13 days until DMC 5 is announced

>13 days until DMC 5 is announced

Get motivated niggers

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't want to get excited for Capcom stuff. I feel like it's a fast track to disappointment...

The original's perfect. Every single sequel is a fucking abortion.

Kill yourself.

stfu retard,dmc3 is a fuckin masterpiece.

>snakeskin pants
Why did they change that part of his design & leave everything else the same

Nope. It's a pile of shit.

Slash your fucking throat.

sorry bud, it's my baby Dragons Dogma 2 that's getting announced

This isn't even sad at this point, all I feel is anger.
Fuck off retard DMC5 does not exist. Stop being a delusional gullible mongoloid you fuck. Just stop already, go see a shrink.

Kys kamiya
Platinum execs should fire you

now that u mention it i see it now.Idk why they did this.In 3 it seems he have some sort of black or gray pants(pic),but those in 4 looks fine too
nope.You have Dark Arisen and DD online it's more than enough.Idk why anyone would want more of a generic mmo clone #1335512 anyway.

Try not to get your hopes up. We're so far into this hopes and dreams thing for a DMC sequel now it's sort of bordering on the pathetic.

Not to mention it's more likely Capcom will be more focused on Monster Hunter World and Street Fighter V in comparison.

No chance. I'd prefer that or Rival Schools to a new DMC but DMC is the only realistic option for Itsuno's new game.

Please stop. Don't do this to yourself.

>Being this much of a nostalgia fag

>Get motivated niggers
Get Demotivated niggers

I suggest you claim down or you'll end up another statistic

I've been motivated for like 3 years. I'm starting to not feel so motivated.

Inb4 switch exclusive

... Hey!

Itsuno said he will announce new game this year and then apologized for not doing it at E3.PSX is still this year so now it's the time you better believe it.

At this point, you can't even blame Capcom for disappointing, since you keep setting yourself up for it.

>it's actually Dragon's Dogma 2

Donte is that you? Calm down you edgy fucking faggot


Not surrendering till Im dead.
Maybe not even after that.

dude I want to believe too, but it's not happening

You know it's gonna be Dragon's Dogma 2. Don't kid yourself.

I'd be ok with it, but it really wouldn't make much sense for all 3 main VAs in DMC4 to spill their spaghetti everytime someone says DMC if it really was DD. Also Capcom wouldn't want to put DD2 in competition with DDO.
Regardless, we'll just have to wait and see.

>inb4 he makes this same tweet a few weeks from now


>it's sort of bordering on the pathetic.
Trust me, you guys are FAR FAR beyond that border already...

He literally copy pastes that tweet after every big gaming event.

There will never be a DMC5.

Stop getting your hopes up.

Then what's Itsuno's game?
Protip: it's not dragon's dogma nor rival schools

New IP.

>SF5 and Marvel leaks confirmed real

There is a chance.

>In addition to regular major title releases each fiscal year, Capcom is currently focused on reviving series that have not had new entries recently, or otherwise dormant IP.
From one of Capcom's official press releases of 2016.

Why do this to your self? Just let it die, just let it die. They fucked it up, they walked away from the fans while dismissing us and look what happened.

Devil May Cry ended.

>rival schools
aw dude dont even joke, id fucking kill someone for a sequel with more street fighter kids like sakura

Itsuno has said he wants to make a new one so there's at least some hope that it'll happen someday, however slim the chance is.

>it's actually Onimusha

I don't think it's gonna be a new IP.

>13 days until Half Life 3 is announced
Get motivated niggers

Where would it be getting announced?

>Implying Kamiya didn't like DMC3

PSX, if it's announced in 13 days. I don't think Sony plans on announcing much this year, but there's not many more events to make an announcement at this year and there is supposed to be a new game from Itsuno announced this year.

PSX, like DmC

Of all games Capcom could make, I trust them least with Onimusha
Its the kind of game that would never be released in todays world. Shit they didnt feel confident with it even back them. Oni 3 was fucking superb and they dared make that shit DoD

DmC was announced at TGS.

Sony already said they aren't going to announce anything at PSX. They are only showing off games that have been announced.

I know, but that's where OP thinks it's going to be announced, that's what's happening in 13 days.

I find it incredibly ironic how Capcom outsourced and rebooted DMC because they wanted to appeal to the western audience, and they announce the game at the fucking Tokyo Game Show.


Either PSX or the Game Awards.

I think a Game Awards announcement would be a safer bet to expect Itsuno's game because the awards gather more attention than the Playstation Experience, at least I believe it to be the case. Last year they got a 2.3 million people watching that shit, and this year had hot games left and right.

I remember Sony saying the PSX this year would be smaller, but I don't think they excluded any announcements. Besides that, Itsuno's game has been in development long enough where they have to have stuff ready to show off, maybe even a demo. The next big Capcom title, Monster Hunter, is also close to release and Capcom will want to keep fans looking forward to its next big project by January.
Realistically speaking, we're actually overdue, so it's best to keep an eye out at any decently sized event.


The Media Director for PlayStation said so.


Not the guy posting it, but the guy who is in the posts screencaps.

Sony also blew their load on Paris Game's Week to fuck over the Xbox One X launch and Keighley seems to be hyping up big things for the Game awards, though of course he would do that.

Media Director for Playstation in California* But still. That's what he said, and that's where PSX is happening.

The original has aged like milk.

DMC5 is not coming, "DmC has potential, so we're making DmC2" is more likely to happen

>less than two weeks until Devil May Cry 5/Dragon's Dogma 2, Soul Calibur VI, and F-Zero S by Retro Studios

Stupid dog. You have a remaster coming out Dec 12. Fuck off.

Assuming it's not delayed, if it can't be at PSX it has to be announced at the game awards or outside of any event, which is pretty unlikely.

>PSX almost ending
>Screen goes black
>Devil May Cry title shows up
>you can hear "Fuck you too" as the screen darkens

>F-Zero S by Retro Studios
>Not F-Zero GX-2 by Sega

>So we are happy to announce DmC 2-spanish version only(english version won't be available)

the dice meme needs to end, it only happens twice and is easily cheesed. kamiya cant talk shit with all the dumb ass mini game like things in his games

VGA is more likely than PSX.

Why do you do this? Why is this shit acceptable? Why the fuck do these threads not get immiedietely /trash/ed like every other MUH FAVORITE VIDEO GAME SEQUEK
L. Fuck you faggot, fuck every faggot who has posted in this thread and fuck DMC never going to happen 5. Who is the autist that makes these threads? I want him to die.

you mean ''The game awards''? .I just checked it and it seems like some event that gives awards in categories to video games but i don't think it is for new game announcements.Was anything ever announced on this event?.I think PSX is more likely cause dmc series has always been PS-exclusive,or PS/PC games..

Metal Gear Rising reboot I think.

>Why don't they delete video game threads on the video game board?

>dmc series has always been PS-exclusive,or PS/PC games..
At this point DMC had more multiplatform releases than exclusive man, since 3 the series hasn't been exclusive. Hell, even 1 and 2 can't be considered exclusive since they got HD remasters for the 360.

If you meant to say that the series had always been more related to Playstation, than you're correct.

He always had snakeskin pants, it just needs more detailed graphics to be seen.