Uh oh Pedro is heated again

Uh oh Pedro is heated again


Enraged Enrique

>tfw you can tell how shit this website has become by the amount of people that are against net nutrality

Pissed Pablo


Everyone on TGWTG is a faggot but its good he is talking abotu it because he has like 3 million fans

I hate how you faggots are anti NN because the SJWs are pro NN

Ever heard the phrase "The enemy of my enemy is my ally?"

You can go back to calling him a cuck after we win, and it wont cost you an extra 29.99 for a shitposting internet expansion pack

phone posters from Sup Forums

funny enough they're the very ones that would be kicked off the internet once anti-NN policies go through

angry four hour man

Rustled Raul

There is no winning in this .

>pro nnt
You side with the kikes from GOOGLE , facebook twatter etc
>against nnt
You side with the kikes from verizon, comcast at&t etc .

Kikes don t loose this time

>making up a net neutrality argument

Go back to redit

American politics has essentially been one long, drawn-out corporatist assfucking for the past 30 years. Same shit, different decade.

why do you retards keep making threads about him

Try last 80 years.

Memo Muerto

>is heated again
what why didn't you show the likes to dislikes

I want to say Upset Urbano?

Even without nn they still get their websites taken down so who it doesnt seem like it would actually affect them

Seething Santos

>being this retarded

Wow, a youtuber shilling for Google/Youtube, WTF I love NN now!

You don't pay google or facebook to use their shit, and the way things are right now is fine.
Verizon and AT&T will fuck everyone up the ass if they get their way. Choice is obvious.

Is he going to start crying and throw $7 at the camera again?

It's more the fact the vast majority of people are overreacting. I've never taken the activist side of the internet seriously since Kony.

they already get kicked off the internet by the very people freaking out about this