Which is the worst?
Witcher 3 vs MGS V
MGSV didn't have a Blood and Wine. Or an actual final act.
MGS V definitely.
>shit controls
>terrible story
>no good conclusion
>playing games for the story
lmaoing @ you
Witcher 3. MGS V at least has good gameplay
>Good gameplay
Pick one
you're right, thats why MGSV was hailed as the pinnacle of the series and everyone shits on MGS 1-4
oh wait
>>shit controls
I never played witcher, but mgsv was unfinished joke to anyone who followed the series, so must be worse.
>Shit controls
First MGS game?
Shit is an exaggeration but they're a huge step down from the previous games.
MGS by a large margin. Witcher was actually good
nah they shit
Witcher actually had good environments and a top tier storyline with great writing and animations to go with it. MGS5 had the most barren map of any open world game ever and the story was literally rinse and repeat mission after mission with a shit story. I could actually find myself playing witcher for hours on end without getting bored but I'd get bored after doing one mission in MGS5.
>witcher 3
>shit story
>shit gameplay
>shit missions
>amazing post modernism story telling that people will write essays about when some faggot makes a video in 5 years
>perfect gameplay
>amazing missions
MGSV by far, The Witcher 3 actually has a ending.
I like them both!
Witcher is WAY better
Witcher 3, doesn't mean it's a bad game though. I admire the scale they put into it, shame it's just boring.
>amazing missions
Both franchises
They're both good games
But TW3 is the best game of all time
MGSV its not a fucking chore to play
>its another bandid camp full of archers
>its another pack of drowners
>its another lvl 90 monsters that 1hit kills you even when you dodges thanks to the lovely hitboxes
>your inventory weight is full and you cant run again
>your toxin levels are too high again
>its another bombs are fucking usuless episode
MGS V is one of the worst games I've played in recent years
MGSV was so bad it completely eliminated my interest in playing video games.
MGS V is like a try hard film student trying to make a 2deep4u game
MGSV, half finished and stupid twist.
>user is this bad at managing himself in a fucking video game
The only people I've actually seen shill and defend mgs5 are people who played it on PlayStation.
Sony nigger cancer
Why Sony?
I can understand shit gameplay but shit controls?
Witcher 3 wasn't bad at all.
Witcher was good
this and the open world is terrible
this is bait
best games i've ever played, so Op is a fag like always.
Both games were incredible
>playing a realistic infiltration simulator for the story
kys yourself :>
How so
how is Witcher 3 combat?
I tried to play 1 a while back and it was so boring
Large turn radius, clunky cover system, clunky inventory, etc. All around a step down from MGS4 and even 2 and 3.
mgsv is a very good game for all the reasons its fanbase does not like the series. it rewards creativity and wit, like playing with legos. Sup Forums is constantly crying about casuals and normies and can’t enjoy a game that rewards creative thinking at the same time. also, the mods are better than tw3.
tw3 is an amazing experience, but for different reasons. both are good games
Mgsv is casual as fuck though
MGS v have nothing holding it together it just a tech demo with a bullshit story
>Hating Witcher 3 or MGSV
There comes a point where you have to ask yourself if you're a pretentious fuckwad. If you have convinced yourself that either of these games are 'shit,' you need to do this. How do people on here unironically question why they have no social life?
MGSV had much better gameplay, Witcher 3 had much better writing. Witcher 3 also felt like a finished game though, where MGSV didn't.
Its good on blood and broken bones.
Witcher 3 combat is some of the worst in the genre.
Better question is which is best
Compared to what? There aren't very many melee combat games m8. Only a few arpgs like souls, nioh have it beat.
Witcher 3 is shit though, I can't work out what people see in it besides pretty graphics and large areas because somehow they think that makes a game good. It's completely absurd.
>Too autistic to see what makes the game good to almost everyone that has played it
>Must be shit
Grow up.
>v is not a fucking chore to play
>ignoring the insane amount of pointless side missions you have to grind, and the pokemon minigame that's forced on you
> have to play long, slow, cutscene heavy intro mission fucking again, exactly the same to get the half assed 'real' ending
I haven't played the Witcher 3 but I seriously doubt it could be worse than MGSV
Witcher 3
>finished game
>unfinished game
mgsv by default.
this has to be a fucking bait
0/10 apply yourself
I mean, there were a handful of really great ones so he's not entirely wrong.
MGS V is too much pretentious wanking
Expressing the perils of colonization through literal vocal chord parasites, and the autistic body double of a character officially titled big boss.
Well Witcher 3 is one of the best written video games of the last 20 years, and MGSV barely has writing at all.
Neither are bad though
This is bait.bait bait bait
>witcher 3
Interesting open world with lots of locations, monsters, and factions and some okay dungeons
Crap open bland open world only populated with enemy solders. No interior locations. 90% of the game is filler.
This isnt even a contest.
I agree
If you play it like that sure.
>tfw I loved them both
>Witcher 3 is one of the best written video games of the last 20 years
Witcher. The mechanics and gameplay are fucking awful. MGSV was also 60fps even on consoles.
But the gameplay for Witcher 3 is so bad it makes MGS V gameplay look like a masterpiece
>mgs v
>bad gameplay
What is this meme
Contrarianism. When you don't like something, you try to undermine every single part of it, even the good things.
The truth
The truth is that no matter what, Witcher has shittier gameplay.
MGS V is actually fun to play, Whereas Witcher does better with story, writing, characters and world. Pretty good side quests too,
but it's a drag to go through with how dull the gameplay is
That's wrong. You have so many options when it comes to everything that it actually feels liberating.
It has better writing, but the story is your typical fantasy schlock. There's also not a single moment that reaches V's peak story moments.
Of course, most are borrowed from the books.
Yep, because it's an RPG.
>>witcher 3
>>shit story
>>shit gameplay
>>shit missions
>>shit story
>>shit gameplay
>>shit missions
>trying this hard
In the genre? What genre are we talking about? The one with skyrim in it?
The one with Soulsborne games in it.
Dungeon crawlers?
The game mechanics of MGSV aren't bad but doing the same missions on the same area of the same map really makes it a painful experience. It feels really "make believe" when you've been to an area doing random side missions and then you have a main mission there.
"Soulsbourne" is a JRPG series.
You must hate videogames if you find MGSV's gameplay dull.
I fuckin get addicted. I know that V is missing a shit ton of story and content, but regardless, I always find myself putting so much time into a mission.
Playing the mission where you have to rescue the child soldiers from the mines for the first time was not fun, but I spent a lot of time trying to complete it without being seen.
MGS V, full on betrayal to the MGS fanbase by releasing a unfinished game.
I was referring to Witcher 3 gameplay. MGS V gameplay is good
The gameplay from MGSV and the story and quests from Witcher 3
Would you play it?
lol, get a life
By worst you mean most popular? I guess w3
Fuck yes
I finished and enjoyed V even though it was thematically muddied by Big Medic and Kojima chickened out of actually making him into a villain.
I still haven't finished W3 because it pissed me off with shitty quest rewards.
i was never a huge fan of MGS series, purely because i played Thief,Metro,Crysis,Deus Ex etc,etc,etc and many other great stealth games on PC, but i gave a chance to each and every one MGS title and always wondered why the fuck console crowd look at mgs as second coming of christ, and then it hit me, it had Morrowind effect.
Mgs on psx WAS good game with exceptional ,new&funny gameplay(for that time), so every other sequel was just an echo from that mgs, fans hoping theyll get next PSOne MGS, but it never came, just more and more of watered down ,convoluted story bullshit.
Kojima said that MGS3 was last one(he made a huge deal about how there is no money that would change his mind, artistic integrity and all that bullshit)
MGSV destroyed Sup Forums