It's happening for the 7th time.
The nominations will start in a few weeks, but until then you can vote for category favorability:

>but these categories are shit
So vote against them and place your suggestions through this form:

>but these names are shit
So suggest new ones through this form:

>but where do I find what's already submitted

Other urls found in this thread:

It's already been seven years?

>tfw seven years ago was twenty years ago


Fuck how metatime flies
The list of games released in 2017 is kinda broken, it only shows like 5 games released on the switch.

fuck me, when did it get the three other games?

>it only shows like 5 games released on the switch.
Inb4 Sonybro memes.

The list is imported from Wikipedia, so it's directly tied to that. I don't know if our webmaster can, or even want to, fix that by hand, but I'll pass the word on.

Fuck nevermind.

What is that program?

This Cannot Continue

LiveMessage, for Samsung phoneposters

only you can stop it

Some kind of feature or app on the Note 8 I think.

If anyone wants to do anything on the awards, either write speeches, perform voice over, edit video or do anything else, you can send this form:

Friendly reminder to report this thread.

Mods are in the bed.

Also, we're looking for more quotes to add to the front page of the 2017 site. We don't have a form yet, but if you reply to this thread (and want to help us out further, this post), your comment will be added to the form when made.

An example is the one in this pic, , however the current one is different. We're planning on putting many on a cycle in the future.

Didn't you faggots learn the last 6 times? Nobody cares about this garbage anymore.

I love this meme!

Seventh time is the charm! Can't wait for that game with the bing bing wahoo to win.

vydia gaem awards? more like reddit game awards

kys redditors

I agree, know your self before you pass judgement.

Do you realize what year this is? We're the ResetEra Awards now.

>have you pre-ordered it yet?
>a deal is a deal, user.

>an user wondered: hmmm why are these threads still not banned, I've been reporting them for multiple years now!

>VGA's are allowed because mods determined it's fine as long as one thread is active
What's the problem exactly?

The ones pushing the reports should take some rest.

Are y'all gonna let just one game sweep the awards again
That shit isn't fun to watch

The only simple enough suggestion that could actually work is to remove categories with repeating top nominees.
The alternative of removing games themselves after they gain some number of nominations is way too prone to bias, that's why even though suggested was never attempted.

>Award for being contrarian
>In an award show decided by popular vote
This award is shit

>a bunch of crossboarding redditor janitors approve
>AoC is closest to an oldfag and non-redditor and is also the only one who isn't a fan
really makes you think

it's legitimately retarded, stupidest award by far

>doesn't know Sup Forums's guilty pleasure
>doesn't want to find out

your loss ;)

So have you just never seen a guilty pleasure thread before or something?

To make things interesting anything that successfully gets a positive nomination in any other category shouldn't be allowed in the "You'll Never Guess Who Will Win This Award"

Oh hey there's a form for adding message on the frontpage too now. Character limit is 255. This shit isn't automatic so expect some typical manual delay before anything gets done. Just like the show.

>Knowing mods and janitors by name

Wonder what website has that kind of culture surrounding it.

Sup Forums

It's specifically for a game that "Sup Forums" hates but "you" like. Which is impossible to vote for when it's decided by popular vote and thus represents something Sup Forums likes. That's not a guilty pleasure award. A guilty pleasure is something people like despite knowing it's not very good, a contrarian stance is when you claim something bad is actually good.

Holy fucking fuck 7 years

It seems pretty simple to me. People nominate the games they enjoyed, the top votes are pulled, and from there people vote their least-hated.

They had a pretty similar award in the past, the best game nobody played. It's pretty much the same thing, except instead of unknown indie shit only one person liked, we get games that are actually recognizable.

Ruins the point of the award. Also, it just gives AAA devs more exposure/legitimacy, which they don't need. It's against the spirit of Sup Forums to acknowledge mainstream devs for being anything resembling good people, because most of them aren't.

How right is this graph?

So did you guys follow through with considering weighting during nominations? the sweep-prevention thing?

There's nothing stopping an indie game from being nominated. If this was 2015, Undertale would probably be a strong contender, for example.

It's just that the game that won the 2015 award was that Platinum Transformers game. All it took was one known game to be entered, and suddenly it swept that entire award. With this award, it at least gives games that would otherwise not have chances to win awards to get noticed.

The purpose of the award isn't to blatantly shill for AAA devs, it's just to give some variety in the possibilities that are listed. If you really think it's that awful, vote it bad. The entire reason we're hosting these threads a few weeks early are to find any additional categories anyone might want. Many of these are submissions from the form in the OP itself as well.

TGA actually has some announcements or trailers.

The only thing I am aware of is weighting the "best game nobody played" so that least nominated games become official. There probably won't be a "best action adventure game" category since every game that's been voted least worst, since 2011, has been an action-adventure game.

>7th time.

holy shit, have we had that many? im actually pretty hype for this one beacuse of all the games that came out this year.

7 times and you faggots still won't fuck off despite it being shit every year.

Noted in the graph, "corporate influence: Extremely High"

Put Reddit in the Steam Awards audience.
Up the Sup ForumsGA's category diversity to high.

We haven't determined anything yet, but we're not going to rig anything. As much of a meme as it is, we don't actually touch any of the results. This year we have some more variety in the awards we have listed, for example the Contrarian or Newgrounds awards, in an attempt to get some awards that are relevant to the current year, that would dissuade sweeps. If these categories don't make it through, we'll look at other options, such as games being exempt from some categories if they are nominated for more categories on the opposite. (IE: Undertale in 2015)

>we'll look at other options, such as games being exempt from some categories if they are nominated for more categories on the opposite. (IE: Undertale in 2015)
That's the best option desu. Undertale being nominated for both best and worst soundtrack was fucking retarded.

I agree personally, it's what I would suggest, but we still have issues with, say a game is nominated for two best and two worst, or even worse, one of each, we don't know where it would stand. We'll keep our options open though, and are looking for feedback still, however, so feel free to contribute if you have any other ideas.

ty for feedback i have updated the graph

This shit has been pure cancer since year one.

This would probably be too much work at this point in the game, but it's a thought.
You could hold a poll on the results last year, and see which winners people agree with, or they think best fit the category.
like, didn't DOOM win best OST last year? i'm trying to imagine ways how to prevent things from becoming a popularity contest, like it always tends to be, without it being actually biasing.

Whoops, you seemed to have accidentally put the VGA's as a C+ and not an A++ :^)

>or they think
i guess i mean and/or

I think Doom's soundtrack victory wasn't because of the Doom hype, but because shortly after voting started did all those articles pop up about how pentagrams and shit are hidden in the soundtrack, or how the music was made with obscure instruments and stuff. I personally never understood why it won myself, but I can respect the victory now after watching the GDC conference on Doom's sound design.

Another thought, changing how noms work. personally looking at the names of awards out of context is pointless, so i don't nominate or comment on the awards. showing previous data on the award/its general area might help, as well as being able to directly suggest a replacement for an award as opposed to just saying one is shit and adding a new one. this is the kind of transparency that would help me contribute.

That's a good suggestion, I'll pass that to one of the web guys and see if they could do something with that.

>inserting politics

Don't worry, it's gone. We have a non-partisan stance with the show, but our shitposting Aussies thought it would be funny. I screeched at them enough to change it, so that should be done.

Just tell me Stuff3 is back this year

Never forget, year zero. You know, the year where you still thought it was a good idea.

I'm not sure, honestly, I'm not in charge of music, but I'm pretty sure we'll be inviting him back. Dude makes good shit.

>. This year we have some more variety in the awards we have listed, for example the Contrarian or Newgrounds awards, in an attempt to get some awards that are relevant to the current year, that would dissuade sweeps.
you fags should add back in Awards for Most Anticipated and Most Wished then.

I'll note it as something to add. I think the problems with those, however, is that you can have shit win multiple years in a row. It would probably just be Death Stranding or Cyberpunk again.


Just tell me 2Bs ass will make an appearance like last year

I'm not in charge of video, but by God I'll make damn sure it's in there somewhere, you have my word.

2011 is still the best Sup Forumsga to date, thanks to all the skits and memes.

The Switch games issue has been taken care of, thanks for the report.

Alright you've secured yourself another view

>Alright you've secured yourself another view
Sweet! Up to five.

>in Sup ForumsGA
Are you aware that reddit votes get discarded by referrer and just shitposting, or are you just a retard?

someone post the other one

The actual actual reception, "6/10, decent one thread" It actually makes me laugh