Is there a more cancerous fan base than Sonic’s?

Is there a more cancerous fan base than Sonic’s?

Yes. The time's are changing quickly where Bronies and Sonics are no longer the most "cancerous" just look at recent game releases and undertale. It's become common practice for everyone to be "cancerous" now, it isn't special anymore.

Was Sonic ever good?

I've become more embarrassed to be a part of the Metroid fanbase than Sonic over the past decade or so.
I want to think getting two new games will quell the autists for a little while but I know it won't.

>calling the Sonic fanbase cancer
>in 2017

Yeah, let’s throw the fan bases that made a fan artist attempt suicide, attacked the show creators, turned a children’s show into a pedophile ring and stabbed people over McDonalds sauce under the rug so we can make fun of a fanbase that hasn’t done anything note worthy in a long time.

iFunny, a cancerous place you belong.




Anime fans. They literally require pandering in all of their products.

Hey OP, Sanic hasn’t been a funny meme for 5 or 6 years now. Just go back to 9gag, Reddit, iFunny, or whatever edgy site for 12 year olds you like. I’m sure you and your 6th grade friends enjoy Pickle Rick more than “le big scary Sup Forums”

undertale,rick and morty, of thrones..

truest of them all.

Is Sonic even that bad? It seems mosty irrelevant to me.

If we limit it to video games, maybe the video game audience in general. So entitled, and so annoying.

It's just people memeing because Sonic 06, a game that came out 11 years ago was bad. Therefore their tiny brains think every game in the series was bad because a games journalist spoon fed them memes.

Oh yeah FNAF fags are the worst

Ugh I hate Rick and Morty so much. Super annoying fanbase. (This is probably how people felt about us bronies back when we were big too)

Oh I meant the fanbase. At worst they downvote youtube videos that dislike Forces, that's nothing. There are way worse fanbases than that.

Rick and morty are getting to sonic tier levels at a much faster rate then five nights at Freddies and undertale couldn't even achieve


Fallout New Vegas x100

t. Todd Howard

What's wrong with game of thrones :(?

any Blizzcuck fan

The No Man's Sky fanbase?


Sup Forums

Hahahaha holy shit that post

>le autism xd

They have a fanbase?

Depends on how you define cancerous.
If you define it at terrible for/against everyone not inside the fanbase, think of fanbases like Sony's, Tumblr's if you can call that a fanbase, and BLM and LGBT if you want to stretch the definition even further. The "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality makes these sorts of groups a treat to interact with.

If, by cancerous, you mean for others inside the same fanbase, most games/shows with a fanbase (mostly) active on Tumblr will fit that description. Think of Steven Universe or Overwatch. Sup Forums as a whole falls under this, too.

If by cancerous, you mean a fanbase that completely ruins the otherwise good series, then it's things like Sonic, Pokemon, Rick and Morty, and Nintendo.

Aonuma Zelda's. They are the same anyway.

What year is it, 2008?

MLP, Undertale, FNAF, Rick and Morty have all usurped the Sonic fanbase's crown a long time ago.


Even though those in the fan base all agree that BW2-Emerald-HGSS are the holy trinity in the franchise

Those who say don’t they aren’t from the fanbase at all and are shitposters

Even Cuckhead was unbearable for a period of time, but it seems to not have lasting potential.

Sonic was never good. It shows that after all the awful/mediocre games, Sonic fans still defend their shitpile of a franchise


There's nothing in cringe and autism memes that can compete with literally killing gaming by whaling.

>literally killing gaming by whaling

not that user but fifas popularity and acceptance of shitty predatory monetary practices has basically convinced EA they need to do this with every game.

Notice that anytime definitions for these sorts of things come up, examples of what exactly constitute cancerous change depending on the subjective opinions of the person expressing them.

As someone in the deep end of the Sonic fanbase, the fanbase has been dying down in its shittiness. My Little Pony, FNAF, and Steven universe have been significant detractors in the shitty OC population, and while it's still there, there's nothing as horrible as before. Most of the people who grew up with Sonic either moved onto shittier fanbases or gotten better. The only things left is just some special snowflakes, which is mostly due to the fact that the Sonic universe is essentially just capeshit with furries.

Undertale, Fnaf, WOW and any MOBA game

when are we getting a new tails got trolled?
is the creator even alive?
last i heard of him he was homeless.

I couldn't think of any more definitions.

Tell that to Sega my boy, they made an actual Sanic DLC for Forces.

this desu to be honest

I don't even understand why Sonic still has a fanbase in the first place. The last good Sonic game came out on what? Megadrive?

Why do kids even know who he is?

Memes and Sonic.EXE. If anything, Sonic has excellent exposure without actually needing to market much.

BotW cucks

i liked the gameboy games. I dont know why they decided to move to 3D shits awful


Siivagunner's fanbase


No. Sonic fanbase is the only one that keeps being autistic for that long. Other games with autistic fanbases like Undertale are popular only for some period and then people stop caring about it, including the fans themselves that move to other trends.

Is that the guy who posts game music on youtube?
