So Mass Effect: Andromeda isn't apparently that bad from a none-biased viewpoint.
Go figure.
So Mass Effect: Andromeda isn't apparently that bad from a none-biased viewpoint
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>N7 Kate logo with ME decals
>Profile pic dressed in ME gear
Fact: ME is shit, fact: MEA is worse than the trilogy, conclusion: MEA is particularly egregious shit.
WHY does this game get so much hate?
Like really?
It wasn't even that bad.
No it's even worse then. It's a disgusting game and the only people I can imagine actually finishing it are hardcore ME fans
it's a 4/10 not a 1/10, so hey there's that.
I bought it through EA access. For 4 dollerinos it is good.
It killed possible DLC, the studio and even maybe the franchise.
It wasnt that bad. I'm more upset it possibly killed the franchise. With some dlc and updates it could have been an 8.
I enjoyed the gameplay. But it wasnt really a Mass effect game.
The combat was fun but without being able to order companions it felt limited. Speaking of companions, they were all terrible. No connection at all, you meet all off them within the first hour and they all join you without any hesitation or motivation. Theyre all two dimensional as fuck and none stand out. Plus the women are rendered ugly as hell for some reason.
Plotwise was basically the original trilogy. Oh wow these guys are basically collectors and used to be us. Literally ripped right from original. The rest of story was decent aside from that just rushed as fuck.
I love the mass effect series. 2 and and even 3 are some of my favourite games ever and I adored the epic space opera plot but Andromeda dissapointed. By about halfway I was just trying to finish it rather then enjoying playing it to see what would happen.
Here's hoping the start the series off against with a competent meritocratic team this time and stop caving in to pressure from certain groups looking to change digital landscapes.
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because on launch it was a story-driven game with awful writing and terrible animation - on both accounts worse than anything in the previous 3 games, somehow. It was also an expensive buggy mess where the only thing it did decently was combat.
It killed the studio that made it, and the franchise in 1 game.
>N7 plastered all over the place
your a funny guy....
it's pure shit from a non-biased perspective
the writing was pure shit and read like it was written by some highschool slut blogging on Tumblr
>"back off... literally!"
>"my face is tired"
the universe was dull, boring, bland and utterly devoid of creativity. oh wow an entirely new Galaxy, here's some humanoid aliens with west African nigger voices like that Jamaican Prothean and some cliche big meany militaristic Empire guys
copy-pasted dull, lifeless plants with some copy-pasted fauna with different skins. oh wow no there's a secret alien vault, better go explore it for the 10th time
shoehorned in a bunch of trannies, fags, homos, blacks, non-whites, women etc. completely disregarding the fact that if humanity ever realistically got into space it would be solely white men pioneering it and not some street shitting Pakis and Tindr whores putting on their makeup before going into space
truly one of the worst games to have ever existed in the entirety of the video game medium
absolutely no choice. you're forced to play the role of a soyboy nu-male faggot or a pretentious slut. you can't even be renegade, you can't even deviate morally or make your own choices
there's not a single likeable character in the game. I got 6 hours in (torrented this garbage of course) realised I completely sympathised with the antagonist militaristic Imperial race hoping they would rape and genocide all the autistic asperger faggots from the Milky Way galaxy and those hippie nigger weirdos
worst game ever 1/10
the 1 is for the cliche antagonists
yes it was.
nailed it. nothing else to discuss. it's a game for SJW's, by SJW's who are literally racist and untalented to boot. fuck this game, and fuck people that somehow like this dribbling filth
disliked your video, OP.
its bait you idiots. I'm more offended there are still people walking around with N7 nonsense on when it's a dead IP that died an embarrassing and ignoble death
The game was that bad. So bad, they decided to can any plans for DLC (and that's fucking bad coming from EA), and said they'll "continue the story" via multiplayer. Even the multiplayer isn't as good as 3's was. The jetpacks were kinda fun, but they couldn't even get the goddamn cover system right. Bioware Montreal really fucked up on this one.
This is the best review of the game I've seen.
I refunded the game after 45 minutes of playing.
what is "that bad", and who is this supposed "non-biased" viewpoint?
Are you arguing that it was not as bad as Sup Forums claimed? Whoop-dee-doo, give yourself a medal. If you only take the most extreme viewpoints as a measure of what people think of course nothing is as bad or as good, you fool.
It is still the worse piece of software ever to come out of bioware, or any other remnant of the black isle/interplay cradle. All the prominent critiques are still valid, and then some. It is unfinished, made by several people with an agenda, amateurishly programmed, retardedly written, and lacks any sort of coherent direction or closure.
The MP devoid of most of the single player content and any semblance of RP is the best thing about it, which is a fucking disgrace for a story-driven single player "RPG".
>the writing is shit so the game is too
started out strong and became some Sup Forumsack rant with nu-/pol memes like soyboy
It's not good or bad. Just extremely bland and forgettable. It might be worth 5 bucks
What? You wanna say the gameplay was good? It's not even as good as ME2s' and that game is almost 8 years old now.
because it was supposed to be a form of apology for what was wrong with ME3, kind of like how how battlefront 2 was supposed to gloss over the grievances people had with battlefront 2015.
And what we got was even worse in almost every way.
And "not even that bad" simply does not cut it if you hype it up to be "excellent bar none", and sell it on its pedigree.
if the game revolves about the quality of the writing, yeah, in a small way, moron.
My experince with 100 hours in andromeda, i also pre ordered it:
>story was cringy and predictable
>gameplay was fucking fantastic
>exploration was amazing
>graphics and scenary were really good
>lots of content and driving was fun as fuck
>multiplayer was alright and was somewhat replayable, i'm guessing it's dead now
overall for me 7/10 as it was a memorable experience that i would be happy to return to one day, however i wish some of our choices throughout the trilogy had some impact here or that the story actually linked to the shepard time, they really wasted tons of potential on the story which is my mine gripe
i loved me 1-3 and even i thought it was lacking at best
You start off good but it becomes a triggered rant pretty fast.
I'm just saying there is more to the game than story/writing and you didn't mention it at all.
Sure, in a RPG series writing is important but still there is more to a game
>Mass Effect fan who owns Mass Effect merchandise likes Mass Effect
You don't fucking say
After trying out the original ME on a friend's recommendation, I picked up both 2 and 3 on day one. Never once regretted it.
I waited almost half a year, played the demo, and waited for a 60% price cut before I picked up Andromeda. I still feel ripped off at that price.
It was insultingly poor quality for a full price AAA title from a formerly great franchise.
Putting off the horrible fucking animations, awful story and the protagonist is stricken with severe autism it's supposed to be in another Galaxy yet it recycles pretty much all the aliens from the first games. This unoriginal shit was so bad it shelfed the series indefinitely.
>a major part of the game is shit
>game is shit overall
Yeah that's kind of how it works.
Why can't we just have a game where we play one of the other races. Playing as a human is fucking boring.
>unbiased viewpoint
Who cares? It's shit, Bioware is shit, EA is shit, you're shit.
I havent played bioware game since me3. Anyone who did is a sheep.
Mass Effect 2 is still one of my favorite games. Sad to see the series go to shit after that.
3 was still pretty good though. ME2 did set the bar very high. A lot of people compared 3 to 2, thinking somehow 3 would beat it out. It's kind of hard to do that, when ME2 was basically the dragon age origins of that franchise. The original ending of 3 sucked ass, but I easily sank 1000 hours into the multiplayer.
3 is too bogged down with the shitty ass EMS system and shitty ending(s). Not to mention the DLCs are hardly on the level of Lair of the Shadow Broker.
Viral shit.
On top of not having shown anything particularly spectacular, and relying entirely on being called Mass Effect, you had the videos laughing at the animations and such, which made it a meme game.
Sup Forums was going to hate it no matter what because of the SJW devs.
>Fast forward
>Fat cake eating sperg lady I met a thousand times while in high school and college
>Implying they have good taste in anything
>They don't even have good taste in cock
Fucking pass user
human culture is the only one you can simply dive into to contrast the others with easily, without giving the player a 15 hour crash course on how any other species would act in the greater universe.
ME is not as established or granularly explored as, say, star wars that you would know what it means to be a salarian without extensive schooling first, therefore playing a human is almost a necessity. They simply would have had to make absurd amounts of details up for every single choice of playable species that would hurt all the rest of the game, especially when most player would still pick human, and not play the game once for ever species.
A hypthetical Mess Effect 7, when there has been thorough exploration into every major culture in the story, could offer the option to play as other species, but before the notion is simply not feasable for the cost/profit margin they could expect.
Actually it is, just on the basis that there's the Mako back and the jetpack it makes it much better.
To be fair, it's possible it might have turned out better if EA hadn't fucked the devs over by forcing them to use their shitty Frostbite engine which wasn't up for the task and had to be heavily modified just to make it work even semi properly
A remake of the trilogy with mass effect 2 gameplay and a more in-depth skill tree is all I ever want. But that's never gonna happen is it?
lern 2 spel
Honestly I'd rather have mass effect 3 gamplay. 2 felt kinda clunky in combat compared to 3.
I rather have ME:A
Jetpack in ME 1 could be fun.
If they made the main protagonist a krogan I guarantee you profit. There's been 4 games now and plenty of lore already. At this point if you're going to invest in ME it's because you've already played the previous entries. There are a few IPs I have not played that many people have played, simply because I cannot be arsed spending my time playing from the beginning to catch up.
Even without all the technical hiccups, the game is just not very exciting. It's still very clearly Mass Effect, but writing and world is boring and generic.
>driving around empty worlds until you almost fall asleep
>running into repetitive encounters where you're forced to use 3 powers at a time and have no control over your teammates
This is better how exactly?
triggered poltard getting triggered
It was doomed from the start, since the devs tried to pull a No Man's Sky with procedural generation and were forced to scrap everything when they lost 3 years of development because of Frostbite.
What became Andromeda was rushed out in 18 months from an understaffed and mismanaged studio.
It's Inquisition in space, with everything that means.
I hate inquisition,but even that shit was better.At least it had decent characters and story
>contrast the others with easily, without giving the player a 15 hour crash course on how any other species would act in the greater universe
>ME is not as established or granularly explored as, say, star wars that you would know what it means to be a salarian without extensive schooling first, therefore playing a human is almost a necessity.
>They simply would have had to make absurd amounts of details up for every single choice of playable species that would hurt all the rest of the game, especially when most player would still pick human, and not play the game once for ever species.
You say this as if a new 5th mass effect (hell, even Andromeda) was the first in the series. We had 3 games worth of dialogue and worldbuilding that made every single one of the Milky Way species memorable, even the random NPCs. That's way more than enough backstory to give anyone who wants to even try to play even a turian for example. Why was Dragon Age Origins who had ZERO explanation at the start regarding other races allowed to do something like this?
Even if it isn't established as Star Wars, it doesn't need to be. Speaking of Star Wars, this is a terrible comparison, because aliens are, from a backstory perspective, always treated as humans: exotic edition there. Mass Effect on the other hand actually bothers to give further explanations than that.
I agree with the last part though. Humans would still be the most picked characters because of reliability, but making aliens playable would offer more replayability. Tbh, it's the next step forward for Mass Effect and I fail to understand why no one at EA bothered to take Andromeda in this direction.
Is he or she?
3 gameplay always felt too fast for me. I liked the slower pace of 2. Though I liked the fluidity of 3, if that makes sense