This is legit one of the only base survival games that I've never managed to get to a good sustainable level in.
Basically after a few days a big raid comes in and someone dies and next time the raid is even bigger and my team is smaller and I die.
And I certainly can't make better equipment cuz research takes seven yonks with one bench and hell if I can find any time to research anything between building rooms so nobody cracks.
David Hughes
>letting your people die at all on the first raids >not putting your only scientist to be on research table 24/7 with the door locked and a tv next to the table for the ultimate lab
What's next OP? you are gonna say your colony takes too much time to do everything? Cmon post a screencap.
Alexander Moore
James Anderson
Jacob Miller
how do you even begin to play this game? I found the controls to be very complex...
What is the best "i am a retard' tutorial?
William Myers
Wyatt Allen
How many days since arrival? because at this point you were supposed to make rooms all have floor tiles instead of dirt and trees, and there is no point in hiding your solar panels, everything on your colony is awfull.
Brody Collins
The game itself treat you like a retard the first time user, make rooms have an empty 5x5 space so colonist get happy about it, wooden walls are a good way to close your home the first month but you need to destroy them and swap them for stone later because they burn, when it comes to food always have more meals than you have colonists, something like 1Cx10 meals everyone eats one time per day so is easy to do your count.
Xavier Scott
Haha user, this isn't a colony game unless you learn how to cheese it because the difficulty will get exponentially higher and higher and since turrets are useless you might as well just go do the dumb rocket thing
Ethan Miller
Best defence is a pill box. Make blocks for cover, fill the gaps with sandbags for more cover and then roof it over to make it harder for enemies to target. Place your pawns behind the blocks and they'll peek out to shoot.
Pretty quick to set up and does wonders against drones from ship parts.
Thomas Ward
Light has no effect on accuracy anymore so no point having a roof.
Caleb Johnson
Really? Weird they took that out.
Joshua Powell
That's gay. I always found it comfy to clear cut a kill box and throw down a bunch of lamps to light it up.
Benjamin Ortiz
okay, what mods that work for b18, are the best
Cooper Cox
the porn one
Angel Roberts
Dwarf Fortress
Joshua Price
Even if that is true, putting a roof cost nothing at all and makes your base look prettier.
Oliver Sanchez
A checkerboard of deadfall traps works wonders early on since your lads will automatically criss-cross applesauce while walking but raiders will get skullfucked
Gabriel Powell
No user, checkerboard don't work like that, colonists still move forward on a straigh line but the animation makes it looks like they evade the traps.
Tyler Harris
looks like a good way to make sure everyone spends 85% of their day walking to and from shit
Landon Sanders
i think you're actually retarded
Luis Cooper
Also there is no point in making green goo because regular meals cost a little more but they have no downsides.
Chase Roberts
>Tfw I had 240 food for my 6 colonists once
I just love stocking food so fucking much
Elijah Clark
What's the best melee weapon I can craft? I got stuck once with too many brawlers and just made plasteel longswords for them because I had a ton of it.
Levi Johnson
stunning architecture must've took days thinking of commie blocks
Parker Martinez
Nutrient paste is one of the things that is on the overhaul to do list.
Adrian Williams
plasteel longswords or scyther blades
Luis Barnes
how about reaching 1000 meals?
Gavin Rodriguez
I actually forgot nutrient paste was in the game
I still remember when it was the only food source
John Baker
Are they all the third tier best meals (I forgot the name)?
Leo Hernandez
green paste is fucking useless because i forgot but sometimes a colonist takes food from the tiles used to make it.
Jack Powell
>colony needs money >start selling smokeleaf >have a strict no drugs no drinking policy >some time passes >a cargo pod full of beer lands, I think nothing of it and take it all in(30 or so) >few days pass >notice the entire stash has been drank >get an alert telling me my rabbit is capable of walking again >see this
William Gutierrez
>getting depressed and having a mental breakdown because of their surroundings >personal cabin with luxurious stone floors, a well made bed, artwork, plants, good lighting, climate control >secure compound surrounded by granite walls with robot sentries shooting down any threats, paved streets with public gardens and art installations patrolled by friendly neighborhood militia
the only enjoyment I derive from this game is watching these shit eating ungrateful fags die in agony
Jose Ramirez
it was quite sometime ago, but something around %60-76% was regular meals, the rest were lavish meals because well sometimes i really need an instant happyness buff and like 5% was from foods added from mods.
Chase Kelly
What? did you forgot pets and wild animals eat beer like candies?
Luke Howard
Isn't this game literally programmed to fuck you up though? I doubt it's as advanced as they pretend, but it literally has an AI that is designed to pick situations that are bad for you and force them upon you.
Thomas Long
>locking a thrumbo in a room with nothing but alcohol for sustenance good times
Jonathan Rivera
Keep foxes and rabbits away from your flake.
Kayden Adams
yes, it literally makes solar flares 90% of the raids so your turrets are useless
Noah Morris
>pain: none
Daniel Bennett
it just makes encounters progressively worse
>bandit with a knife appears >three bandits with knives appear >three bandits with guns appear >five bandits with guns appear >6 bandits with guns, rockets, and flamethrowers appear
traveling and raiding should be more of a thing but as of the last I played if you try to raid someone there's just a randomly generated rectangle full of supplies and like 30 enemies with advanced weapons
Logan Roberts
all the 'storyteller AI' marketing bullshit is really just saying "scripted events happen on occasion, sometimes in reaction to how you're doing"
I always go with the random variant because fuck you, why not
Ethan Hill
No? any event have a huge ass colddown evenwith the regular storyteller you have so much time to prepare.
Jackson Adams
I dont know about other events, but raid strength is based on coloby wealth. If you feel overwhelmed, let the raiders steal/break things until they leave.
Easton Morris
I honestly had no idea the animals would do that. Swear on my life its never happened before but I also never kept much beer around. Also after all the booze was gone he spent the next couple days just meandering around half drunk barfing everywhere which I found hilarious.
Landon Rivera
Ah forgot to tell you, you can make an animal area.
Daniel Hughes
>start a new save >set up the first little compound around some fertile soil >work order set up so that nothing is being planted, change it so one guy focuses on the agriculture >as I'm watching to make sure he heads off and starts toiling, I notice a squirrel incapacitated in the growing zone >confused at the lack of blood/combat, I check on it's health >it's having a heart attack >knew full well this was possible but never saw an animal suffer one out of nowhere like this until now >kinda funny but also kinda tragic because squirrels are bros >check back on squirrel a couple minutes later >not there >fresh squirrel meat and hide next to butcher table >RIP
Lincoln Butler
Give your pets a designated roaming are. It's possible.
Mason Adams
>learning the hard way that making statues from all your spare stone and keeping it around to sell eventually is a bad idea oopsie
Aiden Mitchell
If you play enough you'll recognize the pattern and can start to anticipate them, You'll just never know if it's gonna be good or bad. The events triggee based on time passed and wealth. I find my biggest heardle is after year 1 when the mechs start appearing. If I can survive their first few raids I'm good for a long time.
Robert Lewis
i'm black
Adam Peterson
I'm pretty sure it's based also on the days the colony existed too
Jack Sanchez
>2 batteries and 4 panels?? >growing too much food. Also it's far from the kitchen. Not very efficient >bedrooms are way too big >didn't have the decency to make at least wood floors.
You're basically begging for it
Nathan Johnson
So Should I bother raising animals for meat?
I had this boar couple once and they started to reproduce but I figured I would need a lot of pig fucks to be a sustanaible thing
Christian Cruz
Any other Zombieland mod players here?
Alexander Sanders
Why are moisture pumps so shit? How can I set my defenses up better?
Zachary Gutierrez
Yeah I gave them a fairly nice roaming area just around and inside the base. Had a couple incidents where they went off too far and got attacked by predators so now I keep them much closer for their own safety. Wargs and foxes love killing my cattle and attacking my drunk rabbit. (hence its missing leg) Base is a bit chaotic looking but its getting there slowly.
Ian Stewart
do it with chickens or anything else that lays eggs keep one or two roosters and kill all the males
Adam Taylor
you can also train them to be meatshields in combat so it's definitely worth the effort and space if you can spare it
Asher Wilson
>No choke point >Multiple entry points >3 people asleep whilst the remaining 2were fighting 4 people >Wasting massive amounts of time building stone walls at start of colony >Building outside but not using paved tiles/floor to speed up travelling
Levi Howard
>boomalope randomly explodes >sets fire to all his other friends >they run off burning and start exploding randomly around the map >everythingisfire.png
Aiden Phillips
Really? Can't wait for him(them) to remove skills.
John Adams
i had this happen when a flashstorm struck right in a herd of the fuckers. conveniently it was in an area where i was planning on paving and making defenses
Benjamin Campbell
It desperately needs deep layered mining to enjoy for the long run. Even at highest map size i am eventually forced to trade for components and/or steel.
Jayden Parker
multicore support when? answer is never
Leo James
Pretty sure there is drilling now unless I'm mistaken? Haven't made it that far into the research tree yet.
Logan Cooper
>Mad animal >Big d- >Its boomrats >Well its okay as long as nobody is out- >See my main hunter out of the base
Nicholas Perry
it needs multiple layers in general > multiple story buildings > watchtowers for snipers > basements
Gavin Evans
>tfw devs already confirmed this will never happen because they aren't interested in "making dwarf fortress"
such bullshit
Bentley Sullivan
>Man-hunting pack of boomalope has appeared!
Mason Edwards
What's so good about it?
Elijah Anderson
yeah they did add drilling but its not as expansive as mining.
I admit i probably spend too much time on 1 colony because after i have mined it out i feel like half my people are idle or crafting most shit than i can ever sell.
I guess what i am saying is the game need more endgame content. The pod launching was cool and we need more big resource sinks to play with.
Michael Nelson
don't the settlers freeze their butts off in winter with these unconnected 1x1 wall buildings? Does it count as a closed room with an inside temperature?
Benjamin Jenkins
Just send out a mining crew to another area and build a mining zone there. Transport would be a pain in the ass though, I guess.
Daniel Richardson
Yeah its a closed room like that. Heat waves and cold snaps would have doomed me long ago if they weren't.
Joseph Bailey
For this run I want to make a series of caravan in order to reach the ship. Any suggestions about how to set up the bases?
Xavier Rogers
dig into the caves and dont build any doors and plasteel clubs
Joshua Sanders
Don't know shit about caravans. Never feel like I have the man power to spare or the resources to send them off very far for too long. Maybe one day I'll look into it. Was reading elsewhere about a lot of interesting things to find so might be cool.
Robert Sanchez
wait you said caravan not caveman, looks like i am the cave man
Christopher Collins
I'm thinking of leaving my base, travel as further as I can and then set it up again until I have enought surivival package meal to begin travelling. >dig into the caves Not sure if trolling.
Zachary Adams
This game is pretty good, similar vein to rimworld. More environmental survival, dont run out of resources or you will suffocate to death.
Nathaniel Ortiz
>Fodis runiwanaamag asierias o carrawan
Juan Wood
Literal hundreds of zombies. The dev had to strip a lot of code so they don't lag the game. They act pretty dumb and push up on walls but if enough group up, they'll aggro and take a route for your base.
You can mess with their settings to like slow undead or infected runners as well as what it takes to save colonists from infection. The constant thread of 'them' outside makes the game very different.
Dylan Johnson
is there a way to not feel like pic related when playing ONI or do I just have to keep throwing myself at the game until I'm not shit at it?
Landon Myers
>when your name is happy but you're actually miserable
Bentley Clark
am i missing a reference to something?
Gavin Long
>have mods enabled >man-eating pack of boomwolves spawn in
Ayden Johnson
Its not so hard, remember that oxygen is lighter than carbon dioxide, so make sure you have shafts for it to gather at. What else are you having problems with?
Jason Davis
Nobody likes Happy. I have him clean up the muffalo pens all day.
Nolan Campbell
mostly shortages of metal and algae
Jonathan Gonzalez
>send married couple on a caravan >they pick separate beds when they come back god fucking damnit, why does this always fucking happen having to assign their beds again every single time pisses me off
Nicholas Cruz
Is it a bad idea to start this game with the medieval mod?
Asher Morales
Hmm, I haven't really gotten super far to run out of it, but have you ventured into other biomes to get it? You might need to build airlocks to prevent aids from spreading into the core or for superheated air to annihilate your colony.
Gabriel Anderson
what are some good QoL mods?
Kevin Green
Cooper Gray
>retarded 12 year old dog doing slave labor. You're brutal
Joseph Garcia
>Light has no effect on accuracy anymore so no point having a roof.