Games you keep returning to

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FTL: Faster Than Light

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Go away Todd.


I've played my favorite games so much I don't like them anymore. I never complete playthroughs.

Minecraft. There's something fun about going back and just building stuff and mining. Surprised I'm not sick with the game yet

Skyrim as well, only for the really good quest mods. Vigilant is a mod everyone here should play

Baldur's Gate. I can't even play the second one anymore unless I'm using a character that I cleared the first one with. Since they're pretty long time investment games, I have like three dozen BG1 characters at various stages in the game when what I really want to do is play BG2.


Dishonored, any of them

New Vegas. Once I am past Primm that's it, I'll be playing for the rest of the day.

The Total War series.

everything but that garbage

every single time

zelda :D

das it mane

About once a year, I return to Dwarf Fortress, marvel at the new features and then lose interest after a couple of in-game years of a fort because I've forgotten how to make my fort run nicely without it being a clusterfuck or just plain boring.

Usually ends because I can't military well enough to survive any sort of invasion, monster or etc.

WoW. Just so much to do

Kind of want to get it for my switch because it seems comfy but im hesitant because no mods and ive read the only decent questlines are the main and thieves quests but even theyre not that great.


You'll get maybe 10 hours of satisfaction before forgetting about it forever. Just pirate it for PC and mod it until it breaks.

Skyrim's fun if you ignore the main quest and go wandering, much like Oblivion, or like the more recent Fallouts.

It also doesn't stay interesting for long after you've wandered about most of the land the first time unless you've got mods to make it a new experience.

Mount and Blade: Warband


TF2, I have more than 3500hrs and still find the game to be insanely fun

Doesnt seem like its worth the $60 then

Dustforce is the game I go back to the most. I don't know why. Also Mario 64.

EUIV, there's just so much to do.

sleeping dogs

As long as they keep releasing it, I'll keep buying.

Left 4 Dead 2. i have 1100 hours with like 80% of that in campaigns on expert/expert realism. i like carrying worse players in this game for some reason

>cant get mods to work with SE
tx creation club


I got Skyrim on the PS4 this summer for pretty cheap and have only been playing it with mods (i'm a sucker for weather, lighting and colour/graphic mods). I've pretty much installed all the "must-haves" on the PS4 version can anyone here please recommend some decent mods they've used on the PS4 version?

counter strike 1.6

Phantasy Star Online. Killing weird aliens in a futuristic setting where old-styled glorious nippon steel is somehow far more powerful than advanced photon technology/space magic never gets boring.

dreamcast truly was ahead of its time

Paradox games. I hate them but I always return.
Crafty Swedes.


Maybe if you are a child. Or if its your first and only rpg ever. Skyrim is just a lousy hack n slash looter with vague rpg elements thrown in.

Every one or two years I replay all six games, they're really comfy, have great music, great hit feedback, which makes the combat fun despite being simple, and they were technical masterpieces that can still be appreciated to this day.

Darkest Dungeon
Battle Brothers
Titan Quest
Civilization V
Heroes of Might and Magic V
Badlands (Yes, the old racing/fighting game which can be played in MAME)


But it could as well be Spelunky, FTL, Endless Dungeon, Don't Starve, Invisible Inc... We're truly blessed that the rogue lite genre exists.

all of em

I just want you to know that you're my guy

King Arthur's Gold.
However almost noone plays it now. Only 2-3 servers are active at a time.

My negro

Catalyst was so disappointing, I have never seen a game series simultaneously fix and break so many things at once. But I can always go back and play this for some quick easy fun.

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Fallout NV and 4
Minecraft (just one aspect though)
Starcraft 2 with my little brother

I replay Sonic Mania stages all the time. I can't think of another platform with more replay value.

Xcom enemy within

I revisit Shenmue II all the time. Something about the world just feels really comfy. Probably just nostalgia though.

Rustic Weather and Lighting, Dense Grass, Skyrim is Windy, Project Hippie, Water, Lore based loading screens, No fog on the map are what I use.

I wonder what else is there to use as well.

My fav of all time. Don't care about the trilogy thou..

L4d 2
Garrys mod
Counter strike source
Farcry 2


They all play extremely similar though, I'd burn out playing only the trilogy.


They feel like one big continuous story, though, and every game changes just enough to not be stale. I love it, I even watch all the making-of videos as well.

...For Honor

I play through the series from time to time.

I can't stop playing. I'm dating every girl while married to Penny. I'm a monster. No longer a man.

Just Cause 2

Chasing the last 0.22%

what game is this?

This. It's the only one I can bring myself to complete all the way through annually since it came out

I'd forgive all the shit Bioware has done lately if they annouced a remaster of ME1 that simply upgrades the graphics, and nothing else

I'll try out no fog and lore based loading screens. Some of the weather ones can be a bit disappointing I find. Is Project Hippie good?

It just adds a few treesin key locations at towns and villages, to make them prettier. I really like this rustic one I mentioned and this alternative version called Arindel Fantasy or something like it.

Sup Forums
Don't know why I keep coming back.

Dark Souls
I think i'm gonna play it right now

How about you make a one way return to reddit?

>that whore that literally cucks you in the forest like the disgusting slut she is

Scribblenauts,it's a game for fucking kids but I can't stop going back

Are you me. Its my pallet cleanser game.

I just started playing on ps4 two weeks ago. I'm well fucking late to the skyrim, damn it's so good.

Here's the mods I use personally;

Better combat AI
Dolomite Weathers
Rain and Snow Fx
Improve sounds
Better horses
Lamposts of skyrim
BIG: more kill moves and decapitation
Immersive Citizens
Immersive Patrol
Better Vanilla Perks(really turn shitty perks into interesting ones)
Forests of Skyrim (make forest areas actually filled with trees)
Skyrim vanity kit (add creations models/colors)
Fallen Trees
Skyrim is Windy
Realistic conversation
Dense grass
Project hippy
Legendary creatures
Stash (add up transferable personal bank stash across inns and houses)

Playing on expert/master

>it's a game for fucking kids but I can't stop going back

What's Legendary Creatures like?

Homm3, every souls game, M&B, Civ games, GS games

Sonic Mania, I can't stop replaying it. I keep going back, a week passes, I'll replay it, fuck around alittle, think to myself I'm bored, but I never stop.

I didn't even play Sonic when I was a kid. Game is like crack to me, its my relaxing game and I'm not quite sure why

Same, wish they made a sequel already

It add 4 legendary creatures, each one have a custom strong spell or a custom strong gear. Something like that. I added it for the pokemon bird feel, didn't encouter one yet. I like that its just adding something rare.

stash is actually named Cloud Storage*

If anybody got some ps4 mods rec. I am all ears



I play through KOTOR 1 and 2 about every 2-3 years

Sometimes the Mass Effect trilogy immediately after

Far Cry 2

This except replace 4 with 1.5