These same people gave Uncharted 4 a 10/10

These same people gave Uncharted 4 a 10/10.

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What does redundant endgame even mean? In context of das3 that aactually makes no sense.

It's a 7/10 game at best

why do you care so much about some shitty websites review of a game?

if you like the game yourself, then just leave it at that. why does it matter what other faggot thinks?

I think they meant guy in armor with a weapon, that's all I can figure out.

Uncharted 4 is better than that game

They need that confirmation bias.

Okay, so what's your point?

Well yeah, Uncharted was 10/10

It means they got pissed off because of how much time and effort it take them to beat it, if they even beat it at all.

Essentially, they're casuals so by the time they were in the end-game they were starting to get frustrated, but they couldn't just say "I wish I could have beaten this faster and easier because I'm a pussy.", so they just came up with something that sounded like a truism to justify themselves lowering the score. Who the fuck actually thinks there's an issue with the camera and lock-on either?

They just dumped some gaming truism bullshit in there that could always theoretically be considered valid. Kind of like retards explaining why they don't like a certain anime; just say "The pacing was bad". and nobody will be able to say shit about it because it's vague and subjective.

Journalism is shit.

dark souls 3 was pretty trash my dude.

I mean, even by DaS3 From still hadn't really figured out how to make the lock-on behave with big, fast enemies.

They also gave BotW a 10 so you really shouldn't expect much from them.

this is a fair score for DkS3, it was a disappointment. and 10/10 for a fucking movie game is fucking ridiculous.

Uncharted 4 was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. One of the worst games I have played this gen and one of the most disgusting things in gaming(I would put uncharted up there with the original Battlefront as far as cheap money grubbing cancer killing gaming) with a metascore like that? Game reviewers are a literal joke.

How about blame the reviewer not the website

Uncharted 4 is actually a 10/10 though.
Sure, Sup Forums doesn't respect a game that is "cinematic" but Naughty is the one AAA dev that does this type of game really well. Every other AAA western dev wishes they were naughty dog but they aren't thus, make games that give "cinematic games" a bad reputation.

uncharted 4 is the best in its genre. dark souls 3 is worse than bloodborne. a better pvp system means nothing when the pvp system has always been the worst aspect of all these games.

>you will never get another Uncharted 2

That game did the cinematic action formula perfectly, total blast. Hardest difficulty was a bitch too.

I agree. Can't believe they gave that shitty mario/ zelda games 10 out of 10. 7

Uncharted 4 is better than Dark Souls 3

A lot of Persona 5 reviewers did the same thing. They kept getting their asses kicked in the last two dungeons.

>expert level design
i just can't believe how wrong this statement is, nothing, not even the dlc in DaS3 has good level design, it's just so linear and horizontally that hurts.

>trusting video game reviewers

>What does redundant endgame even mean?
It says "redundant late game bosses." I haven't played the game, and I'm by no means defending IGN, but it sounds like they might have meant "repetitive."

I'm not even a nintendie but you are delusional if you think Mario Odyssey or Zelda BOTW(a literal fucking open world game with a massive world) are as cheap or pathetic as a fucking 7 hour long cinematic game with zero effort put into it.

Yes I too love cutscenes with ass gameplay and no replay value

Better than the soyboys on nu-Sup Forums

It means:

>I can't just blow through it in a night and write my review.

Dark Souls 3 is 9/10 at least. And I'm a fan of souls games.

You remind me of them a lot. Idk why I should care about your opinion man.

uncharted 4 wasnt that great
gameplay wise it was terrible
only redeeming qualities is cutscenes, and once again a movie game gets GOTY and goty pickers completely ignore the gameplay part of GAMES

gameplay is solid. not every game needs to be an arpg with "build" to artificially pad out replay value

>climbing is cool and shouts back to prince of persia games
>puzzles are easy but fun to do
>shooting is above average with amazing set-pieces
>actually interesting story and good characters
>great graphics
Yeah shit game bro, it should've been open world right? With RPG mechanics and tons of side-quests and collectables! That's what gaming needs

just like witcher 3 winning over bloodborne, wonder what happened to you back in 2015. funny how its okay when we need a game to beat a sony exlcusive. lmao

Please kill yourselves, Uncharted 4 isn't even the best Uncharted game, and none of them are particularly great

can you prove that its the same reviewer.

>not every game needs to be an arpg with "build" to artificially pad out replay value
>please do not criticize my favrit gaem :( it doesn't need to be criticized :(
The first three should alone limit the game to a fucking 8/10.

I didn't say that Uncharted is better. It's just reviewers tend to up scores for overrated franchises. Zelda/Mario/Uncharted4 definitely don't deserve 10 out of 10. They are pretty much mediocre for it's name, especially Zelda. One huge overrated shit that nobody would even consider if it had different name.

Isn't that part of the challenge? I don't see it as a broken game mechanic honestly.

Damn, you sure shut down that argument that no one made!

Reviewers are incapable of playing games,of course they prefer movies.

both those scores are too high

>witcher 3 wins goty over
>uncharted 4 wins goty over dark souls 3

Its the best in terms of gameplay and theyre way bettter than tomb raider

yeah both those games are at best slightly above average (same with das3), they're not even the best in their series. Sup Forums rightfully shits on a lot of games, but for some reason a lot of people here hold W3 on a pedestal

Obviously you werent here back in 2015 when everyone was defending the garbage gameplay in witcher 3 because muh story and writing.

>beautiful setting with ample secrets
I'm a fag who thinks DS3 is the best of the trilogy but come on.

Most people agree that TW3 is overrated the same as UC4 (though TW3 is still better)

I thought Overwatch won goty? Who gave uncharted goty?

Eh, there are plenty of ways around it but making it a bit less finicky when you have big giganiggas jumping around wouldn't really make the game any easier.

3 fuckin sucks!

>comparing a game to a glorified movie

>The first three should alone limit the game to a fucking 8/10.
Why? What ass fucking backwards sense is that?
It's not an original IP so it automatically loses 1 or 2 points? What are you talking about?

I hate game review shit but in a way it makes sense: Uncharted 4 took the Uncharted formula and perfected it, everything it did it did right, within that formula of course. On the other hand Dark Souls 3, while still a very good game, brought very little to the table and while it bettered some points, fell flat on others.
I'm guessing here but I assume reviews are done by different people and there is no real central regulation over it, systematically comparing them against each other, it wouldn't be very feasible. So each review should be taken as a case of it's own and read within it's own subjective frame.
Basically review sites are shit. If you want proper reviews you need someone whose taste aligns with yours and whose opinion generally resonates with your own.

It won th emost amount of goty picks along with the bafta award for goty. Overwatch won the best goty at the game awards. This was one year after witcher 3 beat bloodborne and the same year witcher 3 dlc beat dark souls 3 for best rpg of the year.

>braindead climbing that usually only has one solution, leading to player dealing with annoying scripting
>braindead puzzles
>"above average" (AKA slightly mediocre) gunplay

So lets do some quick maths here. 4 hours of cut-scenes. On my playthorugh, on fucking normal difficulty, I clocked in 16 hours for the single player campaign with no achievement hunting. So that means. lets see, 16-4 = 12 FUCKING HOURS OF ACTUAL GAMEPLAY.
So that fucking pesky gameplay of 12 hours really got inbtetween my movie then.

>if this game doesnt let me build my character with stats like an rpg then it has no replay value
Well then I guess every single player game ever made that isnt an rpg has no replay value.

The "gameplay" of Uncharted is nothing more than QTE and braindead shooting and platforming.

>>braindead climbing
well climbing is just going up. how smart can it be?
>braindead puzzles
still better than bioshock and skyrim. Any more complicated and the average player wont bother

There are good shooters that exist. Good shooters that are linear. Doom for instance.

Uncharted is not a good shooter.

Is that including the automated platforming and pseudo interactive walking sequences? The fake platforming alone eats up like half the game time and is borderline holding a button to a proceed.

a lot of the "gameplay" in uncharted 4 is just walking straight with nothing happening or heavily scripted scenerios with little player input

no replay value in doom. its trash.

>Any more complicated and the average player wont bother
Who gives a fuck what the average idiot thinks? You're admitting Uncharted is for idiots.

Well thanks for exposing how much of a plebeian you are.

Doom has great gameplay, so you're wrong there.

t. Who gives a fuck about making money and profit
wow, whomst've really does that?

>cinematic melee executions
>great gameplay
Fuck off and die

I hope he meant the original Doom

Jesus fuck dude keep swallowing that cock.

If it has no replay value then its trash just like uncharted 4 bruh

Based Naughty GODS triggering the obese numale souls shitters

Is he defending the most casualized game in the series?

>Who gives a fuck about making money and profit
Kojima doesn't.
Miyazaki doesn't.
Ueda doesn't.
Jonathan Blow doesn't.

I would disagree with that completely and if they wanted to talk about bad bosses there are much better examples than the ones near the end.

And for what it's worth I took redundant to mean they don't need to be there and they serve no purpose, which is a strange for to say for a game like this.

>3 weebs and a literal who
wow, damn, you sure should me

You a redditor or something?

Same people also gave witcher 3 a 10/10.

But you can.