Why did Overwatch change the entire dynamic of "Healing" in video game from something important and noble to something...

Why did Overwatch change the entire dynamic of "Healing" in video game from something important and noble to something that people now call "Healslut"?

I remember healing back in Burning Crusade and we were always at least a raid officer if not raid leader itself, because of how important having good healers was.

Now everyone considers healers to be fucking gay, what's up with that?

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"heal slut"|healslut/order/asc/
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/"heal slut"|healslut/order/asc/

>blaming overwatch for memeing children

I never heard the term healslut before Overwatch

You're retarded then

>Why did Overwatch change the entire dynamic of "Healing" in video game

the healers always has been the same, ow just make it worse, turning that rol in a must pick in every match.

sorry for my english

Fuck you cunt, find me one example of someone using healslut before Overwatch

God she's so hot I want her to give me a footjob

Healing was always broken. There's a reason why in many games, if there's a dedicated healing class, it's almost required due to how broken it can be.

There's a reason why Healers are always in the "Top-Tier" brackets.


>turning that rol in a must pick in every match.

You mean TF2

That's common in FFXIV. 90% of players wearing slutglams are healers, usually White Mages

Healers have literally always been considered to be bitches in videogames by a small vocal minority of gamers. The actual modern "healslut" is a group of fetishists who embraced this stereotype and memed it into mainstream.

It all started with gook mmos and female characters that didnt look like a car accident on a highway

Healslut here, can confirm it's been used in WoW from cata onwards

it's existed as long as there have been faggots and team based games with healers, particularly prominent in games like wow, final fantasy and ASSFAGGOTS

you're fucking new as shit, and your best bet is to just ignore the fucking attention seeking faggots

Because even though Blizzard likes to present Overwatch as having a diverse and equal cast, it's still lowkey sexist by having the support category populated entirely by sluts, a twink, and a terminator who happens to have a heal and would fit better in the DPS category.

Before: healers can do things beside heal and can be decent
Now: choose mercy and press mouse 1

>to something that people now call "Healslut"?
Also its a meme, only gay roleplayers take it seriously.

>good healer
there's no such thing
you either knew how to play the game or you didn't
healer classes never required skill, just the ability to pay attention.

It didn't, its the same medic mechanic from tf2, but normies and degenerates invaded OW so they took the MMO term of "heal slut" for a FUCKING FPS

Overwatch has beautiful waifus

I never disputed that.

Priests/High priests from RO were the healsluts back then. Also heard it in TERA.

What are you, 3? Fuck off.

So how can it be sexist when it presents the women so perfectly? Just look at this perfect creation, God I just want to hold her hands so bad



I don't think you'd be able to tolerate her speaking for long user.

mercy is the only healslut

She can
>hold my hand
>cuddle with me
>make me feel loved
>cook for me
What she says is irrelevant

You don't listen to women, cuck, you look at them and fuck them

>implying Dva can cook
>implying there aren't more women that can do the same but better

She'd probably only date you if you have rare hats or something.

Because all the macho men are in DPS, defense, or tanks, whereas supports are women and two guys you can barely call male.

It's just girls. Whenever girls get into games they pick the healer role because it's often associated with grace and you get to dress your char up in cute dresses. OW amplified it cause of how mercy's mechanics work, following a person around literally leashed to them..and with trans girls and femme boys being everywhere online now, they get into it too.

Come on user the parallels are pretty easy to see.

Name a straight male healer in recent games

I came here to post these.

Women support the men through their health, by cooking for him men provide the income that's how the world works.
I will teach her I'm a good cook

Me nigga

Priests from RO were not only alpha as fuck but also bullies no one dared to mess with them.



>tumblr fanart
>mysoginistic meme

has Sup Forums reached the amount of cucking that now they post like neofags?

I don't give a fuck if the artist is a fairykin fuckboi, I just want it to make good pictures of women I want to skullfuck, soyboy

>forgetting about lucio
>forgetting about zen (boy-robot)
>medics in battlefield

> perfect
> ugliest girl int he game (Moira side)

Here's your (You) retard

Shut the Hell up


>when it's always DPS cuccbois that are crying about never having any HP
>Tanks always begging for healing

never understood this

You sound like that deranged, retarded, cockney little scraggily orc from the Return of the King LOTR film.

the only heal slut is mercy I've never heard anyone say that to ana zen or lucio

Vrasubatburuk ug butharubatgruiu


> pinky face


>turning that rol in a must pick in every match.
Friendly reminder TF2 Medic is role banned or else people would run multiple of him.

Imagine being such a dick sucking homo man that you've put hundreds of hours into Hanzo.


>Get more and more into raiding
>Start partying with better and better players
>Female healers and depressed freaks disappear as I progress through the fights
>The high skill, optimised healers in farming groups are all normie no nonsense dudes
Really makes you think doesn't it

People call her a healslut because it's the only thing she can do.
>Lucio can damage, trick anemies and CC enemies attacks.
>Ana can temporary denied healing, stun enemies and super boost an ally,
>Moira can bully, kill enemies and super heal/damage.
>Mercy can hold a button or revive a teammate.
Mercy doesn't require skill in any way. She's just a brain-dead character.

I hate how slow Mercy is to switch to her pistol. They should buff that but keep the same speed switching from the pistol.



>be streaming
>doing le reddit healslut challenge
>plugged from behind and dildo is mounted right before keyboard
>successful push
>tank thanks me
>tell him thank you as well and as per the rules, kiss the tip of the cock
>leave the mic on and everyone heard it
>tfw they all start laughing and making kissing sounds at me

Speak English I'm not german

iirc hes like 8-9 feet tall

are you a cute girl?

if not kill yourself faggot

Give me some good MMO for poorfags... for science. Yes.

Blade and Soul


ive seen this video too


>its broken because you need it
thats the point of class based games that have dedicated roles - you need some of every role in order to succeed

you have no tank, the enemies will blow up your dps and healers instantly.
you have no healer, your team wont be able to stay alive long enough to win.
you have no dps, your team wont be able to finish off the enemy before you run out of time.

Nice Lucio fanart




>Suddenly reminded of when all the other healers managed to eat shit to the explosion on Twin Valks
>Had to play Maximum Triage for like 70% of the fight because I was the only healer still up
>We won with like four people alive

I still don't understand how you fuck up one of the easiest mechanics in existence, let alone several people, all healers, fucking it up at the same time. I fucking hate other healers.


Overwatch didn't invent this you dindu. OW is shit for a lot of reasons, but don't blame healsluts on it.

>Why did Overwatch change the entire dynamic of "Healing" in video game from something important and noble to something that people now call "Healslut"?
You must not have played a lot of MMO's then.

I opened this thread exclusively for fapbait and was not disappointed

how do we solve the faggot problem? it appears nearly everyone under 25 is a raging fucking homo


>"Well actually, user, I--"
>I'm fucking 27
>When the fuck did that happen

Patch up!


>Press E for MEDIC!
>Medic continues to heal a sniper
>Go right in front of him and yell MEDIC!
>Medic is just continuing to heal the sniper
>Medic then gets sniped
>Sniper takes out other sniper
>Sniper then runs all the way back to spawn
>Waits for his medic to respawn
>Medic immediately comes out to heal him

Is it a bot or are people this dedicated?

You need to be 18+ to post here

c'mon user



Overwatch didn't change that, the people who play healers in Overwatch did.
Mains the easiest characters in the game while thinking they carry the team. Always blaming their team for everything.

I also thought the OP was an idiot, but it turns out the use of the term on Sup Forums does heavily coincide with the first Overwatch beta (October 2015):
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"heal slut"|healslut/order/asc/

If you look at /vg/, though, the term was in use months earlier:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/"heal slut"|healslut/order/asc/

In short, Overwatch probably did contribute to its current popularity, and Sup Forums is too influenced by terms from other boards.

Footfags will hang

Healslut was around before Overwatch you whiny child

Does anyone here want to be my Steam GF?

What game has the most entertaining healer gameplay?

You haven't been around much, then.


Why is omni so god-tier