I can't be the only one who's completely into this right? What are your favorite things to do in it? What are some interesting things you've seen?
AC Origins
piratepoors will say its shit even though they didnt play it
actually that applies to most of Sup Forums who aren't pirates. A real gamer would buy this game eventually and withhold opinions until they've played (not watched) it. But then there's fags who go into the game holding such negative opinions from the people who didn't play it that that will amplify little things they didn't like into game-breaking issues.
I think it is more fun than recent Ass Creeds but I got burnt out trying to get to a level high enough to do that Sobek challenge since I got the game with my GPU last week. I'll just wait till the challenges are back again. Only level 31 or so but I still think Black Flag was better (only Ass Creed I ever beat or played for more than a few hours besides this one).
Fun to play for an hour at a time. Best since Black Flag. Horrible protagonist and storyline. Combat sucks, I want my QTE ACII combat back
Soon I can play the game
I need to pick it back up. Grinding to 38 was pretty dreadful, but now I can kill just about anyone...aside from that one-shot war elephant.
Guess they found the right formula, when making assassin's creed games, make the whole assassin vs templar bullshit background noise.
Black Flag was just you being a pirate captain for the most part, in Origins you are friendly neighbor policeman.
OP here i bought and am loving it, can't put it down actually. Best assassins creed experience I've had since Brotherhood
>combat sucks
what are you on about?
I don't play nigger garbage.
sucks for you faggot
I really like the premise of being a Medjay. You just go around egypt and help people who need it while, like you said, the whole clash between assassin's and templars is just in the background.
i always find myself losing myself in the world and side quests so I have yet to see the elephants
Forgot to mention something that happened to me while playing.
>Revenge mission in Alexandria
>I will avenge you brother
>Hop on boat and sail into the middle of the lake where the marker is
>They must be on a boat
>Two horses connected to a chariot are swimming upwards while their drivers are swimming at the bottom of the lake
>kill both in the water
>leave horses swimming
I guess he was avenged in an anti_climactic way
Why is the PC port so bad
i've mostly just noticed occasional frame drop otherwise its actually pretty good
it eats up a lot of ram for medium tier computers
other than that it's just as good as any other Ubisoft game on pc
Finished it today. Took me 42 hours. I still wanna do the other side stuff. Really enjoyed it, but the ending was underwhelming.
Probably the tomb raiding stuff is the biggest highlight for me and also really liking Bayek. I know people get pissed off because “oh Ubisoft is going the collecatathoj/same side mission all over the map thing again” but I think with origins, going treasure hunting and exploring the world is one of the best things to do. outside of Italy, Ubisoft did Egypt pretty damn good and it’s a lot better than ANY other Ubisoft game that’s come out previously;. Wildlands, farcry, watchdogs, all are shit compared to this one. You can tell they put effort into making this one a bit more special.
Call me a Jewbisoft shill all you want. I like the AC series. I hated what the games were becoming up until this game and I see a glimmer of hope that by the next game that comes out in 2 years, that hope I was given with origins becomes something special.
>Combat sucks, I want my QTE ACII combat back
Imagine ACTUALLY thinking this
the locations are beautiful and the map is fun to explore but goddamn are those missions shit
>go fetch this for me please
>follow me for 10 minutes while we just walk slowly and then there will be a short fight
>it's an outside the animus mission
also why the fuck does this piece of shit game saves my screenshots jpg instead of png
also I'm not sure if I'm just shit at races or if people are cheating but the time trials leaderboard seem pretty steep
>favorite thing to do
follow quest marker
>interesting thing you see
nice quest markers
Doing papyrus riddles is very rewarding, when you search in a region for a canyon, for a tree that seems out of place. You come to the one tree that isn't a palm and there lies your treasure. It's a cool feeling
Because .png is pointless for video game screenshots you dumb spic
kek have you played the game? There's shitloads to do...
I pirate on PC but own this on Xbox One and yes it's quite fun, last time I played I got raped by alligators because I swam my way into an alligator den or some shit with a high level gator, it was quite amusing to me.
nigga this picture has more artifact than there are in the whole game
I like it, but the disposition of Bayek doesn't really mesh well with the itemization of loot in the game. He doesn't seem like he'd be frothing at the mouth to discover a new sword or bow, for example.
He also seems to have the problem that Connor has, where he's much more congenial to people at large but the story characters rub him the wrong way.
>preferring Portable networks graphics over joint photographic experts group
>fucking pleb
yeah, lots of quest markers in the worldmap because I love killing capitains and looting treasures in camps every 5 minutes
I hate getting chased by those fuckers if I'm swimming, not to mention they can destroy your boat if you're not careful
>do papyrus riddles
>Attack convoys for materials
>go hunting
>explore caves or tombs
>do side quests
>complete revenge missions
>explore the beautiful game world
>look at cleopatra's tits
There's some things now change your opinion
>they patched the money exploit
fuck, i haven't got the unicorn yet.
>35 posts 18 posters
if you're gonna use an exploit why not just cheat?
i like replying, alright?
cheat engine is probably easier than an exploit tho
Am I the only one who didn't have to grind? Doing primarily story missions with a few side missions here and there and I was always at the level needed for the story if not a level or two higher. Finished it in about 35 hours too so not like I spent ages doing side missions.
Why do I need materials? I get loot from treasures and the game is not hard enough for me to care about upgrades so hunting and convoys are useless
Exploring is just a big joke, that was I was looking forward the most in this game but really it's just bland and boring
Side quests are just as boring as normal quests, follow the marker
Papyrus riddles are made for 8yo, I like a bit of challenge when I play games
sounds like every other AC game
2/10 bait, made me reply
>game is not hard enough for me
If it's too easy you can change the difficulty, idk how that would affect everything.
>Exploring is just a big joke
I find this world to be one of their most detailed so personally I enjoy exploring Egypt regardless of how "bland" it is.
>Side quests are just as boring as normal quests
Kind of agree. I don't think I've done enough to know how they all play out.
>Papyrus riddles are made for 8yo
Yeah, they still cool tho
>45 replies
>22 IPs
This is LITERALLY an ubisoft shill thread.
Why do they even make parts outside the animus?
Who the fuck ever went "Nice ! I'm back out of the game again, I get to speak to shit tier writing NPCs and yet unrevealed traitors for a while before I get back to the game; the part where you actually play the game.
It's literally shit. Nobody cares about anything happening outside the animus. at all. Yet they keep doing it. Even the movie did that shit. It might have been a tolerable story otherwise.
a little disappointed by the chariot
>Mediocre story with no reason to give a shit about any of the villains because they're revealed at the very end
>Decent likable protagonist but given a shitty script to follow
>Side missions are "o no something happened go kill x" and the culprits are almost always bandits outside of the one dude who was using people as food for crocs
>Too much padding with the level restrictions, have to do shitty MMO-tier sidequests just so you can carry on with the half-baked csampaign
>Diablo 3 loot design
>World while beautiful is mostly empty space for to ride your horse point A to point B with very little parkour in between
>Stealth has been even casualizeed with no parkour puzzles
It's 6/10 for me
A large part of the game's lore involves the modern time period, like it or not. There are many concurrent plot threads involved in the series, and one of those is the hunt for ancient artifacts by people in the modern time period. without that, you wouldn't get your historical period simulation at all.