I don't want to watch my favorite multiplayer shooter die a slow fucking death
Answer me you fucking pigs.
Did that game come out of beta?
A dead game should be left well alone.
>Free 2 Play
>Early Access
>Online only
>Slow as fuck
10/10 idea, would ignore again
Well what is it, sell it to me
Kill yourself.
Not P2W.
Good regardless.
It's 2017.
Take your fucking pills.
Strategic online shooter with massive ships. Doesn't reward you for twitching all over the place. It's more about multitasking and situational awareness, as well as keeping your aim steady.
You need PS+? I might give it a shot
>enemy rushes with max health shipperinos and just presses all buttons as quickly as possible
No clue. Probably.
Never happened.
shit game ahahaha
World of Warships on an XYZ plane.
Is it on Steam?
>wins by pressing no buttons
Great game lol
It’s actually retarded
Fuck off, retard.
Wait. No. It's not.
>I don't want to watch my favorite multiplayer shooter die
Tell them to advertise more. You never see dreadnought advertised anywhere and they fell for the cig trailer meme. People dont play it because they don't know it exists
You're not wrong.
I'm just being real about it. No one talks about the game, its never in any gaming related news, barely anyone (if anyone at all) streams the game, its not advertised anywhere at all you wont even see it in those little poorly made "interactable" ad boxes you see on random websites. The only marketing this game had going for it was the cgi trailer which is just a big waste of money and Angry Joe.The thing about youtube gaming celebs is once they move on from your game, so do their audience.
I have the game installed, think I played two hours at most. The game doesn't feel like big ships fighting at all. All those weird powers like using a scout ship to teleport and do hit and runs, or turning invisible with another ship, or another ship that's a dedicated sniper, really killed that capital ship feeling for me.
It's a tactical space shooter where you and your team mates pilot massive ships that can't roll, feel like battleships that can ascend and descend, cooldowns everywhere and power reallocation to make stuff work better in exchange for other stuff working poorly/not at all.
I played the alpha/beta and it was really really slow and player skill is determined by who can be more efficient with flanking/button pressing instead of actually being able to control your ship to beat someone. It's more strategy, less action.
Has it been expanded upon? I played it a while back, and it was very neat, but deserves more than just TDM.
I heard it was a poo cause the grind is World of tanks/Warthunder etc awfulness.