So much for port begging. Explain yourself, pcmassturds

So much for port begging. Explain yourself, pcmassturds

Heh it's not so bad, lawbreakers could take some lesson.

You know that,s better than expected right? Koei tecmo usually sucks at porting games to PC in general.

Don't know much about this game, but I can only assume it has no multiplayer, and therefore no replayability which means it's not worth buying and anyone with a brain will pirate it.

YOU explain yourself dicklet.

When the brainlet shows up.

W-Woah there man, i-i just didn't have that much time to play with Thanksgiving and everything.
W-We cool?

Nobody cared about nioh except for fasleflaggers

i was pretty excited to get it, but then the pc port was awful, so i decided it wasn't worth it
maybe another day

>assume it has no multiplayer

>playing multiplayer """""games"""""" ever, under any circumstances
lol, just lol.

Pirated games don't show up on steam.

port is literally perfectly fine if you have a controller

>shitting is literally perfectly fine if you have a toilet

System requirements too high for most mustards. You hear a lot of bragging but a lot of PCfags are stuck on toaster or potato level hardware. Also, it pretty much requires a (good) controller.

I, on my 2012 budget PC, can run the game just fine. Except for one instance of the game locking up after a cutscene, forcing me to refight the water blob boss, and a little lag in the next area when dashing through too many boxes, I have not noticed any other problems with the game. What makes it a bad port?

competetive games are not for soyboys, I get why you are angry. But not everyone is a cuck like you...

we didn't want a shit port of a medicore game, all we wanted is bloodborne.

>shitting is literally perfectly fine if you have a toilet

yes, that is correct

>most likely needs a beefy computer to run
>probably 90gb, not everyone has fast internet
>singleplayer, pirate fags will pirate

Not everyone is an illiterate like you.

I already beat it, why would I buy it again?

yes, im glad we can come to an agreement

>Sonyfags falseflagers shitpost begging Nioh in PC
>Sonyfags shitposts that none on PC plays Nioh
Really, really makes me think

What are your specs? Pls respond

AMD 6300, GTX 960, 8GB RAM. Granted, I'm playing on medium settings, but still.

I want it, but I'm not paying £40 for a shoddy port. But then again I rarely pay full price for anything. I'm happy to wait until it's at the £20 mark.

It's amazing that it still has 7k players right now, that's a healthy community for the game. What you talking about, fag?

KT games usually drop to lower than 1k players a week after release.

I got a 6300 as well but my GPU is a R9 270x
Need a new pc

Pic with proof now
Go and fight nue and screencap the game with an fps counter, i'm betting $100 it will be below 50fps

>i'm betting $100 it will be below 50fps
So? Doesn't the regular console version play at 30?

and now 30fps on a pc port is ""fine""?
The game looks like dark souls and runs 2 times worse

Why would you ever try to play Nioh with a mkb.

Imagine if they ported this game to Console instead of the PC but required you use the Kinect to aim.


>GTX 960
>2012 budget pc
very funny, faget.

i don't care about your opinion if you don't have a controller to use for certain pc games

don't ever reply to me again

Of course it does. What do you think "budget PC from 2012" means? As long as it doens't dip below 30, I'm good.
Was it really? I played the half the tutorial at 30fps lock, and the game felt like it was playing at 10-20fps. No idea what that was about, but I unlocked it and haven't had any performance issues since, outside the aforementioned box breaking issue. The game literally turned into slowmo for like 10 seconds until all the debris settled. It was only that one map, too, the one with the boat with the cannons.

cuz I pirated dat shit, I also pirated nier automata on pc and persona 5 on ps3. whatchu gonna do bout it white boi?

you couldn't even buy the GTX 960 until 2015 you dumbass.

I bought DMC3 instead.
Better game from a better company.

>Why would you ever try to shit with a toilet

Original ps4 only runs nioh 60fps at 720p. So on that hardware he said he had if he is running a higher resolution, anything below 50 and above 30 is fine.

Hello, Pajeet.

Ok, so my memory was off and it was 2015. It was still a budget PC, that I didn't spend more than 400 dollars on.

Struggling with 30fps is not "can run the game just fine" nigger.
You run the game like a previous gen console while having 2-3 rimes th hardware power.


have it on ps4 famalam

No, what I'm saying is, when it was locked to 30fps, it was running like shit, far worse than 30fps, but when I unlocked it, it ran fine at 50-60fps. Hence, my confusion.

Don't make bad analogies. I use a mkb for shooting and rts because it's best, controller is just better for some things.

>Original ps4 only runs nioh 60fps at 720p.

>Don't make bad analogies. I use a toilet for shitting and pissing because it's best, toilet is just better for some things.

>buy an even shittier PC port of a game

We're done here, I'm too good for you.

dmc3 can be fixed with just 1 (one) mod

>make half ass port cash grab
>still do better than a lot of recent garbage
The fuck are you bitching about?

>already spent a shitload of money buying stuff for Christmas
>still procrastinating with my thesis, but can't bring myself to play video games while I'm not done
I'll probably get it by next month.

It's so tiring to play, between every mission you have to organize your inventory because the game loves to spew diablo items at you.
Soul Matching isn't even worth it, it costs an arm and a leg.
After every mission, pick biggest number on an item, trash the rest.

not really, theres a perfectly good street outside

I pirated it, but I don't think it's worth it. Performance issues and the game isn't really that fun to begin with. I'd buy it for 10$

Dark Souls was a lot better

I sort my inventory once every 5+ missions and it takes me 30 seconds.

The PS4 Pro version has drops to 720p too.

Can you sell me some ritalin?

>After every mission, pick biggest number on an item, trash the rest.
literally this
What did they even think while making the item system? quantity != quality

Suck my dick faggot

>weeb trash game
>no multiplayer
>single player garbage
Pirate day 1, uninstall within a week because it's trash.

Just memorize the hotkeys. You just sort it, lock the shit you want to keep then sell everything else. It should take a minute or two absolute max.

>It should take a minute or two absolute max.
>a minute or two to organize your inventory

even diablo doesn't do that. It should only take around 5 seconds

It has co-op and pvp modes

>500 items vs ~48 slots which usually only holds ~12 items in old diablo, or 25 items in new diablo which are all useless anyway and would be autotrashed by the blacksmith

Like I said it takes me about 30 seconds. And that's not true. Just reorganizing all those fucking squares in Diablo takes like 30 seconds.

>almost 100k copies at 50$ for a half assed port of a half year old game
that's actually quite impressive

No female protag.

>b-but w-we will buy games if the ports are good

Seems like Nioh is only proving the point then

>but I can only assume it has no multiplayer, and therefore no replayability which means it's not worth buying and anyone with a brain will pirate it.
you did this to yourself

Game runs fine for me except for the final level in london where 9/10 times it will crash in the boss room. It's really frustrating.

pc ports are a long time investment, they keep selling during their entire life

console kids just jump on whats new before moving to the next one

it was $90 on PS4 and sold over a million copies
really makes you think why publishers would rather release games on consoles than on PC

>not even 100k copies sold while riding the Souls hype train
Heh, at least they didn't have to implement mouse support, amirite?

That's concurrent players, dipshit.

Because it costs fucking nothing to port it.

>pc ports are a long time investment, they keep selling during their entire life
yeah, at $5, while console owners buy them at full price
the profits are way lower per sale on PC

They were trying to save you from yourself.

Shouldn't have told me this game had Diablo loot. Fuck that noise.

full prices for delayed ports is a sin

I'll pick it up in the future when the bugs have been ironed out, what's the hurry?

I bought it, user.
Not my fault that there are those with shit taste or haven't heard of it.
I do hope it sells more since I'd like to see a sequel or something similar.

>better than anyone but konami
You do know who owns DMC right?

I guarantee you it'd have done 300-500k if they bothered to release it within a month or two of the PS4 version. See Nier.

For me, it consistently crashes during the cinematic with the waterblob monster when entering Chugoku. Oh, and it also crashed whenever I headshotted the zombies during the ranged tutorials but I think it's been patched now. Other than that it's a pretty decent port.

>didn't get it when it was $35.99 on greenmangaming

Also no resolution options.

>100k for a game that's already been out for months
>7k active players

What's the problem?

Open the launcher.

literally no one "begged" for it you fucking abortion survivor

Best AAA game I have played in last few years.

>this whole post

It literally has two rendering resolution options, 1080p and 4k.


nobody begged for nioh to be ported
we welcomed it though