Literally Digimon. Pokémon is fucking dead.
Literally Digimon. Pokémon is fucking dead
>american creativity
americans everyone
Light That Burns The Sky is cool as fuck
That is insulting to Digimon
>Caring about any main legendary Pokemon after gen 4
Arceus was the last good legendary pokemon. Everything after that (except Hoppa, Maegarna and Marshadow) are trash.
>yfw in gen 8 you actually become the pokemon like season 4 of digimon
Excuse me
I felt the same because everything felt like a step down except Hoopa who was doing some interdimensional shit. However I like these new ones because they are from universes that Arceus had no hand in creating
In game. That shit ain't canon.
Always amuses me when genwunners simply can't understand how a pokemon's concept works and cry "D-Digimon!!". Anything that isn't a generic looking lizard with Toriyama eyes is a bad design for you faggots.
While I agree, the Gen 8 legendaries do have pretty un-pokemon esque design aeshetics.
The opposite (how orgiinal pokemon/nintendo). They already did it with zoarark/latias.
>caring about pokeshit past the age of 10
That's their point though. They're from another universe
They did this in gen 1 with ditto and mew
>only criticism of new pokemon is muh digimon as if digimon designs are bad
Pokemon WISHES it could be as sexy as digimon
Bow to your new god
I'm just glad my bro Muk made it out with a decent new typing and design. Have used him since Red and Blue came out so the buff was awesome. I hate all these overly designed ones, or at least the majority of them. As long as they keep other normal more simple designs too then I don't care much.
I actually like some of Sun/Moons designs. Alolan Sandshrew cute as fuck. Salazzle's pretty cool with a bitchin shiny.
Sorry champ, but mega fug remains supreme
>literally digimon
>cartoony animals
You'd wish Pokemon was turning into Digimon.
>pokemon become digimon
>digimon become generic anime
this world sucks
>pokemon become digimon
But pokemon doesn't have any cool designs.
>Gen 3 trio has a Dragon
>Gen 4 has a Dragon trio
>Gen 5 has a Dragon trio
>Gen 6 trio has a Dragon
>Gen 7 trio does not have a Dragon
>But now the Gen 7 trio has a Dragon
>a frogposter is right for once
well fuck me
They demand more dragon pokeporn.
Does pokemon have any monster nearly as cool as Rust Tyrannomon?
Still waiting on the original dragon that became to tao trio
I like Tyrantrum and Golurk.
So is Deoxys an ultra beast?
>that image
Comfy as fuck, user, got some more?
Of Pokemon in general or just Deoxys?
Nah, Digimon designs are actually cool.
This. Pokemon fucking sucks.
Also any of you niggas play Cyber Sleuth? 10/10 game with the best waifus I've ever seen. It's like a SMT game but with more fapping.
>This is a cool design
Digimon has better designs though, because they aren't specifically going for the kid crowd. Which is probably why they lost to Pokemon desu.
Pokémon in general.
Thanks! Metagross is my fav, that image makes me happy.
Have a cool dino with his games
Sure I'm feeling sad today so I'll dump a little more
Now that's fucking adorable
By Pokémon is by he Japanese company game freak.
That's a big metagross.
Actually, stage 1 and 2 look like Neopets. But the rest does look like Digimon.
Not him, but nice dump, user, thank you very much.
I hope your day gets better.
Thank you friend
Pokemon hasn't fallen to digimon's level until it has literal cosplay tier waifumons.
Not really
Digimon designs are always better than Pokemon and this designs of usum are garbage
Ok I'm going to sleep
Sweet dreams, user, Hope you dream of Pokeman
wow rude, wishing people nightmares
>caring about videogames past the age of 10
I still have no idea what the fuck this Ash Greninja is and I don't care to look it up
Feed me with a spoon
Greninja has an ability that allows him to transform into stuff (protean)
He chooses to transform into ash because muh friendship
I'm not entirely sure but from my understanding Ash and his Greninja are "in-sync" with one another and I think they both take damage?
pokemon needs a reboot starting from first gen, scrapping everything after. go back to adventures in the wild and gym battles.
You say it as if Digimon is a bad thing
Pokémon is already getting stale, might as well get more creative with how evolutions progress
They need a reboot with new Pokemon
10 new Pokemon for a gen is pathetic
>first gen
Fuck off genwunner, go back to Pokémon go.
If the reboot (they won't becuase that's retarded), they should hand pick a bunch of popular designs from all generations based on fan votes
All they gotta do is a MMORPG where you can catch, battle, etc, with a league and where the very best one reigns supreme.
it's all they gotta do to get infinite money
but nooooooo let's do some mediocre designs and shit
How does this mean Pokémon is dead?
>fan votes
no thanks autismo, you faggots would probably pick the worst humanoid car keys pokemon looking shit. modern pokemon fans are nothing but mentally ill degenerates.
As opposed to genwun fags who jerk off over Charizard?
>genwunner calls others mentally ill
Lol. Just lol.
Wtf pokemon looks fucking gay now
what is this polygon shit
When will this meme end?
>not liking polygons
>not liking porygon
It's like you're a faggot
>people still think the new Pokemon game on the Switch will be good
fucking turbogay
its what happens when autismos praise nintendo for every mediocre thing they do with pokemon. thank god skyward sword was universally despised except by paid game reviewers, or else we would have never gotten the breath of the wild unique experience.
So how would Pokemon battles work in an open world environment like this? Stick to the turn based combat or go the Chrono Trigger route?
Also would you be able to walk up to wild Pokemon to engage in combat or keep the traditional "walk in grass until encounter" method?
only once it happens and everybody hates it becomes MMO's are garbage
>Literally Digimon
You fucking wish Pokemon had as much tits and guns and swords everywhere like Digimon did.
you can either do a complete screen change like traditional pokemon when you walk into them, or you can do the more modern rpg transition where it just transitions to battle mode in the same stage.
pokemon is gay all of a sudden?
no gentle user, pokemon was always gay
You do know that 90% of Pokemon's player base is kids right? Kids aren't going to want to play an MMO and their parents aren't going to want to pay a subscription fee for it.
Not to mention that Nintendo has a huge fear of actual online player interaction and would never do a Pokemon game where people could even text chat with one another.
pokemon was not gay, but it was gentle. now its just plain gay with sissy trainer boys, dopey looking lazy monsters, etc. before it was a gentle boy and his pet adventure, now its fucking ONII CHAN furry fuck me in the ass retarded dimensional creatures who look like a bunch of squares and triangles for no reason
basically we need to kill everyone born into gen 4 and up
it's the only way we can reverse this mistake
I think the traditional screen change wouldn't mesh well in an open world environment. You want as little screen transitions as possible especially considering the game would have to load the entire world after each battle. Running through a patch of grass with no intention of battling and only running will give you a good 4 or 6 quick screen transitions which can be taxing on hardware.
I think keeping the same stage would be better.
As far as encounters, they should make different body style models roaming around in the grass like in pic related. The Pokemon would be represented by it's body style out of battle and once combat begins it'll switch to it's "true" model depending on what Pokemon it is.
>getting this assblasted over 3D models when the entire fanbase has been crying about it since the DS
>there are people that actually hold this opinion
Considering that Digimon are now all either
>Slutty Whoremon
>Totally Not a Mascotmon
I say that that's a welcome change. At least ONE of these series still has fucking monsters in it.
Why does the art in the anime look so much worse? Did Ash lose so hard that it broke his artstyle?
Based. Took the words out of every real fans mouth, ofc cuck /vp will just get mad at you.
Yup. Great minds think alike. We need to get on this quickly so that nuKemon never gets liked again.
Bcus money, whatelse?
Gonna pick up where user left off
Uh the new anime has better animation which is more expensive.
So while we do our mission to kill the neomonshits, we could post the worst and cringiest of neokemon.
Srsly, these all look so soulless.
Never heard of him. Why does NeoMon fans like to hang with boogeymans so much
>not understanding jokes
He should never have said that because you autists do not understand context
>being so defensive
Lol, totes not him
ash mind fused with his greninja at the end of the last season
Reminder that this Pokemon is better competitively than most of the entire first generation of Pokemon.