Don't normally give a shit about achievements

>Don't normally give a shit about achievements
>Noticed I'm only 2 achievements away from 100%-ing one of my favorite games
>This would be the first time I've ever "platinumed" or "completed" a game
>Go to check what the achievements actually are
>One is for completing an event that was only hosted on the initial ""season"" that the game was released
>You can still access this event, but upon completion it no longer "counts" as the achievement
>The other is a "Kickstarter Backer" achievement
>There are several posts in the game's forums discussing people that have been banned for cheating or using an external program to unlock these


Those achievements don't fucking count. Stop being autistic.

>don't fucking count
>Without them, the game won't show as 100% completed in the "completed games" menu on my account

Normally, I don't give a fuck or a rat's ass about this shit, but it would be nice to have the little badge thing that indicates I've played this much. It doesn't really matter though.

Who cares, stop being a cheevofag

Achievements are usually divided into three categories, the "Storyline" achievements that you get through beating the game, the "Stunt" achievements that you get by doing specific things to get and generally aren't too hard, and the "Autist" achievements, like beating the entire game on Insane difficulty without dying. Don't bother with those.

why dont you just get the achievement enabler that sets every achievement on every game you own to "achieved" then faggot

What game, OP?

Legitimate autism.

>why dont you just get the achievement enabler
reading comprehension

excuse me for not making it through all your fucking whining

>mfw I see a trophy/achievement for doing every sidequest in a game with missable stuff and points of no return everywhere
Good job I don't really care about these things.



>played during early access
Chiveos like that should not be allowed

If you want a plat so bad, get a Telltale game. All their trophies are storyline progress ones.

>one of my favorite games

you're the problem here

What game faggot.

>mfw platinumed outlast 1/2

>see someone that clearly cares about achievements with a gamers core of 150k +
>he never does any hard achievements, he always leaves off the hard ones and sticks exclusively to the easy

Cookie Clicker has the only good thing I've ever seen with these situations: Shadow Achievements.
They affect nothing in regards to completion (or cps, which they do in CC), and they don't even get shown until you get them, but they're there if you REALLY want to get them and show off.

It's better than any other system, and it's a fucking browser game.

Kongregate does it well with their badge system and is what I wish Steam would've emulate instead. Every badge is allocated a difficulty (easy, medium, hard, impossible) that each brings about a general expectation of what one needs to do to achieve them. Badges are assigned by a set moderator, and no game is allowed more than four. Everything is simple and straightforward.

That sucks. The only game I platinumed is Deus EX HR and there you get the platinum trophy even if you don't play the dlc. The dlc has its own set of trophies.

>like beating the entire game on Insane difficulty without dying