I wish Skyrim had combat similar to Dark Souls
There's already a TES thread up my dude
>Actual good combat and loot system in Skyrim
I don't remember her looking like that.
Christ those tits
Delphine isn't a nord she's a filthy jew breton
>I don't remember her looking like that.
Theres about 500 mods on that one screnshot
>I wish console trash game had even more consolized lock-on autoaim press x to evade bullshit
Skyrim could have the dark messiah combat, cause there were rumours that bethesda hired some of it's devs. But bethesda can't make good games so we've got this garbage.
You sound incredibly mad over something so unimportant. Lol pathetic.
Arkane fanboys are all braindead, I swear to god.
>most important part of the game
I'm going to rape you pathetic boypussy, cause it's so unimportant.
Nice argument, fagtron.
>press x to evade bullshit
Are you stupid would you prefer if the game dodged for you? dark messiah had shit combat literally just spamming kick the only reason people liked it is cause WOAH DUUUUDE MUH PHYSICS.
>dark messiah had shit combat
You didn't even fucking play it.
Don't bother, Arkane fanboys are all easily impressionable idiots who get hard from breaking loose and shitty games that take no effort to break.
>Are you stupid would you prefer if the game dodged for you
Are you retarded? Press x to execute a scripted animation that dodges for you is better than actually controlling your character yourself and fucking evading the attack?
Go back to making Webms of throwing barrels and kicking people you retard.
>controlling your character yourself and fucking evading the attack
That's what you do in souls games you mongoloid. or are you triggered by rolling or something? It's not automated if you fail the timing you still get hit.
>Arkanetard can't grasp basic gameplay mechanics
When is the expansion coming out? So many areas in that game were interesting to explore, but lacked any quests connected to them.
Why the fuck did they remove unarmed
>that bullseye with a barrel on 26s
My sides
>not blade of darkness
>That's what you do
Yeah, with lock on and invisibility while rolling. Console babbies are so retarded and can't do anything themselves that devs had to code in a FUCKING GODMODE
Woooow. You have to press X in time. It suuuch a hard mechanic. Fuck off retard.
post more underage bitches
Look lets all just agree that the Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind has the best combat of any game ever invented
You have the reflexes of a 80 year old.
>with lock on
You can use it or don't
>invisibility while rolling
Invincibility* and it only mili-seconds you still get hit at the start and end of the roll. What do you prefer literally just walking away from the enemy like some retard?
When it's done(TM). But seriously I'm exploring the Undercity now and there's a ton of named characters and areas that serve no purpose.
Alt+0153 to ™
I Wish skyrim was a good game
Me too.
>You can use it or don't
Yeah, sure. You can't even play the fucking game without it controlling your character and pointing attacks at the enemy automatically. Even aiming attacks is too hard for console kids these days.
> What do you prefer literally just walking away from the enemy like some retard?
Running. Ever heard of it? Are you too braindead to realise that you don't need no retarded scripts to evade anything? And the """combat""" is 100% full of those bullshit scripted animations that you can't even control. Shitsouls babbies actually believe that pressing a single button that activates one of the animations in time and just watching the result is """""gameplay""""
How come you can marry an Argonian or Khajiit (when you're not one) in Skyrim and no one says anything? I thought bestiality was looked down upon, and how would sex even work...
Waiting around while the enemy combos the air like a retard is the apex of combat, which is why the west is king at the action genre.
You sound angry
You are retarded, you click a button and the character does something. Thats every game.
>You can't even play the fucking game without it controlling your character
Doesn't happen show proofs.
>console kids
It's on pc.
>Shitsouls babbies actually believe that pressing a single button that activates one of the animations in time and just watching the result is """""gameplay""""
What do you think happens in your beloved dark messiah?? you press a button and an animation plays showing you attacking or kicking, are you really this slow? all games have animations that
What the fuck that's some saturday morning cartoon home alone shit.
Dark Souls Combat isn't even complex, it just has the illusion of it since Dark Souls enemies are designed to punish mistakes so hard. It blows my mind that Bethesda was so fucking lazy that they have defaulted to the hurr durr 1 button 1 swing combat for 2 games in a row (forgiving Morrowind due to heavier RPG elements). Not giving Skyrim better combat out of the box is probably the biggest missed opportunity in gaming in the past ten years. Sure, normies still love it regardless, but they could have captured an even wider audience.
What the fuck is this?
>that overhead barrel throw
Worst category of mods, new "companions" that look like retarded dolls.
the only redeeming factor skyrim has is sex dolls
You see the difference between controlling you character movement and aim and pressing a SINGLE fucking button that runs a script that aims at the enemy and attacks him for yourself, while you just sit and fucking watch, unable to interfere with it? Holy shit, console plebs are literally braindead.
You control your characters movement and aim in souls too you're just being retarded on purpose there are no scripts.
>that barrel
shit gets me every time
Yeah, with lock-on and attack/evade animations that freeze your controls. Nice fucking joke.
this retard either never played a souls game or he is just pretending to be stupid
Honestly, if its hacknslash with difficulty increasing HP to make enemies damage sponges vs diceroll pen and paper system with no levelled items I'd take the second any day.
Oblivion tried to keep some of that shit but skyrim took a huge dump on the gameplay and casuals lapped it up.
>what is modding
Again optional.
>attack/evade animations that freeze your controls
You can cancel your attack animation with a dodge. It just seems you really dislike dodging and wish you just ran around like a headless chicken and you can even beat souls that way.
Smooth brain detected
Tell that to all the people that finished shitsouls on all kind of retarded input devices. Shitsouls require literally a single fucking button that you need to press in time, that's the whole gameplay. A goddamn rhythm game require more dedication that this shit.
I modded skyrim to be like dark souls but it felt like more of a shitty hackjob than a fun to play game.
Looks good in videos and webms but feels clunky when you actually play it.
I could go through dark messiah by just using normal sword attacks or kicking. It doesn't prove anything.
Why do I have to go to secret corners and dark alleyways to get any mods relating children?
Except that you can't without controlling both movement and aim at the same time to land those attacks.
Turns out enemy movesets and other mechanics also matter, as anyone who had the displeasure to play 2 would know.
You control both movement and aim in souls games I've told you this already.
because chances are you're trying to pillage those children
But anooooooooooon, controlling a camera is haaaaaaaard.
>Le meme Souls!
into the trash
You can't because the game constantly takes control of your character. And it's so shit that people have to use workarounds to try to cancel those garbage animations. And it doesn't change the fact that lock-on is in the game, as well as auto-doge with invisibility. "You don't have to use it" is not an argument.
kys soulsfag
With the coop mod making a big debut, I wanted to see if the dlcs were on sale for skyrim.
None of them are.
The only way to get them is by buying ANOTHER copy of the game. All the dlc is full price alone. Even then, it isnt directly on the store page. Which is misleading on bethesdas part, you have to click on DLC from the game in your library.
A friend told me that you can just pirate the dlc bits even if your copy of the game is legit, just run it as every other mod.
Is he right?
You can't be this retarded stop pretending dude.
> the game constantly takes control of your character.
Never happens, Its like saying you lose control in dark messiah when you press kick or attack with a sword.
>lock-on is in the game
camera lock exists if YOU choose to use it. It's not on automatically you have to press a button to lock on.
Doesn't exist you have to time it.
>With the coop mod
What you mean by this?
find a 3rd party vendor like G2A
the Skyrim Together mod
yes you can pirate DLC on a legit copy
>Never happens, Its like saying you lose control in dark messiah when you press kick or attack with a sword.
You don't because in DM you are in control of attack 100% of time and still can aim it or jump away or do whatever the fuck you want.
>Doesn't exist you have to time it.
"but you have to press x IN TIME" argument again.
so I just bought dark messiah
how do I enable raw mouse input? can't find it in the options menu.
>we host the servers
I fucking hate this shit, please for the love of god tell me there's an option to host servers yourself.
All things considered, that can probably be tweaked on your own or even modded.
>mod for a mod
What a time to be alive
The biggest challenge tho is finding a good torrent for the DLCs.
Only thing I can seem to find these days are just fucking repacks.
They won't allow you to, it'll hurt the patreon shekel flow.
finally I can rape other peoples characters in Skyrim
Bulletstorm with swords. I love it.
is... is this who i think it is?
Any mod which distributes a bunch of GOOD looking armor amongst enemies?
I swear the lack of variety is the one thing still bothering me. Though I suppose with every flaw I find a solution to, two more takes its place eventually.
Give me a list of mods. Please.
Wanted to share some sketches I made of TES races, wanted it to feel closer to Morrowind.
So you wish the combat was awful
Which is Breton, bottom left?