Please recommend me games like ff7, 8 and 9 , with drawn static backgrounds, similar graphics and style only
That are the only games i had really fun everytime i replay them
Please recommend me games like ff7, 8 and 9 , with drawn static backgrounds, similar graphics and style only
That are the only games i had really fun everytime i replay them
Vagrant Story
Legend of Dragoon
Chrono Trigger
Thanks for reply
>Vagran story
Tried, is not similar
discarted for style but will try again
>legend of dragoon
Tried but discarted for no reason i felt it had no soul, will try again
> chrono trigger
Completed, loved it as much as ff 789 but i dont like the graphics and style
Chrono Cross
Parasite Eve
Jade Cocoon
Chrono Cross
Parasite Eve 1 & 2
>Chrono cross
I read is shit but will check
>jade cocoon
I forgot that one, will check
> parĂ¡site eve
No here you cant travel for the world
Septera Core, if memory serves me correct
Will check
>I read is shit but will check
It's not, the first game was just too popular.
There aren't a lot of other drawn static background jrpgs. The Resident Evil games on PS1 also used this style. It's a gen 5 quirk that wasn't needed for gen 6 onwards
Well love that feel of scenary
Ok i added to my list
Not exactly what im looking but thanks
So are you just looking for JRPGs or what? Parasite Eve is great both for story, atmosphere and gameplay, and although it's darker and more west-inspired the Squaresoft style is apparent, it's most similar to FF7.
Also Chrono Cross feels a bit haphazard and lacking direction and is not as iconic as Trigger, but still good and the music is fantastically nostalgic.
FF8 is my favourite game of all time, when I playe Parasite Eve it was like returning to everything I love. I mean the game is completely different but the visuals are EXACTLY the same.
Game is very different, but if you want to return to FF8's style, go for it.
Other than that I'm in the same boat as you so I dunno what to suggest, I'll be watching the thread.
why is FF8 every girls favorite game?
Because Squall, basically
>Recommend me some games
>Nah, I don't like those
>discarted for style but will try again
fucking final fantasyfags. please don't ever touch suikoden again you pleb
yeah i was looking for jprg but now that you mention it i will play parasite eve 2 since i remember i liked 1 when i was a kid and also replay
i want rpg you know type ff where you can travel for the world, visit new places etc
i really loved ff8 to with 7 and 9 all for equall, i will replay the parasite eves again,
i just wanted that style in rpg but thanks for remember parasite eve
also i bought the squall necklace 2 days ago in aliexpress for 2 euros
sorry didnt mean to be rude
i will play suikoden i know is great but i was looking for ff 7,8,9 style graphics but i will add this to me list
i have decided my next games to complete are:
legenf of dragoon
chrono cross
also after that replay ff 7,8,9 again, 6 too, wild arm and breath of fire will check also want to replay parasite eve
Legend of Legaia is a very fun and underrated ps1 jrpg
Digimon World
SaGa Frontier
That is exactly what im looking for, will complete it for sure, thanks
Ty will check
Thanks everyone, open to hear more jrpgs
shadow hearts 1 n 2
Legend of the Gay OP
>Has a static background, because you never leave your fucking room
>Has similar style because you're outdated and generic
Legend of Mana
Valkyrie Profile
Wild Arms
Though these all belong more to the SNES/anime style category.
Looks nice will play it, ty
Ty will play them eventually
oh yeah you could also try koudelka since its basically the prologue of shadow hearts 1
Ok nice i like that one will write that nsme too thanks
Final fantasy 6.
Completed a few times
Legend of Legaia.
Yeah i have this noted from before