Cybran, when you really must kill everything
Cybran, when you really must kill everything
I never understood the point of all those artillery Experimentals, especially the scathis
For the same cost I could have just made like 5 Monkeylords and a bunch of Bricks and steamrolled my opponent
The same reason they built the Death Star instead of just steamrolling the rebels with Star Destroyers.
One of the most shit experimentals. Eats all your economy and misses its target by half a map
Thats not a spider bot
>dirt cheap
>fast move
>built in jamming device
>universal weapons
Balanced as fuck
*ends your game*
man these new gaming routers are getting weirder every year
Because science-fiction is dead and Star Wars killed it?
>implying that anyone who isn't turtle, turret spaming noob would allow you to build this
>After rework is 10 times as expensive to balance increased range but it still has ridiculous spread so effective range haven't changed at all
Its just cool.
I managed to turtle properly one game with the UEF (Opponents were inept and fighting each other more).
I basically steamrolled because the consistent artillery fire wiped out anything that got close and just hammered their defenses to the point they could barely leave their shielded bases.
Seraphim master race reporting in
>calling Star Wars scifi
Who are you quoting?
He's quoting the guy who called star wars scifi.
I don't see it.
There are cheap English lessons, you know?
You should take them.
Yours isn't very good.
How do I get gud at this game?
>10 minutes into the game
>Starting to build Tier 2, being pretty chuffed with myself
>Got enough, try to attack enemy
>They somehow have two Monkey Lords and a hundred Tier 3 and a nuke all coming to my base
>10 minutes
>not having 20 resource bases
>not having 50 ghetto gunships
>Star Wars
fucking end yourself, you manchild.
I can't believe the sheer amount of people that don't even know about this game but still cry about RTS being dead
Starcraft was a mistake
Sup Forums doesn't actually play video games. They just pretend.
Cossacks 3 was about the time I decided to stop giving a shit about RTS.
It's just for fun. No one can afford the game enders without getting fucked in a 1v1
ow the edge
sorry you don't have tickets for the last jedi :(
I don't watch brain cell killing garbage, and neither should you
You can't deny experimentals are fun as fuck.
anyone got that video where a cybran bounces back a mini-nuke?
this cannot be done in sup com
Don't forget about the fact that its DPS is higher than any other Experimental unit. Gotta love Monkeylords and Cybran TECHNOLOGY
You can bounce the UEF ACU's tactical missiles which can be upgraded to nuclear warheads.
Forgot that and assumed you were some sup com 2 cuck. Sorry about that.
Not him but that from FA not Supcom 2, it a tactical missle upgrade into a billy nuke
>10 minutes into the game
>not having 10 mass fabricators while a horde of tech 3 engies are working on your third experimental
How good/bad is two anyway?
Scathis is a mobile siege weapon that is designed to wear down shields and cause aerial denial when you no longer have air superiority and your oppoenity's anti-air defenses makes a strategic bomber sniper practically impossible and they have enough TMLs to make experimental worthless and have enough bombers to steamroll brick/loyalist swarms.
Deus Ex invisible war level shit
An alright rts but horribly dumbed down compared to FA
>idiot star wars analogy
the death star was a ww2 analogy for nukes
Well sorry, I'm only a 400 noob what am I supposed to do and how am I suppsoed to learn when I get roflstomped really hard.
Why does Cybran get so many good experimentals, ITS NOT FAIR
Basilisk, for when you need to be absolutely sure those fucking ork buildings aren't going to shred your infantry
Sometimes you get a situation when a player will turtle, gety enough defense and shields to survive Bricks and Monkeyloards, especially if he spams Percivals.
Sending more Mlords will just give him more metal to reclaim.
In such cases a Scathis will be able to destroy all shields and just raze him off the map.
How did they NOT see that transport
Must be nice to have a nasa supercomputer.
>GC turns around and runs at the last moment
Cybran stronk
can I have "what is a stealth generator" for 500$?
you are worst robut. you are the robut idiot you are the robut smell.
Go eat a nuke, ugly.
>Really like the idea of RTS games
>Try to play multiplayer of whatever is the hottest shit
>Start building up forces, got basebuilding down
>Eventually real fighting begins and I become entranced by the front lines
>All production and shit stops as I micro every single unit for really no reason at all and watch the fighting
>Lose because the opponent didn't just watch his dudes shooting at the enemy and actually maintained unit production/base upgrades/whatever
How do I stop being autistic and enjoy watching the pretty lasers
put your graphics on minimum
In a solo game you an shit out an ML at about 15-16 minute mark. In team games getting one at 12 is not unheard of.
Watch replays of people who grow an economy well - especially on Pass/Thermo games. Also note that every unit of mass spent on upgrading eco is not spent on upgrading war machine and it stacks up fast.
Four t3 mexes with change are equivalent of an ML, and if you pull an early ML, and your opponent defends aganst it, you are 5 or so minutes back on your eco. In SupCom terms, you are screwed.
Every good player has his buildings hotkeyed and builds everything WHILE micromanaging the battles.