Whatever happened to skateboarding games? they were the shit back in the day

whatever happened to skateboarding games? they were the shit back in the day

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skating died off and the franchises died

th games got worse and worse, with awful gimmicks being the real killer, they tried rebooting it with thps5, but it was the worst game yet, which killed the franchise for good
i don't really know anything about the skate games, supposedly they were all good, never played them though. odds are their sales weren't so great and EA moved onto making more FPS games instead of diversifying their development

nowadays there's no reason to make any games about skating because skating is kinda dead, so sadly it's unlikely we'll see anything new pop up

>they were the shit back in the day


All the skate games were great and Project Session is in extremely early alpha but it looks like it could be decent. The control scheme seems interesting as each thumbstick represents a foot and you turn with the triggers so you can control your front and back leg individually and do the tricks realistically. I think arcadey button mashy manual line babbys won't enjoy it though.

kids these days don't go outside so they can't relate to the skateboarding culture.


Is grinding supposed to be hard as fuck in this game? I fail 9/10 times when trying to grind a rail

>they tried rebooting it with thps5
no they didn't, it was strictly a cash-in so they could keep the tony hawk license, they need to make a game every X years or they lose it

Its supposed to be a more accurate simulator of skating. Its hard but it makes it more satisfying when you manage to land something.

fuck skating in videogames go pick up a board and skate in real life. it's much funner imo

Tell that to my knees

I'm really hoping for pic related to happen. The demo is pretty broken at the moment but at least it gives you an idea of what it could be like. Meanwhile I'm getting my fix playing THUG PRO, Snow and Infinite Air to get my fix.

i dunno if skating is "dead". its still around. It's definitely way past its late 90s glory days though.

Unfortunately my friend, some places in the world experience a thing called rain and winter

what's wrong with them? are you old?

i'm not that guy but i picked up a skateboard after not touching one for 10+ years and its alot more brutal on my body then it used to be. I twisted my ankle olleing a gay little 4 stair and my ankle was pretty jacked up for at least 3-5 months. It wasnt even that bad. I used to recover from stuff like that in like 2 weeks. I'm 32 in case you are curious.

I'm betting a fucking scooter game comes out before the next good skateboarding game. Why the fuck did this shit catch on? I get it, it's easy. It's like a BMX for people who are too scared to take the training wheels off, but holy fuck just get a BMX instead of this piece of shit half way thing. All you ever see scooter fags do is transfer over a spine then air out and spin the fucking deck round as many times as humanly possible like they're going for the worlds craziest tailwhip but they have no intention of actually putting their feet back on it at any time when it's spinning.

>play scooter game
>score multiplier based on how many people you piss off
>quadruple points for 30 secs if you manage to get in someones way and be the reason they fall
>get to bring parent along to protect you like how you'd bring big black in skate 2 to fight security guards off

THPS did well enough that it spawned a cottage industry of shitty clones, and then stuck around long enough to end up as one of them

Skateboarding and xtreme sports in general aren't popular enough to warrant big budget games anymore

>Why the fuck did this shit catch on?
its because normies are fucking retarded. I got in an argument with my retarded aunt about how riding a skateboard is way more stable and safe. She unironically thought they were "safer" because they have a handle bar.

I grew up in the desert and did things like riding dirt bikes. Skating was impossible because I didn't live within 20 miles of a paved road so I loved tony hawk games

>Why the fuck did this shit catch on
It didn't. Even at it's peak you saw way more kids on skateboards than scooters

I don't know where you live but scooters drastically outnumber skaters in the UK, and I mean drastically.

i thought it was made because the license was going to expire the next day after game release

Wrestling died off in popularity around the same time skating did but you still have 2k shitting something out every year and a shitload of casual mobile games. Why can't we have at least one more Pro Skater?

I live in California and see like 1 kid on a scooter every few months. It's totally dead here. Shits really lame

I mean lame in general, not lame that it's dead lol. People who rode scooters when I was in high school were always dorks

>not just playing skate 3

I'm jealous. Skateparks here are absolutely packed with scooters in the summer when the shitbag kids break up from school, it almost feels alien to see another skater at certain parks.

That's fucking bizarre to me. Skateparks here are just skaters and some people on bikes

For me it was just that they pretty much nailed the formula out of the gate and there wasn't much to improve. No skating game released today would really offer anything that I didn't already get completely filled on in the THPS era. And because they were so good, odds are any game created could only be worse in some way with no upside.

Did anyone here play this? Great game.

Fucking this skate is way much much better then tony shit

I guess it depends what you want from it. I'm looking for a more realistic skate sim kind of game rather than a "press button to trick" type game and I'm really hoping Session comes through because the control scheme is innovative and realistic. If you're in to the more arcade style skate games though then I agree with what you're saying.

I don't get why Sup Forums is so in to the Tony Hawk games when the Skate games are better in every single way.

>I'm looking for a more realistic skate sim kind of game rather than a "press button to trick" type game
what is skate series

I've played them to death, they're still not realistic enough for what I want.

do you skate in real life?

Yeah, I did it in real life as well.
I still liked THPS more.

Man, Tony Hawk Pro Skater was amazing. Even included a cool level editor. I once did a perfect "stand-on-top-of-the-ramp" thing, the character was standing there for like 1 minute, so i decided to go make some tea. When i came back, he was still standing and score for the trick was like 250k, but dropped after a few minutes.

he doesn't like THUG 1 & 2.


I don't remember which part tho, but remember for sure it was on PS1. I even remember where i did that shit.

Yeah, I know you're probably going to say "well just go skate then" but the weather is consistently shit here from like November to February and I need something to scratch the itch.

If you liked Skate, try the demo mentioned.

I'm trying it right this second. I love the controls.

There was a scooter game

Rented it from blockbuster so yea. It's either GC or Ps2


Wrestling is still big

I always sucked at grinding IRL when I used to skate so yeah the game is pretty accurate on the difficulty of it I guess

Where the hell do you live? I'm in Brighton and there are skaters everywhere here all year round.

This gives me hope. The demo has a lot of potential.

Tony hawk project 8 was a good game, it was proving ground that changed the formula too much with it’s new camera and focus on a lil bit more realism.

Everything after that is just trash

They died along with 90s culture.

Some of us just want to McTwist over a helicopter man

>project 8 was a good game

I'm really hoping this gets an option to loosen the damn trucks. Turning does not feel good at all.

Not that guy but Nail the Trick was pretty fun. I'm tempted to buy the PS3 version desu because the PS2 version kinda sucks in comparison. THUG is better overall but P8 really improved the skating but the levels were ass.

>skating is dead
that braille channel on youtube revived it. i see bankers in my town riding regular skateboards to work

>its because normies are fucking retarded.
i swear to god they ruin everything

only skate 1 was good. it tried to make it feel real. the game lost this feel entirely with 3

anyone else here played this piece of garbage?


>he didnt play whirl tour

Yes, totally forgot this existed. I remember seeing a trailer of it at the end of a demo and really wanting it for some reason

Any games where I can build a skate park in Iceland?

Skating got less popular. I'm surprised we didn't see an uprising of scooter games desu. Skating does seem to be making a bit of a comeback but most is hipster shit.

Airblade was God tier you pleb


it was always hipster shit, but hipsters never know they are hipsters

Played the demo of it on ps2 constantly like a sperg but never bought the game. Really enjoyed it but bet it holds up like shit now

Do you know what hipster means? Skating used to be mainstream popular. Hipsters had longboards and shit.

Is this game any good? I remember really liking it when I was a kid but have heard nothing but shit about it since

it was complete garbage compared to any other similar ps2 game.

skating was never mainstream popular, what the fuck are you talking about? just because it's on MTV it doesn't mean normal people do it

could be a regional thing, though, it definitely wasn't mainstream in my area

its shit, also the videos are shit when you are used to porn on the internet.

people are just mad because of some A&T. It's pretty good game from pretty good developers

I assume regional or time differences. It was the absolute shit here from late nineties to mid 2000s.

Get the 360 version if you can. The PS3 version looks disgusting.

Skating was extremely popular and any look at 1990s and 2000s media should tell you that. If you live in bumfuck nowhere Kansas don't pretend your shithole town is a fair representation of America. Same goes for Califags who think the West Coast is the center of the world.

I'm not gonna buy a 360 to play a 10 year old game. It'll look like shit in this day and age either way.

Skating is more alive than it ever was.

>that braille channel on youtube revived it.

First of all, it was never dead, second of all, that channel is trash. Corporate companies and Thrasher is what made skating even more popular.

>arcadey button mashy manual line babbys
>different games are a bad thing
thps is the doom of sports games

how did you get this one on thps3

i see pc version of the game. does it run on win10 with xbox controller

only in the pc version

I never said different was bad, if anything Session is THE most different skating game to exist as nothing like this has been done before. THPS is ass.

Well Tony Hawk had 9 games in 9 years which milked the concept dry and the later entries were """""too complicated""""" for casual fans so a lot of people were turned off. By the 360/PS3 era, Skate came out and completely revamped the genre but took all the crazy arcade fun out of skating games so only people who genuinely liked skating bought them and it died after 3 games and 1 spin off.

Meanwhile Neversoft moved onto Guitar Hero and eventually died off while Tony Hawk convinced Activision to hire some hacks to make games that used a skateboard shaped controller. These were apparently terrible (I never played them myself) and failed after 2 games so they gave up on the idea and got the same people who didn't know what they were doing to make a remake of THPS 1 & 2 which controlled like shit but still did okay because people were blinded by nostalgia enough to give it a pass. Then the Tony Hawk license was about to expire so Activision made that same team pump out 1 more completely unfinished game and that's about it. Genre dead.

>friend thought he should start skateboarding after playing Tony Hawk
>have to sit bored in his driveway for hours and watch him fail ollies and kickflips because apparently he could do it this morning when no one was watching

PC port exclusive character. His stats start out with 10 speed and 1 ollie/hangtime.

Runs just fine on Win7, don't know about Win10. Find it on your favorite torrent site, install, install the widescreen patch, done. The launcher has controller customization options.

>THPS is ass.
Easy on the hot opinions there, buddy.

I have the PS3 version and it plays fine.

The thing that sucks the most about Project 8 is that there's only 1 map. Actually it's a bunch of smaller maps made into one large world, but it doesn't have the variety the other Tony Hawk games had, where one level you could be on in a shipyard and the next you could be at a carnival. Just maps like "suburbs", "streets", "downtown" and so on.

Hey I'm just warning you. I have it and it looks fucking horrible while my 360 copy of Proving Ground still holds up just fine.

It's from the early days when developers had no clue how to code for the PS3.

Don't forget about LevelMod for THPS3.

While we're at it don't forget about THUGPRO.

The PS2 version is lame because they put loading screens between section of the city. I played every version of the game on PS2/360/PS3 and PS2 is by the far worst. Sixaxis controls were so cool back in the early PS3 days but I know they'll just seem gimmicky now.

The PS2 version also had a combo run out system for landing back down quarter pipes that really pissed me off when I played it.

That was a weird era.

All of you need to understand that THPS 4 is the best in the series. Please don't argue, you know it's true.

I'm so disgruntled at your post that instead of bothering to argue I'm going to go to bed.

Millennials grew up, and the Gen Xers who they watched got old. Tony Hawk turns 50 next year.


>Hipsters had longboards and shit.

I'm gonna stop u right there, cause longboards at one point were just old people skateboards. Dudes who grew up skating in the 70's and 80's would ride them around my town. I mean yeah they're usually ridden by hipster uni students nowadays.