Wow.. can a $199 PC beat this?

Wow.. can a $199 PC beat this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Worse possible set up

A 99c paperweight can

The VR is a different ad, OP is obviously talking about the left. This is not even a setup, it's just 2 different products.

Posting reason is a waste of time though, this is clearly a console war thread. I honestly wish all console warriors would suicide. I wish this from the bottom of my heart.

>when people buy a pro
>haha he bought a pro! it's useless! no upgrade at all!
>when someone doesn't buy a pro
>he didn't buy a pro

A $190 Xbone can

Simply scathing user.

Welcome to Sup Forums. The same place that tells you there is no reason to ever play on inferior hardware or be poor, but also tell you to play Persona 5 on PS3 if it means they can convince you not to buy a PS4.

Spider Man
Dad of War
Uncharted 4
Gravity Rush
Knack II
Seven Deadly Sins


How can PC even compete?

The rest are shit or available on PC. Bloodborne is a solid reason though, it's certainly the only reason I own one of those pieces of shit.

With good games

>the rest are shit

>chink gta

Next time put


in the OP.

>The rest are shit or available on PC.
>rest are available on PC

buy 50 dollar used pc with old i5-.i7
chuck in a 1060 or 1050 ti
there better performance for same price?

>chink GTA

Holy shit user everyone else can see your posts, RESEARCH FIRST user, RESEARCH.

Nioh and bloodborne are the only good games on there and nioh is a multiplat now.

>Nioh available on PC
>rest are shit
Yes, user.


Why are soulsborne fags the most dull faggots? I LOVE bloodborne sure, but im tired of anons who think its playstyle is exclusivly the best thing ever. I see fags who havn’t even PLAYED bloodborne say “PS4 has one game” like they can just assume “its soulsborne, so ofc its good.”

>50 dollar used pc with i5/i7

Imagine being THIS NEW to videogames

Stick to your coming out the closet faggot walking simulators and "indie" games, im sure building a 2 THOUSAND dollar PC was worth it

That is technically $500 and yes a low end pc can beat that.

>don't buy a Switch to play Zelda, it isn't exlcusive!
>haha, he fell for the Wii U meme!

>chink GTA


Hasn't that been proven over and over again to not be the case?

But then you don't have a VR headset.

>and yes a low end pc can beat that.

Not a $500 one though.

It's been over three years. A used PC of that age is basically worthless and people would almost pay you to come take it away.

You wouldnt want a PC that simply matches a modern console, it defeats the purpose of building a PC. Build a good PC that is £500~(the original release price of PS4 not on offer)

Cheapest way to game will easily be pc until they get rid of ps plus and allow the PS4 to run Microsoft word and a proper internet browser so you don't have to buy a pc anyway.

t. Third worlder

There's a reason everyone plays on pc here and it's not just piracy, it's because it's far cheaper to put a 100 GPU into the pc you already own/ spend a extra 100 when you replace your laptop than buy a separate 200 dollar computer just for games which requires 50 dollars each year four online.