Hypothetically speaking, if there could be any ONE exclusive to revitalize the Xbox One, what would you want it to be?

Hypothetically speaking, if there could be any ONE exclusive to revitalize the Xbox One, what would you want it to be?

If somehow Msoft made an amazing exclusive Turok game I'd buy the console in a heartbeat.

Halo 6, they already seem to be working on that.

A fixed version of grabbed by the ghoulies

Fable 4
No kinect Fable
No card game Fable
No f2p Fable
Just a normal Fable game.
Holy shit I'm mad.

Forza is the system seller to me and is the only reason there's a One S sitting next to my Pro. No interest in anything else they have.


If they could somehow recreate the magic of the original Fable I'd be all in.

I know you said one but ideally the Xbox should have:
>Forza and Horizon
>Gears of War
>Sea of Thieves
at least.

If they somehow made a new Perfect Dark, with the same love and care as the first one

Banjo kazooie nuts & bolts 2



mechassault or panzer dragoon

A new Conker or Banjoo

People dont give a fuck about exclusives besides uncharted and mario kart, I dont understand why Sup Forums is so autistic over it


I dunno, microsoft is loaded. They should just make a new IP GTA-type game and make it good. Or they should have. Kinda too late now since it would take like 5 years to make.

This so fucking much. I loved Fable for what it was. Then 3 happened and that stupid fucking Kinect game. Of course Microsoft tries to say the death of Fable is its own fault not the fact they wanted to use it to shill an inferior hardware. This is why Halo 6 will be shit too. They don’t think there was anything wrong with 5.

>They don’t think there was anything wrong with 5
That's wrong though

Something in red in pic related.

While I don’t want to say the xbone x is a waste of time in reality it is. They canceled no less then 4 exclusives in the past year. Microsoft just doesn’t understand that exclusives sell consoles.

Metal Wolf Chaos 2.

>exclusives sell consoles
But they don't

At least we got a new mechwarrior, there could be a new mechassault because of that

>tfw no new Jet Force Gemini games

No offense user but you are completely ignorant if you legitimately believe that. Sony sales figures prove you wrong.

>It's almost 2018 and Banjo-Kazooie is getting closer to its 20th Anniversary
>No Banjo-Threeie in the making or anything

>Trusting Microsoft not to fuck it up.

I hate to say it, but the series should remain dead with the dignity it has.

People buy consoles for multiplats, they sell more than exclusives, plus Sony exclusives suck.

This still hurts, I hope Microsoft builds a studio to specifically make Rare games or just buy out a studio to make it.

>Microsoft had no exclusives and bad practices towards consumers
>doesn’t sell
>Sony picks up these pieces and actually has exclusives
>top sales even after the xbone x release

See how that works? You can be delusional all you want but it won’t make what you think true. Exclusives would save Xbox.

You can keep rewriting history but the facts still stand, people buy consoles for the better multiplats but you can keep believing what you want to believe, Sonyroach.

they need to revive blinx

What’s wrong with the one in Rare Replay?
Any news about a complete edition of Horizon 3 anytime soon? I want to play the Hot Wheels expansion but refuse to buy the game + dlc
Both Blinx games were shit. Stop with the memes.
Conker and Banjo deserve another game first

Lost Odyssey II would be kino.

>Both Blinx games were shit. Stop with the memes.

Breakdown 2 or

I don't know if it'd save the bone, but Vanquish 2 would cause me to shit myself and more than make up for halo 5 and gears 4. M$ said they only care about games as a service though so I can't see them turning the system around at this point. If they hadnt cancelled that Obsidian exclusive RPG, scalebound, phantom dust 2 and fable legends they might be in a stronger position as well. All we've got at this point is crackdown 3 and maybe the new playground Games open world thing.

Would also be nice for voodoo Vince HD, cuphead and that (((NOT))) hotshots golf ripoff to get physical releases as well. I'd even consider getting that panzer Dragoon game if it wasn't a $20 DL only title

welp lets hope.

>scalebound and fable legends
Can you please shut the fuck up about these two mean games. Scalebound looked like hot garbage and Fable Legends was hot garbage.


> Freelancer
> Sea of Thieves in Space
> Piloting, Shooting, Managing Energy and fixing your spacecraft
> Fill the fuel and ammo in outposts
> Buy ships and weapons in space markets
> Transport stuff between spacedocks
> Search for relics of old civs and resources on planets
> Face space pirates, alien civ & other players

12/10 would cum buckets

The only thing Microsoft should do is fix the MCC and put it on Steam/Windows 10.

Other than that Microsoft can't do much it takes 2-3 years to make a new game and who knows if it will even be good. Also by the time Microsoft makes 1 game, Sony would have made 8 games with lots more on the way, not even to mention whatever Nintendo does

>Sony would have made 8 games with lots more on the way
You act as if Sony games are good, really should stop promoting them. Until Sony can actually make good exclusives like Microsoft and Nintendo (barring Quantum Break and Xenoblade Chronicles 2), then you can actually start talking about them. The only Sony exclusive worth mentioning is Bloodborne.

Crimson Skies was pretty fun. Pretty much younger me's wet dream game.

So when the Xbox One X continues to sell worse than the PS4 what will your excuse be since that Nielsen image will be worthless?

It's killing the Pro. Stay salty that no one likes your shitty movies.

There's not a single game Microsoft could pull out this late in the game that would make me buy a xbone, they cancelled the only fucking game I'd have bought one for.. so maybe next generation eh? If they don't fuck that one up aswell lmao.

Shame that Sony couldn't get their games on the Pro to look as good. It makes me wonder if MS forced the hand at Sony to make a PS5 earlier than they intended.

They probably did, it doesn't matter when it comes, the PS5 will be inferior to the Xbox One X and Microsoft coming out with the Nextbox doesn't help Sony at all.

I was just thinking about that. Even if Sony releases a new system, MS will just release their new console one year later.

That's exactly what's going to happen. 2019 Ps5 is released and then 2020 the next Xbox is out. That is unless Sony waits an extra year so that they don't give Microsoft an edge which seems possible.

If Sony releases the PS5 in 2020, Microsoft will just release the NeXbox in 2021.

Devil May Cry 5 exclusive.
Or Bayonetta 3.
Or remake that cancelled Platinum exclusive in a DMC like game.

I wonder how powerful that sucker will be. This new Xbox is already on high end pc territory and it just came out. Imagine what games will look like on it a year from now. My mouth waters just thinking of Halo 6.

That's not how it works. Time is money, Microsoft would rather release it then than to wait another year.

A Fallout style single player focused game made by someone that isn't Bethesda.

Wasn't Obsidian working on an rpg Xbox one exclusive then Microsoft cancelled it?

Microsoft is in no rush, they said that their plans is not to release a console every 2-3 years so expect to see the Xbox Two sometime in 2021.

Thinking about it makes my dick hard.

Probably, I think I remember that too. Microsoft has a knack for killing interesting games half way through development.

Keep an eye on the amount of posters Sony roaches are notorious for samefagging

Viva piñata 3 would get me to buy a xbone instantly

>558 posts, 82 posters
Never forget

Not first party. It would go multiplat.
Fuck Halo, we need something fresh.

The better answers are Perfect Dark and Fable.

Perfect Dark
>Return to it's cyberpunk FPS roots.
>Retcon PDZ because it was fucking all around garbage.
>Game based around The Carrington Institute, the introduction of other corporations and agencies and the roles they play in the world, "good" or "bad", loose alliances, intrigue, espionage, theft of corporate secrets, assassination, science experiments, alien research. Everything that's fun about cyberpunk.
>Single player is Joanna Dark returning the Carrington Institute to it's glory.
>Multiplayer lets people create their own generic character and the premise is about "agent training", simulations, letting people's agents fight each other to learn from the experience. All MP FPS game modes can be found here.

>Return the game to it's medieval fantasy roots.
>Enhance the combat and magic, change that horrid progression system.
>Expand the world. More heroes, more villains, more charm.
>More freedom. Take a page from BOTW and Skyrim in how to make you feel like there's a world to explore, a place to get lost for hours if you want but DON'T try to copy their mechanics. Keep to the Fable mechanics it's known for.

>Fuck Halo
Fuck you

>old shit

How about making some new exciting games?
Forza Horizon is great
Ori is great
Cuphead is great

People are burned out on the old XBOX franchises because of how they were handled. That's why there's no real hype anymore behind Halo,Gears etc;

>Then 3 happened
>implying fable 2 was anything but complete dog shit
Fable was an okay game despite the complete disappointment of not living up to even 10% of the hype but 2 is a disaster. I never bothered with 3 because I'm not a retard.

>no real hype anymore behind Halo
I can see Halo regaining it.

I can almost guarantee the new Crackdown will disappoint because they over-promised.
Meme ass environmental destruction is not that exciting anyway.

I haven't see anything that would make me want to play nuCrackdown yet.
Show us something Xbox they've been working on that shit for years now

New Crackdown looks like Crackdown, I don't see a problem. The destruction will appear in the multiplayer.

If the next COD was somehow xbone exclusive it would be an absolute shitstorm and would easily bring the console back to life.
Just imagine the butthurt it would cause among it's underage audience.

>Sea of Thieves
>State of Decay 2
>Crackdown 3
>Ori 2

MS has a much better 2018 lineup than Sony, stop falling for resetera/neofag shilling


The team working on Halo right now is nothing special.
They made a decent online console shooter I guess? Halo 5

You think that's enough these days to bring back the Halo hype? You're naive.
There are so many shooters on the market right now and so little hype behind any of them.

Fable is the only game I can think of. But 3 was garbage. If it was Fable 2 tier good, I'd buy one. In fact, I bought my 360 for just Dead Rising

All of those plus you know the multiplatform games will run and look better on Xbox. I'm still playing State of Decay. The amount of weapons in this game is crazy and I love scavenging through the houses and towns. It's the only game I can find that is close to what a zombie apocalypse would be in the real world.

Sea of Thieves was the only game I was jealous of but the gameplay vids look like shit now. So, good riddance.

343 is putting back on Master Chief, they're also making the main series all Master Chief and spin-off games will be about other characters not necessarily connected the main series like Halo Wars series, ODST, Spartan Ops, and those phone games instead of campaigns like Halo 2, Reach, and 5. Lore is now being put in the Phoenix Logs instead of the game, split screen is back, lan is back, Paul Crocker is the Narrative Director, it's rumored that Jeremy Cook (HW2 Art Director) is Halo 6's Art Director, Tom French is the Multiplayer Lead, black undersuits are coming back, with Cortana having the logic plague the Flood will be involved in the game in some way, Halo rings are back, rumored that Marty is working with Jinnouchi on the music and it will have more of the Halo feel. Elites are rumored to be playable again in mp.

This is why I'm actually interested in Halo 6. Glad I keep up with the news.

Let them undo the damage they did to Mechwarrior.

New exclusive mechwarrior mercenaries game, single player campaign as a focus on rpg elements and a decent multiplayer

*the focus

I feel you

the fuck
are those lions ingame

holy shit

The platform is now windows 10 exclusives. If you're hell bent on not getting a PC then I guess Forza and Cuphead are enough

Oh wait, I remember. The dumb motherfuckers cancelled their one and only interesting game.

The animals look real good in this game and I still can't believe it's from the xbox version. I legit thought there were captured from an expensive digital foundry special pc or something

Good exclusives, especially good JP exclusives. I don't need more BROWN N BLOOM SHOOTERS, but something like Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey would be very welcome.

wow amazing! practically photo realistic. Those 4K textures really enhance the experience.

I don't know how they do it either. The sheen on the skin and the detail in the teeth and look how crisp the blades of grass are when zoomed. Impressive stuff.

They don't give a fuck about you pc gaming losers. They don't want you. They don't give a shit whether you buy an xbox or not. They have gta cod and fifa. That's all that matters. Nobody gives a shit about exclusives

What do you think crackdown is? But if course it's a development hell/cancelled game

>It really looks like a gator covered in strawberry jam!
4K was a fucking mistake

>86 to 49
Since it's clear you've been here, I wonder which Sonyroach are you?

>bought X1X

>bought high end tv on black fri


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 console exclusive.

Everyone with any amount of technical knowledge agrees it's the only console you should consider if you have or are considering buying a 4k tv in the next 3 years. That said with the amount of retards on the planet I think it's bound to go down as a niche product.

The game play is fine except the hand weapons.
What's missing is a feeling of progression, right now it gets boring really quick replayability is non existent

Even games that are played on a 1080p tv look amazing. I don't know how they did the supersampling in this console but it works very well.

Otogi 3/Otogi 1 and 2 remaster.

State of decay is awesome. Easily the best zombie game I've played.
The sequel is my most anticipated next year. Do we know if it's cross platform/play anywhere yet?

You can see the detail in the leather on the glove and the readout on the rifle says no safe. I never noticed that or that the top part of that the frame on the rifle is a sort of fiberglass or something.

It's one of my favorite games and a great time sink. I'm not sure of he logistics of the sequel but I was sad when it got pushed back. Now that the Xbox has come out and I've seen what games can look like, I'm glad it was delayed. I hope they use the time to make it more stable than the first game. I hope they add even more weapons and karate type moves. Once you get your character to the high levels in stamina and stuff, it gets even more enjoyable.

Sea of Thieves and crackdown 3 looks good but it's not enough for me to warrant buying the 1X, basically since I don't own a 4k TV.

What they need:
>New IPs
>Sunset Overdrive 2
>New Fable
>New Fusion Frenzy
>New Jade Empire
>New Rare games
>New Crimson Skies
>Amped 4
>Crimson Sea 2

And reinstalling

Forza Horizon 4 set in Japan