10mn into a Dota game

>10mn into a Dota game
>one teammate is already yelling at everyone even though nothing is wrong
>tell him to relax, we can win this, nothing is wrong etc...
>he calls me a soyboy

There is no escape. Apart from you not being a soyboy of course.

This is part of the reason why I stopped playing MOBAs. I'm not sure if people are just that fucking crazy or if it's specific to video games or MOBAS, but every few games I'm stuck with someone who's absolutely batshit crazy and starts shitting on his team even though we've only had some minor setbacks.

These games seem to attract people who are already angry at their own lives and just want to vent it towards complete strangers who just want to play video games. It's funny how the only person who looks like a soyboy in that situation is the guy who's freaking out in the first place.

Have you tried not playing Ranked? These people are an anomaly in unranked games.

Older games had server browsers and admins or mods who wouldn't tolerate shitstains for too long.

You got the awful powrtripping side of this sometimes too, which sucked, but that was the price of general moderation.

Self hosted servers allow too much control to players so they're taboo when developing a game these days. But solving the problems that come with doing away with that community self selection is hard, so most devs don't do a good job of it.

It is mobas and similar games that have reached a critical mass of widespread appeal.

The average MOBA player will whine for a ban if you so much as pick a character they don't like.

>Relatively long matches
>If you drop you get penalized
>5v5 makes it obvious who is slacking, you'd never know who to blame in a Battlefield 32v32 match

The cancer Triumvirate.

Why would you even play if not for the sake of rank? There's no other progression.

> tower less than 10% of damage in the first 5 minutes
> someone has already started pouting and feeding
> continues to blame everyone else even though he hasn't left spawn in over 10 minutes

>tfw playing online

I think these people don't want to win as much as they want validation. They want to "prove" to who know who what the KNEW the game was lost because x didn't get that last hit that time.

I really don't get how people are mad right out of the gate. Like chill the fuck out, literally nothing is happened and you're insulting people.

>refuse to accept leadership
>get yelled at

Do you not remember how fucked puberty was?

a soyboy can't lead anybody.

thats probably why he got yelled at

Please stop forcing your shitty buzzword here

That's not leadership. Motivating everyone to achieve a common goal is leadership. Crying after 5mn for no reason and poiting fingers is being a little bitch.

t. Management School

>some guy yelled at me
>better alt tab and whine about it on Sup Forums
op is a total soy

found the cuck. keep apologizing for others, cuck.

If you play online multiplayer you ARE a soyboy.

Let me guess, you play to 'unwind' after a long day being an expendible part of a services corporation. Once you arrive home at your studio apartment above the commuter train station, you crack open a craft beer and settle down to an evening of gaming.

>Let me guess, you play to 'unwind' after a long day
lawl is that what you do, spergy faggot?

>Let me guess, you play to 'unwind' after a long day being an expendible part of a services corporation. Once you arrive home at your studio apartment above the commuter train station, you crack open a craft beer and settle down to an evening of gaming.

I swear to god I get back from a week and it feels like I missed so much shit.
The fuck is a soyboy?

>Still playing assfaggots

Get off the kool aid man.

t. 5000 hours

cuck was too harsh a word so all the loser faggots starting to use soyboy because all it does is make you think about is your diet at most instead of getting cheating on or worse.

>Still playing Dota
kys your self my man

not all cucks are soyboys, but all soyboys are cucks

soyboy is such a shitty insult why can't we go back to lowtest

MOBAs are free and simple as fuck games so they are filled with children and third worlders.

My little sister plays LoL and, due to her request, I am buying her a LoL gift card for Christmas. I bet many of the manchildren here would just love to get one too, fucking idiots.


Serious question: Isn't the guy who started raising his voice first the real soyboy? I thought soyboys are the ones who can't control their emotions.

Soyboy goy.

I miss wehn people used to say noob and owned
They were much better than cuck and soyboy

That's a bizarrely specific thing to accuse everyone else of being.

>he rais voifce he be emotionel shiddle dee dee
the fuck? do soy victims really think like this?

> shiddle dee dee

What did the soyboy mean by this?

who are you quoting?

If I was to guess it's because soyboy rolls off the tongue.

I did this in eve realy drunk >


Typical soyboy deflection

I bet you look like a soyboy too.

soy victim located
go get a testosterone injection soylet

yeah right what a bunch of soyboy losers, real alphas sit at home all day playing football manager whilst mommy brings them tendies

You should have told him you're a dog lover.