why is it so comfy Sup Forums?
Pocket Camp thread
why is it so comfy Sup Forums?
Pocket Camp thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hey I will check out your camp
>but first collect all this butt ugly furniture you will never use
>c-comfy right guys?
>p-please play my dead mobile shit
no, go away. these threads have already nosedived pretty quickly, which I'm glad to see.
No point in playing this shallow trash
>wahhhh stop having fun!
Having infinitely more fun in the DS games. But by all means, enjoy your watered down experience. I'm sure you'll realise you're not actually having fun soon.
Does everyone have the same animals?
no, retard
For the first 7 levels yeah. Variety doesn't kick in until you get past level 10 and really work towards replacing your shit members.
Not only you have to collect it but you also have to use it to decorate your camp.
>Ask help to enter in the special zone
>Somewhat, I always miss only one help from a friend
the game is pretty shit. it forces you into situations where the amount of time for items to be made is increased to hours, so you run out of patience and possibly crack/spend money on their microtransactions. there's honestly no way to enjoy the game completely when you're constantly running out of time and forced to use hard to get items.
there's also hardly anywhere to go. the game is cute as fuck, but it's hardly worth playing.
Stop playing mobile shit
unbelievable that retards fall for this. first with fire emblem, and now animal crossing.
>so you run out of patience and possibly crack/spend money on their microtransactions.
You can't be this dumb. These kind of games have to be played in short bursts, you aren't supposed to spend the whole day playing it. Create an object, turn off the game and then come back later when it's ready.
Only weak ass addicts use the tickets to make things go faster, use the tickets for more useful things like making your backpack space bigger.
Or to bring K.K. Slider in your camp.
>villagers who give wood: half of them
>villagers who give steel/cotton: other half
>villagers who give preserves/paper: fucking no one
Why is this allowed?
I'm already bored. I liked playing dress but all the clothes you get are random. Plus I don't care about decorating my site because there's no fucking room and everyone needs ugly furniture to put out. Would be better if you only had to craft it and not set it out
how do i replace villagers?
>Only weak ass addicts use the tickets to make things go faster,
so the autistic, instant gratification wanting sub-humans who play mobile shit? a lot of people spend big money on games like this. for no good reason.
pocket camp is an exceptionally strange case because the console games are much more robust and easier to manipulate, and yet you don't even have to manipulate them.
>villagers who give preserves/paper: fucking no one
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure those that like sports give you paper every now and then.
In your average AC games unless you timescum you have to wait a whole day to order furniture that aren't in Tom Nook shop.
>there's also hardly anywhere to go.
Yeah. Also way too little fish/insect to catch.
>so the autistic, instant gratification wanting sub-humans who play mobile shit? a lot of people spend big money on games like this. for no good reason.
Good for them? Or you are somewhat implying you are part of that group? Don't find excuses, if you use the tickets wrong, you deserve to be one of those sub-humans.
There are 2 apollo and sheep guy
There are also 2 that give food.
I'm hoping they add more soon to help balance that out.
You can ask one of your current animals to fuck off from your camp, using the menu on the top right (the icon with the cat face).
At that point, you can invite a new animal.
I don't play this shitty game. I played it for a day when it released in Australia, realised how shallow it was and went back to New Leaf
>I'm hoping they add more soon to help balance that out.
Dataminers found new villagers in the recent update files, so they'll arrive sooner or later.
It isn't their main resource. They usually give you Wood/Steel+ maybe 1 paper every 3-4 requests.
>I don't play this shitty game
Well, it was clear the moment you showed you don't know how tickets should be used at all.
>Find human
>Talk to him
>It's either japanese, female or both
My friend list is filled with chinks, where the fuck are western people?
I played for about 15mins during the AUS release a month ago
its shit
I feel bad about the thought of kicking out campers. Do they ever leave off their own accord?
>if you only had to craft it and not set it out
That's how it works.
Whatever makes you feel better about your spending. I'm sure all the time you saved was worth it.
It's a free game, what exactly is there to fall for?
>He didn't buy a 3DS XL Lite to just play games better designed for mobile, l-look who gets the last laugh!
How? It won't let me. It drops me into the editor unless the stuff is already out, or it asks if you want to put it out automatically
You put it out automatically, invite an animal and then you're asked to remove it.
Post your camp fags
I think you are being stupid on purpose, since I told you I don't use tickets to save time.
>I feel bad about the thought of kicking out campers
Same. Unfortunately, some of my villagers aren't going over level 7, so I am forced to kick them out.
I don't believe you because you're stupid enough to waste time on half baked mobile shit
and you waste time shitposting on a mongolian stamp trade board
what now?
Fishing for (you)s huh. Thankfully, i'm out of (you) for today.
>i-it's free goy! just remember to spend mommy's credit card on making the timer go away
It's just camping. They're basically leeching you off.
my wife is obsessed
I have a night off. You're so pathetic it's kind of funny. Making you shit your pants defending your basic mobile game is delightful
Pretty ghetto desu, almost entirely starting furniture.
I'd fuck your wife. Maybe I'll start asking her the friendship in the game.
Because it's your first Animal Crossing.
Play a real one.
Me too. It's probably just weebs.
No you don't. You just have to have it when you call them to come to your camp. The game fucking tells you that you can trash that shit immediately afterward
>That car
I am very jealous.
>Inaccessible seating
I'm sure as fuck I was inviting someone and then the game told me "hey, put these two items to decorate your camp or this guy won't come over!".
In fact, that's what I did and I trashed those two items right after.
Pocket Camp is objectively a better Animal Crossing title than the last one was.
Ironically, villagers manage to sit in inaccessible seatings anyway. It saves space I guess.
>playing a 3ds in public
>calling others pathetic
It's easy to get since Cherry tje dog will be one of the first villagers to reach level 10 if you make a cool camp.
It's for the villagers and they love it. My camp is set up so every villager has something to do so they're never idling in the bottom area.
>tfw just got Nook and K.K
Feels good.
>Cherry tje dog
Literally my waifu, probably one of the villagers I'll keep till the end of the days.
>tfw I used my tickets to expand my backpack and such
>Had enough tickets only for one of them
>I choose K.K.
Honestly, it wasn't a hard choice.
Got them both yesterday, didn't spend a single dollar in real money.
It helps that the achievements are so easily obtainable. I did them all but two in only four days. Also My Nintendo can get you 30,000 coins and 50 free tickets.
What was the last one? Amiibo shit? No wonder.
Enjoy having fuck all inventory space
That's what the other user said. You need to craft them and have them in your site when you invite whatever villager(?) that wanted said items.
>I know what REAL fun is
>I play the horribly ugly and outdated version of the game BECAUSE IM A REAL FAN
Same. Didn't spend a cent.
All I have used my tickets on are K.K and Nook, All the crafting spots and the goals which requires me to "spend tickets to complete a crafting" etc.
I'm surviving. All my tickets from now on goes to that.
>I suck the shit from Nintendo's anus because I'm a retarded consumer
>I'm even willing to spend hundred on micro-transactions like a good goy
kys you'reself
I didn't spend a single dime either so far. I pity those that shitpost saying the game forces you to buy tickets, they clearly can play games for shit and probably play only on easy mode all their games.
The micro-transactions are there for people who are impatient (which is a large amount of people.)
I like to play this game for short bursts throughout the day. This means I usually have all my items crafted and I have more requests to do every time I play the game.
If you ask me, the real problem is how quickly you run out of materials ( a fucking weeping fig is like 30 pieces of wood.)
It's not a $60 title with additional season pass and other microtranscations. It's a f2p phone game you can stop playing whenever you want.
Stop being autistic.
user, you aren't the winning side in this argument. You talked shit, got told, and now youre just back paddling. It's fine if you don't like the game, but you said yourself you only played it for a day.
You have no idea how the game works (aside from the general structure of the micro-transactions.)
They should add the ability to sell materials to your friends too, not only fruits, insects and fishes.
>It's not a $60 title with additional season pass and other microtranscations
Neither is any other Animal Crossing game.
Stop being in denial
>Remember to use the optional feature that you don't have to use unless you really want to
No one has even mention how the game literally throws leaf tickets at you for a good while at the start of the game.
In total, ive gotten around 350 leaf tickets from just playing. You can also use your mynintendo rewards to got 50 tickets.
I'm not back pedaling at all.
I'd say the game is the same as any other AC title, but it's not. It's both shallow and watered down and on top of that, they've thrown in micro-transactions to sate the autistic desire to have thing immediately.
You objectively get more missions and opportunities to purchase furniture and clothing in this game than any other title.
Even with Nookington's and Gracie's unlocked in other titles, in Pocket Camp the stores rotate inventory every three or so hours and you can craft up to four things at a time which aren't locked until the next day like the ONE item you can get Cyrus to craft for you in other games.
If people have problems with the wait times in Pocket Camp then I have no idea how they didn't bite a bullet trying to play other Animal Crossing games where after ten minutes there's nothing to do but grind by collecting ans selling fish/bugs until the next day.
>hey come to my campsite
>build me a couch bitch
What even
Are you aware New Leaf got a massive Amiibo update which requires you to buy the figures/cards to access the content? Or the fact that Amiibo Festival was purely physical DLC?
>Playing Animal Crossing
This game is like 99.9% casual grrrl gamers. The rest are fags. You're more likely to run into normal dudes in a Kim Kardasian: Hollywood thread.
I want a piece of furniture that's just Tom Nook in a bathtub full of leafbux
>hey come to my house after school to hang out
>do you have any video games?
>uh nope I don't even have a tv
Why would they visit your campsite if their campsite already has everything they want?
It's just bullshit that each villager NEEDS five or six items instead of just two or three.
It's a free mobile game. It's supposed to give a taste of the animal crossing series. We're you expecting a completly new entry to the series?
And yes, you back paddling. That's why all you're saying is the same shit Sup Forums says about any mobile game.
What the fuck are you talking about? There are only 2 limitations with the amiibo update.
1. Special villagers like the Zelda characters
2. The special villagers campers (ie Zelda characters, Isabelle and other npc villagers, and the squid sisters)
Literally everything else in the update is free and can be accessed by anyone.
They don't have campsites. They are just camping.
It's more like
>hey come to my house after school to hang out
>do you have smash Bros melee?
>uh nope I only have brawl
Their fundamentally the same, but now you have to get another version of it to get 1 animal to come to your campsites.
>no new fish/insects
I know its kind of obvious but
Winter isn't the best season to catch bugs and fish
It isn't the best season to harvest fruits either, but there are all of them
>not available in your country
the game literally has an option to automatically swap out your furniture for what you need to bring them over and asks if you want to put that shit away as soon as you succeed.
Even then the variety is really small right now given how many animals there actually are
Don't give a fuck about this until my same B-day bro Curt is available.
>hurr what are you talking about you just can't access the new villagers and their furniture
That literally is all the new content.
>Not a single advertisement in-game that interrupts your gaming session
>No "click this video to gain more currency" crap
>Getting the premium currency (tickets) is still easy as fuck and there's plenty to obtain
>Despite everything, the game is completely free without bullshit
Shitposters on suicide watch
is there a museum later in the game? or some incentive to keep fishing/bug hunting besides the little fetch quests?
I've just reached level 6 but still don't feel drawn in
Are you fucking serious, did you ever heard about lemons and oranges?
>No fucking Bob
Why the fuck
cant get over how addicting this shit is
There is no museum.
I think the addiction runs out after a month or so. At least, that's what happens to me with mobile games.
I hope this will be different though.
>upcoming villagers
paid dlc