Let's play a game Sup Forums! Describe a vidya character without saying how they look like, how they dress or what profession or role on a game they have.
Plinkett Test - Vidya Edition
he's a retard, has been in countless games, has his own franchise, has a big family named after him and was a villain once (at least the last guy who used his moniker was)
Try guessing this one Sup Forums...
>This character is a steadfast cool dude with attitude. He cares for his friends even if sometimes he seems detached from them
Pretty easy right?
Known for arguing incessantly about inane things and constantly crippled by their own indecision.
What part of profession or role did you did not get. You need to describe the character not what he has done.
Is a good christian boy who is full of rage with humans that are pushing the boundaries with hell. Will always do what he thinks is right using his brute strength and will put humanity above any other facet of life. Thinks about his actions when it comes to humans but does not give a second thought to demons. Is remorseful of a certain point in his past where he has failed, but is willing to move on to save everyone and make the deaths not in vain,
Jotaro Kujo
This character is crazy and wants to rock
Donkey Kong
He throws fireballs and fights his inner demon.
His name is not important.
he's pretty based
he's pointless comic relief that makes me want to die
Eh, doesn't afraid of anything
inb4 "that" guy comes in and calls it Reddit Letter Media because it isnt fucking retarded shit like Dunkey
This character is intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
Let's try this one, a bit harder to pin point I think.
This character is narcissistic, delusional and greedy. The character thinks that everything in the world belongs to him.
That's only Sup Forums though.
did Sup Forums just find out about mr. plinkett or something? I've seen several threads like this today
Rick Sanchez? I only know because my IQ is 130+
he wants vengeance and yells and kills a lot
>describe the character without describing the character
stupid shit
all you can say is their personality and that is often so vague that it can apply to anyone if you ignore the rest
>reddit letter media
hack frauds gtfo
This character has a dream and believes might makes right
Fat dumpy balding sex pervert with a hunch
Dead family, people want to ice him.
Jockey from the L4D series.
Alcoholic bipolar manic-depressive with a deep sense of self loathing rivaled only by his loathing for those he deems worthy of blowing up
Fucking CALLED it
This might be way too easy but: He regrets nothing
>isnt fucking retarded shit
>goes to theater and pays to see every marvel/star wars movie on release while at the same time complaining about how those movies are soulless cashgrabs killing cinema and that theaters should die off
for the record dunkey is a faggot too.
she has an anime girl personality
>Suffers through it and spreads the word that its shit so people dont waste their money on it
>His SINGLE ticket means he's helping kill cinema
You're stupid.
Overpowered cunt, made even worse in the remake.
She is a really stupid bimbo who loves her sister so much, she pretended to be her.
She didn't fool anyone but they played along anyway.
Sir Criesalot from the big city
is his biological son?
>His SINGLE ticket means he's helping kill cinema
Yes, they are directly supporting the very things they bitch and moan about. If they were serious about it they wouldn't waste their time on it.
Or he can view it and objectively disembowel the shitty writing so people know just how shit it is. I'd say that keeps more people away and detracts more revenue than if he didn't see it.
Viewing it and paying to view it are different things. At the very least if they were serious about wanting theaters to die they would pirate it but even that would be making demand for someone else to go to theaters to rip the movie.
The way the was post specified made the way he described the character correct. Op is actually retarded by wanting people to describe characters by not being able to describe them at all.
do they want theatres to die?
Fucking Lyse
An untried youth that struggles with a great responsibility that tragedy has thrust upon him. Tries to do right by his comrades and struggles with the unfortunate realities of the world. Blunt and ignorant to social decorum at times.
How about you stop overcomplicating it and admit what he does detracts sales that overall aren't going to make much of a difference to a pedophile ridden billion dollar industry?
This character...had a hard life.
Yes they said so in one of the last reviews they did.
Fine let me dumb it down for you.
>keep going to theaters and paying for movies which directly supports them
>watch/support pirate rips which indirectly supports them
>cut them off altogether and starve them
Or you know, just one view can detract thousands of sales.
Prove it.
What the fuck is there to prove?
>Guy views it
>"Hey guys this movies shit. Don't go see it."
>Well, I guess I better not go see it.
A theatrical, feminine and psychotic individual who yearns for attention and adoration above all else.
Post some evidence that a bad review means a movie will get equally bad sales.
Nathan Drake
I didn't say it would get bad sales. I said it would at least detract some sales.
if the character is written well enough, their personality should suffice
This man is very obsessed with daddy issues and vengeance, and he's generally antisocial and a sociopath.
He acts smug over his manipulative and scheming ways but is very short sighted with seemingly insignificant details.
Then provide proof.
you can't
Its common sense. Thats what reviews are fucking for. It gets bad reviews, some people don't go to see it. I know its hard to understand, autist.
>predict that you won't be able to provide any proof
>start screeching and call me an autist
They don't even disembowel them. Thor 3 and a couple other of the recent marvel movies they've actually recommended. It's been a long time since they've done a Jack and Jill style takedown on anything.
so literally no video game character in existence
>Mr. Foster
>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
>jumped up little tool
A person's profession or role typically makes up a huge part of their identity and is an important part of their character. Basically this test is fucking stupid and so are you.
You got it
Being contrarian is played out. Conformity is the new contrarianism.
This character is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesn’t afraid of anything.
When you put it that way it sounds like she has a mental illness
>A person's profession or role typically makes up a huge part of their identity
No, it doesn't.
ok you can't just name the character, that beats the whole point of it
Literally Johnny Knoxville
It does. It influences their motivations and their interactions with others. I guess it might be hard for NEET Sup Forumsirgins to understand.
>has a regular job that pays consistently well doing something he loves
>happens to be shittalking movies
>gets to make art whenever he's inspired
You're right what a dipshit lol paying for movie tickets and writing them off on his taxes that's so dumb
>wageslave can't even beat the plinkett test
But user, what is important is what he is about to do.
Had some cool friends who he went on adventures with, then he got mind-raped and they all went their seperate ways, believing him to be dead. Now he searches for clues about his past and who he once was.
She might as well have it for all we know. She acts sightly off beat other characters but the game doesn't present it as a flat out joke, just as part of her usual bimbo self.
a messianic and corrupt religious figure fascinated with duality, his godly powers are slowly waning
He fucked up so bad they had to make an alternate universe where he didn't fuck up so bad.
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.