mistakes without having to actually hold back that much.
100% this
Most people can tell when you let them win, or a least I definetly can
Mind the edge on my fedora:
>learn to play every character effectively
>when playing friends, shuffle all my key bindings across the whole gamepad (movement and actions)
>still maintain a 100% win rate
>no fightan scene around me otherwise
>everyone's playing soccer vidya
Wash rinse and repeat over the course of 2 games then stop having friends altogether and you've got my blog.
I don't have friends, but I'd probably play a character I'm not used to in that situation.
Assert your dominance and beat the living shit out of them. Let their scrub ass know that they need to git gud.
i just use someone I never use
you dont play fighting games with them at all.
welcome to 30 years ago SF2.
I usually try to keep the games close. Play at slightly above their skill level and let them win a close game on occasion.
I just play footsies so maybe they can learn something about spacing. I don`t even try to rushdown them.
I typically sandbag in Guilty Gear and Marvel. All in in shit like smash. My friends don't play actual fighting games so I actually have to try to win in smash.
Literally why melee is best fightan game. Even when the lower player is up against a pro they can still practice di, smash di teching etc. While being destroyed
That's fun for a bit, but they'll know how good you are after the first three rounds. I like to play a character I'm terrible with, or one I'm having difficulties against.
>shuffle all my key bindings across the whole gamepad
This is the most ridiculous handicap I've ever heard of. Don't you still want to have fun too?
Id rather be shit on then having them hold back for my sake.
Im somewhere in the middle to low in terms of skill of my small groups of friends.
When I play with my baddie friend it usually ends up being a co-op game or a game where the skill is more even. He cant stand losing constantly. I got used to it from playing melee with others.
This thread is about fighting games, not melee
Lovely post honeybear
It was actually fun figuring out what did what and basically remapping my muscle memory for each match, but it got old quickly when I couldn't consistently nail epic finishes or combos.
>which button's forward, which button's forward
>it's the start button
>R1 - up - start - left hadoken spam
Thanks sweetie
The problem I have is when trying to get a friend into a new game, they are usually not willing to go online with randoms and want to play against me or each other and we all have different skill levels. If one of them has a few bad rounds they'll get salty and be less inclined to continue, but at the same time they CAN spot sandbagging and will get annoyed by it. What the fuck can we do in that situation?
Prolly just not play Fighting games with them? Sounds like they don't have a healthy mind set.
I usually just pick characters I don't know how to play. I also might try to style on them rather than trying really hard to get the win. I never straight up throw a game just to let them have a win though, I don't think anyone would enjoy that.
>6 friends always game locally
>suggest we play SF4
>everyone is really into it
>gets to my turn, hold back massively and sandbag
>still win every match
>they suddenly never want to play it again, shit game etc
>back to shitty CoD, Halo and Fifa.
>eventually lost contact when i refused to play these games anymore.
my story seems so familiar to people that play fightan semi competently. the shit thing is now they play Tekken and wont invite me to games.
There is no mercy and no forgiveness. I was not treated like a child while learning the genre, I will not treat them like one either. Adapt or die.
yeah it sucks when they know you're good at fighting games and never want to play them
And that's why you have no friends.
Not just because you're a tryhard, but because you also take yourself and dumb video games far too seriously.
I was being factitious. Out of my friends taht play fighting games, I'm actually the weakest, and the rest of my friends don't care about the genre.
i hold back and they know it, but let them play almost all the time while i explain the mechanics, otherwise they get frustrated and quit like little bitches literally like said.
Go ham with Yoshimitsu, try for the 1-hit kills.
Slowly build up their confidence by lowering my skill, and once they start to "get good" Fucking body the shit outta them.
Sit with him in training mode and be a hard ass.
My buddy is good at anime fighters and taught me to be on par. I'm good at KI and Alpha 3 and sure enough he got how to combo break efficiency and ways fine. Get em good with tough love or send them home
My friend just blocks everything and spams ranged attacks so I don't hold back on him
Piece of shit
Depends on the person. Some people want me to go all in and others want me to go easy on them. In the second case I usually just pick a character I don't play.
I just play the way they do. Low skill play isn't that hard to mimic. If they start to get uppity about their wins though I start trying and brace for the controller throw.
Let them win occasionally, occasionally style on them, but try to curate the matches so that they're close. If they have a particularly bad habit, tell them why they lost and make suggestions without lording over them. Most importantly, tell them what they're doing right. Also, watch high-end play of their character with them, and watch combo videos.
Most importantly, have fun.
You give them a fighting chance, so they get into the game and become compelled to get even better. A close match can start a friendly rivalry, a roflstomp fosters only resentment and a desire to not play
>do low skill players like it when their friends pick their best characters and continually body them
Are you implying you've never been on the receiving end of this situation?
It depends on what you mean by low-skill player? If you mean another enthusiast that just isn't as skilled as you, go wild. If you mean someone who you're introducing the game to because you're both bored, I wouldn't even bother.
I usually try to teach them through the game. If they spam shoryu I'll block and punish and beat them doing nothing but that. If they never tech throws I'll throw them a lot etc etc.
It's how I learned so I think I'm being helpful.
Missed you last night senpei desu.
You're gonna keep missing me since I gotta work the next two nights.
Can't get out to Merk's place too often. Will finally get the game when I get paid end of month since all the bills are paid.
Need a name for the foreign account tho
I'm bringing my shitty yuzu to the next one.
I just made a jap account and named it something random.
Good, we need a good Yuzu in the lobbies. don't forget to press 4b.
Will try to be on this week with Merk
Delibaretly letting them win is even more insulting than steamrolling them. Just do what that other user suggested, just play your worst character.
where's the point? I almost never play fighting games and every time I play with friends, I pick every character I never played and still beat their asses. there's no point in starting with a character you're good with because if you know the controls even a little bit, you're usually far better than plebs
Sounds good
>come home from university
>absolutely destroy my little brother in MKX
>trashtalk him until he fucking snaps and has to wear earmuffs while we play
>come back home like 2 months later again
>he has been practising and can now beat me half the time with a hard fought struggle if he plays his main
Feels pretty good. None of my friends play fighting games besides Smash so it's nice having someone challenging to play.
I'm that low skill friend and I just avoid playing games when someone is unbeatably better than I am.
>other people have fighting game
>still beat their asses even though I have never played it before
seriously, what is up with that? I consider myself a very basic player with moderate skills at best. still, I always beat everyone I ever played against even though they had the games for a long time. worst situation I was in was when I was drunk as fuck and a couple of friends and I drove to some guy I never met. we played Injustice 1 on his PS4 and I beat the shit out of them
>"dude, there's no way you never played this before!"
>"dude, you practiced, didn't you?"
I never even properly knew about MK combos (which were used as a basis in Injustice) about later on because I was always more of a Street Fighter fag as a teenager
You are WEAK
Fighting games is about having the rage inside you to never be shamed again.
Like one of your Chinese cartoons
I just functionally can not play them. I understand the basics, but I'm the kind of person who can own a fighting game, play it a bunch, then play with my younger brothers and within 5 games I'm getting my ass kicked.
I wish I could, because a game reliant totally on your own skill sounds so much nicer than multiplayer competitive games these days.
You SEVERELY underestimate how most people don't grasp blocking, or why moves have at least light and heavy versions. This isn't me being some 'gitgud' fag, most people really don't fucking get it.
Depends. Is your friend the guy who wants to just have fun and doesn't care about winning? Then just do stupid cool shit and fuck around. Play like you normally would but more relaxed. If he's even halfway decent he'll sneak in a win every now and then.
Is your friend the type that wants to learn and get better? Force him to learn by doing specific things that are very punishing, don't add much variety to your playstyle, give him a chance to assess what's happening and adapt. If he's okay with you telling him things directly, tell him to try certain things.
Is your friend the type that gets really butthurt and frustrated when he loses? Smash the fuck out of him. It's funny to watch manchildren get sour over a video game.
If I want to play against them for a long time, I'll go easy. If I want it to be over with I'll go all out.
I get people not getting light and heavy attacks but blocking? that's the first thing I show people and they STILL never use it because they think they can somehow outsmart me by jumping or whatever the fuck they try to do. If you already play a game for a longer time, you should at least handle the goddamn basics. I would obviously get my shit kicked by online players but even when starting to play MvC3 (never played a single previous version before), I still won some games online which was crazy to me
Everyone is giving you bad advice, because no one is mentioning that you should COMMUNICATE your intentions to them. No one likes to get fully bodied. But even worse: letting someone win is demeaning. You take away their dignity that way.
The answer this this: TELL them that you plan to hold back. But also TELL them that you intend to win. And hold true to this. You should play just enough to challenge them. But also try to win the match. You know you've found the right balance, when on occasion your friend surprises you, and forces you to make a comeback.
By this method, he gets to work on his game, while also feeling like he has a real chance of catching you off your game.
I wanted to get into Skullgirls but memorizing "bread and butter" combos is such a tedious chore that I just gave up. Even the basic joysticks inputs feel awkward and uncomfortable (like forward, down, forward+down). People know how to input 1-million hit combos while I don't even know what the fuck to do once I launch them. All I really know how to do is block/tech and retaliate with a 3 to 5 hit mini combo. The idea of trying to learn really long combos just makes my stomach churn.
I am literally unable to hold back.
But i also dont want the other player to hold back when he is clearly superior, i want to get destroyed until i figure out enough shit to fight back and get better.
I think people who quit or get salty when they loose too often in a row are not the type of player who you should be playing fighting games with either way.
I cannot have fun when holding back.
>Is your friend the type that gets really butthurt and frustrated when he loses? Smash the fuck out of him.
There's actually more truth to this than most people think. You need to remind certain people that it's just a game, and that some games have really high skill ceilings. You've played it for hundreds of hours, he's barely touched it. He's not gonna beat you easily, in fact he might lose 20 games in a row against you while trying his absolute best. But that's what makes these games so good. It's the rich, mechanical depth that makes a game interesting to begin with. Games with low skill ceilings get stale really fucking fast. If he wants to get better at the game, he's gonna have to take a beating now and then, but he WILL get better if he keeps practicing and doesn't give up just because someone is better than him.
I feel like you should give others the opportunity to at least try to do some combos. you don't have to let them hit you but if they manage to break through your guard, why not? I could probably finish a match without plebs even having a chance to hit a button but that's boring
There are definitly fighters where 3 to 5 combos are the norm.
If you hate long combos i dont know why the fuck you would want to play a marvel styled game, since those are the most execution and combo heavy fighters in existance.
the characters really interest me, also I have a few friends that play
But is it truly fun for them if they didnt really earn their right to get that combo in?
i know this isn't /soc/, but honestly, is there anyone in Halifax NS who's looking to play some fighting games? I just want a partner who I can sit down with for hours on end and practice with.
I play Guilty Gear, 3S, Mahvel, Samshow, you name it. Really looking forward to DBZF, but I keep scaring off all my friends with my mid-level skills.
>If you hate long combos i dont know why the fuck you would want to play a marvel styled game
This. Doing long and flashy combos whenever you connect is the main attraction of this style of games.
they don't have to know. I let my girlfriend try because I was moving like I was trying to find a moment to finally land a punch and she didn't notice but try to land one herself. you don't have to just stand there. doesn't mean I don't beat her to a pulp after she wins the first round but I feel as if plebs usually don't have any fun when being beaten all the time
>help out nintendo at gamescom to promote Pokken
>teach them the basics and some advanced stuff
>pick a chara I barely know
>hold back so you barely win first round, lose second round and then go a little bit fancy on them
>teach them about some advanced stuff while playing them
I'm not sure how to introduce new players into a fighting game
I pick random and if they're unlucky enough to have to play me with a character I'm good with they just weren't meant to win.
that's what I always do. there's no real way to teach others to play fighting games I suppose since you usually have to go to the training mode to learn the combos and get a better understanding on how characters move and behave while punching/kicking
Buy a fightstick.
Not even trolling having corners for your stick to fall into makes life a million times easier.
And for all the pad players who don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
>Controller sticks work in an octagon
>Fightstick operate in a box housing
Mine is with an octa gate. Now what?
No this is the right way.
Ain't no cure for being a bitch. Either they want to put in the work to get better or they'll stay salty scrubs.
My friend and I are about even maybe skewing towards him a bit with some games.
I absolutely BTFO of him every single time at like Guilty Gear or Skullgirls, though. He still likes playing them, but typically I just don't bring these games because it gets boring for me not having a real challenge. We typically stick to KoF
usually when he has a big lead and brags about it I'll just mention "well if I really cared we would be playing guilty gear" and it's all in good fun.
we have played with plenty of people who are garbage though we don't tend to hold back against them and some of these guys manage to at least figure something out and catch us off guard.
I've tried a stick like that, it feels horrible, being used to controller
They should make a controller with a box, maybe that would be cool
I can't play fighting games with my friends anymore, because even when we start playing a new game at the same time, I quickly eclipse them in skill and it becomes unfun for both of us.
As the guy that sucks at fightans, I prefer it when my friend picks something they aren't really familiar with. It's fun when you're both trying to figure out what the hell your character does on the fly.
I've gotten really turned off some games when it's just 30 straight matches of getting bodied by the same character over and over, that shit isn't fun.
>Is your friend the type that gets really butthurt and frustrated when he loses? Smash the fuck out of him. It's funny to watch manchildren get sour over a video game.
This used to happen regularly with a friend of mine.
>play games, usually BB but pretty much anything was on the table, but fell out of that for a while to play other genres
>routine was play maybe 30 games, he storms off all pissy and punches a few walls
>come SF5 we both get into that, same routine of me winning the majority of games and him getting pissy
>after one particular game, we're at a 3rd friend's house, he throws and breaks one of my controllers, and flips said friend's couch
>punches hole in drywall
>friend tosses Salty Steve out, I GTFO and we stop playing together again for a while
>Salty Steve still watches FGC youtube vids and me playing online, but won't play with me anymore
>AFAIK, he stopped playing fighters entirely
>3rd friend from before recently informed me that he still plays them, he just always hated playing with me
>use this to fuck with him
>anytime he talks shit I just mention how my only local competition just stopped playing
>petty as fuck so he keeps saying he'll definitely play every time I call him out
>have SF5 or any game ready anytime, but he always finds some way to dodge
At this point, I don't know if I really care about him playing or not anymore. I helped him as much as I could, and these we always close games after a certain point, but his sheer buttfrustration irritated the hell out of me. Sorry for the blog.
>organize gaming night with friends
>i propose mkxl, the most casual fg i have on steam
>rape them even not playing seriously with unbreakable sub
>they say he's broken and change game to speedruners and castle crashers
>a while later i leave, steam said we had played 2h
>go home, sleep, when i wake up i check friends account, 6h mkxl last game played.
fucking hurts dude