Can we please have a Under water ray romano thread Sup Forums?
The last one I saw was years ago on Sup Forums.
We had a few of them after the third game was released. They were comfy, too bad you missed them. I had to highlight them in the catalog and F5 a few times every day to catch them.
It's one of the best visual novel ports on the PS4, but it's still pretty questionable as to why they would release the games $eperate.
Pretty sure it cost them a lot.
Remember, they brought back almost all of the voice actors from the original game 10 years ago, plus the new cast.
The art was top notch too.
We had some pretty good threads when Truth came out. Sorry you missed it.
Worth playing for PC?
Remake and new game coming in 2018. It's going to be a good year.
Was there any about the fact that the first game is getting a remake for the PS4?
These games were amazing, especially the first and third.
Hope Sekai finishes translation of Baldr Sky soon, that's another game I want to discuss with you guys.
I'll believe it when I see it. Atlus/XSeeD/NISA have reputations for delays, especially when no release date is set.
What is the cheapest way to buy the 2 new games?
Oh, so it's a remake with a graphical/sound/battle overhaul, but it doesn't mention any new scenes in the game. Don't hate me for this, but this is a relief. I don't have a PS4/Vita, so I won't miss any new story content over the PS2 version.
It also says that premium versions will get a bonus anime BluRay with adventures of young Kuon. Really hope that will get uploaded.
>it's an "user isn't being an ass for playing a game available only in japanese" episode
Thanks, my dude. I'm still waiting for it to come.
It probably will.
Anyway, i'm pretty sure that instead of new scenes they are probably just going to remove the H scenes from the original.
What about the H.
Absolutely. If you can deal with the fact that it's locked to some ancient screen resolution, it's still an amazing game.
If you know Jap, play the emulated PS2 version.
The first game has H scenes in the original version user.
It's a remake of the PS2 version, that already had the porn removed.
I don't know about everyone else, but I personally find it to be a shame.
Sure, some H scenes were pretty out of place and should'nt be in the game, but scenes like Eruuru's fit perfectly right with the story.
>but scenes like Eruuru's fit perfectly right with the story.
Getting drunk and raping the girl who has only given you kindness and support?
Meh, I was hoping for a prequel or a new game. It's not even a real remake, just graphical and sound overhaul.
Are 2 and 3 really good? I started playing the first one, and even though Areruw and Eruruw were cuties, the overall plot was soooo boring.
How does that work? Just an abrupt cut after the H scenes, or some slightly different/edited scene, or what? Like FSN for instance, I don't see how the non H version would work since it's kind of integral to parts of the story.
How far did you get? If you didn't like the game by the time you got to the "Point of no return" mission (start of the uprising after a certain important character's death), then you probably won't like it.
When I stopped, there was no real plot. It was just a succession of fighting and easily defeating nearby kingdoms.
Fuck this guy and his three loyal little shits. Most annoying battles in the game with all the hex bullshit and offense/deffense stance.
I didn't play it because censorship.
Well, if you didn't like it by that time then I doubt you will like the two new games, they are a similar mix of cute girls and war.
We have one every 2 weeks or so but they tend to only last two hours or so, last one I made was only 2 weeks ago to show off the Utawarumono Zero was confirmed to be a remake of original Utawarumono on the Mask of Truth engine.
Oh okay. Thanks.
What are the odds the games will go on sale at some point?
The screen resolution didn't bother me.
>finished mask of truth months ago
>it still hurts
When will this feel go away?
I started replaying the first game, that got rid of the emptiness.
You may consider holding off, we got news that Uta Zero is a remake of PC game and it probably will be brought over within a year and a half of it coming out (which I think is summer)
Finished Deception and it was great but why can people use magic now? Is it explained in the prequel or sequel?
Still my favorite theme near the end
Which characters specifically do you mean?
Well, Nekone and the weird guy, Haku was surprised magic existed so I assume it never existed before.
Playing the old game's song on emotional scenes should be considered cheating.
Not sure. In the first game magic was mostly limited to the Onkamiyamukai, which descended from Witsuernemitea so they got their magic from the god powers.
But Maroro and Nekone obtained magic through studying, so I can't say what's the deal with it now. Fumirill too.
>Kimi ga tame starts playing
Damn, i-it started raining again.
Magic can be studied, which is how Nekone and Maroro use it. Also remember that Haku was amnesiac, so he wouldn't remember much or know how much the world had changed.
The remix of the second anime's opening theme was the best battle theme.
This was fuck up.
>Haku was amnesiac, so he wouldn't remember much or know how much the world had changed.
It's not that he didn't remember, he was hibernated on the Day of the Tentacle and only woke up when Kuon found him.
They cut the best scenes from the anime. That was glorious.
Have you told your mother today that you love her?
That's what I meant saying he didn't know how much the world had changed.
Did that ever play on the PC version?
I'm not sure about the PC game, but it played with vocals in the first game's anime version.
I see, I've only played the PC version but heard good things about the anime.
Kimigatame is excluive to the anime and he ps2 version. towani plays for the pc version and in the third game.
The anime was great, and the ending was even more heart breaking.
That scene fucking destroyed me.
>even more heart breaking
I admit to not having much of an emotional reaction to the endings of all three games, which kinda irritates me.
Okay, thanks.
How can they be so perfect?
Excuse me what
Did they have sex?
By the way, this is something I was wondering since the start.
The Mikado made Honoka and Anju as his wife and daughter replacement. But did he make a Haku replacement? I remember thinking Oshtor was his replacement for Haku years ago when the anime came around, but then Woshis went and revealed himself, and now i'm not sure if his Haku replacement was Oshtor or Woshis or if he never had one to begin with.
No. Haku is a faggot.
Agreed, second best scene in the game.
Where do I start with this?
Woshis, pretty much. He was cloned from Mito's genes, which makes them practically brothers. He also always intended Woshis to take the throne after his death.
Osthor was just a random peasant who got lucky and gained fame.
I still don't get Whoshis was clone of Haku or Mikadoo
First game on PC. It's a great game, plus the PS4/Vita games are proper sequels.
Utawarerumono (PC or PS2)
Utawarerumono Mask of Deception (PS4 or Vita)
Utawarerumono Mask of Truth (PS4 or Vita)
If you include the Japanese PS2 version, don't forget that the two new games are on PS3 in Japanese. Plenty of people have a CFW PS3.
>If you include the Japanese PS2 version
My mistake.
I'm sure user meant the Carrier one.
And gameplay.
He literally got the best possible ending.
Quite sure that plays in the anime but not the old game.
Finally got around to marathoning both the new ones and finished a couple days ago.
I can't believe how after such a long gap the games atmosphere felt so much like the original.
Should've known they were gonna break my heart again.
Quick question, is the first game on PC connected to the PS4 games or is it alright if I start with the PS4 ones?
I picked up the PS4 ones during black friday for 40 jewros.
PS4 games are sort of sequels in that they have many of the same characters and continue some years after the events of the first game. You don't necessarily need to have played the first one to enjoy them, but it helps. Watching the anime series from 2006 or whenever the hell it was would at least get you more or less up to speed.
I like Tears to Tiara more
Cool, I guess I'll try playing the first game on PC then since I would like to immerse myself fully into the world and the story. If I get lazy I guess I could watch the anime.
>Hakuoros entire harem goes off and does adventures of their own
>He wakes up and they'll probably all come running back.
Man, I love Uta's music.
Him pretending to be someone else and letting a lover think he’s dead is still really fucking gay.
Not as gay as than disappearing after making a confession (fuck you Erika, that was a gay way to end a hentai) but it’s still gay.
It really was a miracle. It took them years to make it "feel like Utawarerumono".
You should definitely play the first one.
Especially the third game very heavily builds on it, with most of the first game's characters making a comeback.
>Not as gay as than disappearing after making a confession
Isn't that exactly what he ended up doing at the very end?
It's gay but I understand it. He had to do it. He had to embodied everything that Ostor was to not let Haku slip out. It was hard to do because the only time he let it out was when he was getting his as beat by a god.
That feeling of wanting more after finishing Mask of Truth is painful at least the remake will hopefully hold me over until the next uta game.
It was bullshit. No one but the group knew exactly what Oshtor was like. It's not like they had cameras and voice recording in that age. He could have told the group and no outsider would have ever noticed even if he slips a little occasionally.
Remember how a fuckload of people knew Ukon's identity and it never got public? He could have done the same.
>Have a party and being happy
>Visit Yuzaha's grave
>Father stuff with Kuon
>Play with Rabbit
i played the original because i fapped to a bunch of kamyu giantess porn and was pretty underwhelmed, even as a fan of visual novels. are the newer ones any better?
It's that kind of attitude that eventually makes the secret go out. And haku was playing the Oshtor role for more than just the public eye, he was playing the Oshtor role for his party too.
Karura > your waifu
>Kuro and Benawi just got stronger in their old age
That was a good scene though.
Is it better than the first? It is. Will you feel whelmed and enjoy it? That's up to you.
>utawarerumono thread
Oh fuck you don't know how much I love this series. Bought it four times (PS2, PSP, Sequels) and even if the "remake is just a graphics and sound overhaul based on the PS2 version I still pre-ordered the Aquaplus Store Exclusive LE. I cant wait for Hakuoro's sexy papa voice and my lovely Eruruu
I played the first game on PC way back when mirrormoon translation came out. Learned Japanese since then. How is the PS2 version? I heard that there are some added scenes. Is it worth playing if I already played it on PC?
But I like this dumb bird
I love how it's just the Uta1 opening. The series really went full circle in both context and theme.
Please don't do this to me guys, the urge to replay the series from the beginning is building up.