ITT: hardware that failed to catch on

Who would've thought that PC gamers don't want locked down underpowered boxes?


Does it mention anywhere what exactly is inside that shitty box?

If I recall correctly you could choose different tiers

>the first (and only, for a long ass time) official english release of Xanadu Next was a port to this piece of shit
What the fuck Falcom?

Wasn't this thing abandoned as well or is it still officially supported?

They tried their good goddamnest to get these to catch on.

They were being shilled on Amazon, Walmart Stores, fuckin' Steam Itself. Best Buy shelves & stores.

Fuck I think I might've seen'em in Gamestops in passing a couple times too.

Steam Machines were not for PC users. They were an attempt to get console players into PC gaming.

Not even the dumbest of normies want a 2gb gpu

In 2015 it was considered mid tier though

Amazing how far technology comes in terms of time.
I can't wait until 2019 when 24GB VRAM will be both feasible and affordable.

Even worse was that it was linux based, so your game choices were pretty much limited to Dota 2 and Garry's Mod.

priced far too high. the idea was sound, just fucked up the execution. I mean, they were expecting console gamers to switch over and join the PC community, but were asking for $200-300 more than what they would normally pay for their console. and on top of that, advertised the damn things showing multiplat titles.

What happened to SteamOS anyway? Did anyone here try it?

pretty much pic related

>and on top of that, advertised the damn things showing multiplat titles.
This is really the crux of the issue. PC doesn't really have any flashy, exciting, hyped-up exclusives. PC gaming these days is mostly for playing multiplats (in better quality, but still) that their target audience for these things were already playing on their PS4/Xbones. It's basically simultaneously a PC with none of the strengths of a PC and a console with none of the exclusives of a console.

This was for consolenigs. Still an equally dumb move.

It's just a shitty non-free Linux distro. If you're looking to try Linux just install Gentoo.



They went about it all wrong. It's more expensive than a console for starters so suckering in the poorfag console market won't work. It's also customizable to some degree so consolefags won't have a clue what to pick and rather buy a PS4 or shitbox that they know will work.

And for PCfags it would seem like a downgrade because the hardware wasn't exactly stellar.

It'd be nice if it wasn't an i3 and a 750Ti inside a $500 GAYMING™ box. Maybe if they were even somewhat reasonably priced compared to other prebuilts and could actually play games they wouldn't have been completely worthless.

I've had one for three years now. Built myself a new PC in September but before then I was using an alienware steam machine. My dad got it for me because he "knew I liked gaming". I just had to accept it and I had to deal with my room mates laughing at it for a few weeks until they became reliant on it.

Did Steam Machines actually release or were they just vaporwave? I legitimately can't remember.

Non-free as in not free and open source

What's wrong with propertiary software? You're using it to play games in the first place, and those are all closed source.

A 750Ti was not mid-tier in 2015.

Which is fine because those are the only games that piece of shit can run.

Investing on a target audience that barely exists was a really retarded mistake. PC playerbase already have a PC that they can upgrade, and most of the console playerbase play on consoles because of their exclusives. The whole "comfy plug'n'play on your TV" stuff is just a bonus and nobody uses it as a selling point (except for those "plug'n'play" controllers with built-in games).

I have an Alienware Alpha R2, it's pretty sweet. Yes, I could have built a more powerful PC for that money. No, I don't give a fuck. I bought it for the convenience of having a (relatively) powerful PC in a box smaller than the Wii U.

fite me fagits

> it's as powerful as my rig
Man I expected more from how cool they sounded.

>not exclusively playing open source games

They released, they were just marketed and sold like garbage. Kinda like the Wii U of PC gaming.

My mom worked with the mentally handicapped and taught me not to hit them, so I can't fight you. Sorry guy, have fun with your mistake. Its okay, you didn't know any better.

They released, no one bought them because why would you buy a $1000 "PC" that only runs Steam OS when you could buy a PS4 or Xbox for under half that price?

Valve apparently learned a lot from their experience trying to build console style hardware with Intel and Nvidia.
They've been putting a ton of resources into building the first real drivers for AMD hardware and there's been rumors that they've been working on a custom SOC, but even if they're not a system using the off the shelf Ryzen+Vega SOC chips should be a lot more affordable and powerful.

It will also help that there's a small but growing number of games with Vulkan versions that are exclusive to GNU/Linux.

you wouldn't wanna fite me anyway, I've got 'tard strength

They released on the same day as Fallout 4 without supporting Fallout 4.


Steam machines were always a ruse. Valve is just an online-casino for children and all the other their businesses are just the front for it.

>Steam Box
>Plays less Steam games than a Windows computer
Were they retarded?

They were sold for a profit and not a loss to get them into homes.

That was the problem.

>8 user reviews
Good job team

>Steam Machines
>Steam Link

Steam link is alright at its current price.

The Steam Link is the only goodd Steam Machine and it isn't really a Steam Machine, just kinda belongs to the same brand.

They were worried about the Windows Store taking over and becoming the standard for all software on the Windows operating system. Except that even normies could see that the Windows Store is fucking retarded and nobody wants their PC to function like a smartphone (as in, only being able to access programs through a dedicated store).

So yes, I guess so.

If anything, it helped Windows achieve the same thing. Where it couldn't push Linux gaming, it made people realize just how well games are supported on Windows.

The Alienware Alpha R2 runs on Windows 10. I have mine set to auto-login and boot in Big Picture Mode. A Steam Machine that runs Windows is the darkest timeline for Valve, but it's the one they have to live with, I guess.