Make a fighting game

>Make a fighting game
>Give girls big tits

How does that work? Wouldn't they get in the way?

Other urls found in this thread:

if you're gonna practice combos with a character for hours, they might as well look good.

Evidently not OP.
Good thread.
Great thread.
You did good.

Take a hint, dummy.

Thanks for bumping the thread

Post more boobies

>make legendary mercenary
>give him eyepatch

>make hero of hyrule

>wear sunglasses at night
>my vision is augmented

Yeah, ok.



Ass chest

Girls can't really fight. It's not supposed to be realistic it's supposed to be a fun fantasy. So they have big tits purely because it looks cool.

i'd rather have big FAT ASSES[/spoilers]

it makes more sense

Cmon guys. Keep posting glorious vidya titties!


Big boobs cushion blows to the chest, protecting the heart and lungs.

why not both?


big bottom makes my eyes water

I wanna grope her breasts so badly! GAH!


I want to put my head between her breasts while she gently pets my head to sleep


>make a fighting game
>give girl big guts

How does that work? Wouldn't they get in the way?

user, don't get me started

This breast are too big.

My girl

Why, what happens if I get you started?


I actually don't have relevant art, but I'm almost a degenerate like you



You will be.

Wait, this works.

Cute tum.





It's more hot than cool.

I fucking love women with huge pelvises



I'm a fan of skintight bodysuits, personally.


If the girl is smart, she could use those as weapons.

I love Makoto!


Are there any fighting games that do this?





>Sup Forums suddenly likes tits
what went so horribly wrong?




modern men desire big breasts



>don't have a thing for furries
>actually turn me off
>have a massive boner for rouge and fem sonic

someone help


/lgbt/ was made and gays left this place

Because she can suffocate people with her big breasts as a fatality

>massive boner for Rogue
This is perfectly normal and nothing be ashame-
>and fem Sonic
Yeah you're a furfag

>being a fag
You might as well say the same for fighters with big dicks.

oh no

What advantages are there to such monstrous thighs?

>all of those irrelevant hashtags
You can really tell he's not a tranny for the sake of attention and that this is who he really is in the inside.

To destroy everything in her way.


>dem nails
Surprised there isn't some uproar about Nuzzle and how it could be taken to mean rape with the paralysis and all.

Replace the watermelon with my head

they infuse fear into the heart of her enemies

And lust.

Don't forget lust.



does poop come from there





Whoever made Jam's hair deserves to be sent to the gulag.

why don't they just use their tits as a weapon?

>cowtits pressing up against a flat chest

Bless this thread.

>Makoto with giant hooters
I'm unsure how to feel

She eats a lot of protein, so they're probably huge under there. Chest wraps are like magic.

>Goddamn it why do I keep passing out and waking up in a puddle of mud naked?



good thread. needed some filling for my boob folder.
I request more Rouge. (does that make me a furfag?)


Best euphamism.

>a man

i think there is some thing wrong with you

They're feminine nipples.


>How does that work?
Like Dungeon Master armor.
>Wouldn't they get in the way?

>He doesn't like tomboys who try their best to hide their femininity only for it to be futile when the clothes come off
look at him and laugh

fags and pedos finally got BTFO