He bought a monster i7 and a GTX 1070ti

>He bought a monster i7 and a GTX 1070ti
>can't play games in 1440p60fps
When did you realize the whole pc gaming is a scam? If you spend 700 dollars building a PC and can't get 1440p60fps what's the point of building a PC? Wouldn't be better to buy a card in 2022 for 30 dollars to play everything in ultra 4K 60fps that was released between 2012 to 2018?

Other urls found in this thread:



>monster i7
>6700K 4c8t


>tfw i5 9600K will be 6c12t in 2-3 quarters

You can buy cheaper cards, you know.
My 1060 handles any game on ultra 1080p60, you can go lower if you're a poorfag.

You can't bruteforce poor programming.

>falling for the ultra settings meme

>When did you realize the whole pc gaming is a scam?

around 2001

the 6700k was released in late 2015
Do you really think it's an outdated CPU? Do you think the newer i5 will make these games run at smooth 60fps? no it won't

>ubisoft game
didn't even read your post.

Well then they just throw low textures similar to consoles. So the only benefit of spending 700 dollars on PC is getting better frame rates but even so 4K gaming on PC and consoles are the same 30fps trash unless you own SLI 1080ti

>you can only choose between low and ultra

>caring about graphics
PC is about choice and freedom, not fucking LOLGRAFIX clusterfuck. You should be using a low-midrange PC and playing games that aren't graphically insane that require some fucking overpriced, overheating supercomputer.

Jesus, kids, get it together.

This. Wildlands is some really unoptimised shit. One of the best features of PC gaming is being able to customise your settings to make your game run better. If you're gonna be stubborn and keep everything at max settings while also whining about the bad performance of a notoriously unoptimised game, then you're right, there's no point for you to have a gaming PC OP. Just stick to consoles, you'll get to have bad performance at all times till you get used to it.

Medium is pretty much consoles

Then choose a mixture of high and ultra. Jesus, how retarded are you?

that's the whole scam, it's a fake illusion of choice you end up buying expensive GPU/CPU to get 1 or 2 years (at best) of playing at high settings

true, but most games have high, very high, and ultra. Plus you can mix and match between them like pointed out. Simply setting everything maxxed out is pretty retarded unless you're feeling lazy, at very least go with whatever settings the game or your gpu recommends.
>it's a fake illusion of choice
what the fuck are you talking about? how is that an illusion of choice? You literally get to choose the exact graphical settings you need for most games, where's the illusion?

to be fair he said it's a fake illusion of choice which mean it's a real choice.

Gotta disagree. When you use a single example like Wildlands which happens to be a prime example of an unoptimised game that runs badly unless you brute force it, the entire premise of your argument is very misleading. How does that same rig perform with the other 20-30 games that was released this year? Or are you solely interested in Wildlands out of the thousands of games that are playable on PC?

>where's the illusion
back then: Low, medium, high.
Today: Low, medium low, medium, high, super high, ultra, ultra+ hairworks...
Between high and ultra you lose 20fps just because they added some post-processing garbage

Ultra for some settings is so pointless and frivolous that chew away at performance that you'd see no difference using High for them instead, such as post-process quality and shadows.

Long as the polygon and texture count is maxed for anything in the vicinity/mid-range distance, the rest can be a mix for my needs.

how is that an illusion of choice though?
Also I've never seen a game with that many tiers for its settings.

if the games are unoptmized (Wildlands, Nier, Watch Dogs 2, Dishonored 2, etc) what's the point of buying expensive hardware?

Serious Sam 3 does.

to play the optimised games?
how is this even a question

>to play the optimised games?
They don't exist. I bought a GTX 1050 and I actually regret not buying a GT 1030 because all games I play are from 2007-2013 and they run at ultra settings well. So in 2023 I could buy a GTX 1090 for 100 dollars to play everything from 2013-2020 at ultra settings instead of wasting money in 180W+ overheat nvidia/amd trash

i want to build my first computer ever because the laptop i use to casual do things is dying. i really dont know anything about any of this stuff. at the moment the two games im most interested in playing are Killer Instinct and Dark souls 3. how much would something like this cost? i live in canada btw

>I bought a GTX 1050
no wonder you're so salty

Music for people who bought the GTX 1070ti:


That argument doesn't really work due to the other games on your list besides Wildlands either having a workaround to make them run better (like Nier) or were patched to run much better since launch. So again, if you're bitching about shit performance one or two games, I understand. I bitch about them too. But I still don't get how it means the entire platform is made pointless simply due to a handful of games being unoptimised and never patched to run well against the thousands others that are.

>hahaha poor
No you don't understand you dummy. But anyway what can you do if you want to keep buying nvdia/amd trash to play CS:GO and overwatch you can continue destroying your life and laughing on Sup Forums

this is pathetic. back to /r/pcmasterrace

>It's cheaper if you wait
Yeah man, that's been the way for decades now. You only splurge on new tech if you want it now instead of waiting. This is your point? That waiting results in cheaper prices?

you really are mad as fuck that you're stuck with a crap card, it's not even a question of being poor it's just a dumb decision - there were better cards you could've got for only a fraction more or even the same price had you actually put in the research.

>Do you really think it's an outdated CPU?
In light of Ryzen and Coffee Lake - yes. In light of Kaby Lake - no.

>no it won't
It won't because Wildlands maxes out GPU, not CPU. Wildlands barely uses half of CPU power when it starts to 100% the GPU.

if you want them running on medium-high settings with 30+ fps or medium low with 60 fps (which is slightly better than the console version) g4560/g4600+1050 ti setup would be enough

I don't deal with meme resolutions.

no. They are a scam. They haven't developed any technology to justify the price they charge for the GTX 1070 and GTX 1080. It's simply their 970 series with overclock

the 1050ti run everything from 2007 to 2013 (and some 2014 games) at high/ultra 60fps

Yeah man, like I said, it's cheaper if you wait. Same goes for phones, tvs, sound systems, peripherals, consoles, cars, even fucking stoves and rice cookers. Items tend to depreciate in value the longer you wait so they get cheaper over time. You can see it as a scam if you want and just wait. No harm in doing it.

>It's simply their 970 series with overclock
You're so full of bullshit it's not even funny

Ultra shows an additional shade of grey for 8 times more requirements than high.
It's not noticeable and makes benchmarking stupid.

>They haven't developed any technology
970 is a repurposed 780
1080 is a new technology.

>buy a 1070ti to replace my ancient 760
>pop that sucker in, install drivers
>sound stops working
>second monitor shows up as a sound device
>spend 2 ½ hours googling, uninstalling and reinstalling drivers but nothing fixes it, now stuck with a >>>fresh

What sort of performance and settings are you looking for? Prices are a tad higher for RAM and GPUs at the moment unfortunately but not so much anymore.

If you want higher resolutions, ultra settings and high frame rates you've got to pay out the ass, if you just want the 60fps or console tier visuals you can get by cheaply, but it ain't cheap if you want the top tier experience.
Blame console kids who got into PC gaming around 2012 when the 360 and PS3 were on their last leg and you could rape them with a cheap PC.
In any case ultra settings are a meme, if you look up any optimization guide you'll see options that offer little to no visual difference but hamstring performance, if you're smart about the game settings you can tailor things to your liking.

i was aiming to playing my games on high at 60fps

If you get anything above you are retarded.

>In any case ultra settings are a meme
This, people need to understand what each setting actually means and how much of a difference it makes, not just using random presets and thinking that "ultra" was meant for their 1070 and not 2x1080ti's. In most cases a simple lowering of shadows or reflections to high will not produce any visual impact aside from EXTREMELY minor differences, but will double your FPS.

>In any case ultra settings are a meme, if you look up any optimization guide you'll see options that offer little to no visual difference but hamstring performance
This is something most players need to understand. Some ultra settings eat up performance like an obese cunt but offer very little in visual quality. In some cases, they may even look worse. Lose the impression that 'higher means better' in terms of graphical settings. Crysis had very little difference in graphical quality between high and very high, yet has an almost 20 fps difference between the two presets. Hairworks in Witcher 3 costs about a 20 fps hit and I think it looks worse than the regular physics in general. Don't be so eager to set everything to the highest all the time. Most important part is playing the game and being satisfied with your experience, not being able to run it at the highest settings all the time.

Speak for yourself poorfag. When i play games for my PC i want my eyes to bleed.

How exactly? it provide far better results, than consoles. If it can't play res and fps you want, doesn't matter it's scam.

Wildlands is notoriously bad optimized, put it through DOOM or Witcher 3 and it will shred those games.

twf I bought a meme 970 and it overheated so I sent it to Nvidia and they gave me a 1070

Sorry I wasn't very clear in my original post. I want to be able to play on high settings with 60+ frames. I don't have anything so monitor, mouse etc is something I need to buy. I'm willing to pay premium price to get excellent performance for my games. Most of the games I'm interested in outside of Dark Souls 3 and KI are pretty old. I can't list an upcoming AAA title on my radar that I'd like to have specs ready to play on. So I don't need some crazy overkill machine considering that.

then buy a GT 1030 or GTX 1050 and invest on SSD 320GB


Literally why?

>pc has the best specs imaginable
>Companies literally couldn't care less because the majority will just pirate their work
>This results in shit ports that run like shit even on $2000 rigs

Pc is cancer.

I bought a bottom of the line pc

cost me $500 fucking dollars

whole thing is a fucking scam

>Ubisoft ports are shit
Color me surprised.

Well I wouldn't recommend splurging so much on super high end stuff from the get go. It's best to start off with something that gets you 1080p60fps on max settings for now and you can upgrade as you wish from then on if you want better shit. For that purpose, go for an i5 6600 CPU, a 1060 6gb GPU, 8 or 12 gb Ddr4 RAM, an LGA1151 B150 Gaming motherboard (not falling for the 'gaming' meme, these models just have the added benefit of 4 slots for your RAM versus 2), a 550w Corsair power supply unit (listed as PSU usually) and grabbing peripherals like a monitor, speakers, mouse, keyboard and controller of your choosing. Avoid Razer shit for your peripherals unless you can get them for super cheap, they are notorious for breaking quickly. Logitech puts out good quality stuff except for headsets. I'm not sure how much all of this will cost in Canadian maple bucks but you can look that up yourself using the list I provided. If you need any more help just post around here, I'll help out if I'm around.

>If you get anything above you are retarded.

found the cheap skate retard who only and always buys low-mid end tier gpus and then complains about performance issues not matching the top tier cards

The only option is to get always the best solution possible aka 1080 Ti or Titan Xp and resell them for 80%-90% value every time a better one is about to release

everything else is utter tier trash ment for retards like yourself who got blown the fuck over and over

don't buy Intel
just don't

Fuck you're right, I forgot Ryzen came out. If you have any experience with it, care to help update the list I made in ? I haven't checked out Ryzen yet.

>the majority will just pirate their work

Thats what they get for making single player only games in the current year. Serves them right.

Wildlands has some extreme settings that puts dynamic shadows even on the mountains in the background kilometers away from the player. These settings are fps killers, meanwhile console not only have all those settings turned off they also have really low draw distance which increases fps by a mile in open world games.

>Purchase product
>Lack peripherals required to use it at optimal efficiency
>Lash out at the industry

>Buying Intel in 2017

You get what you deserve

>ghost recond wildlands
go complain at ubisoft instead of blaming the hardware

>not an 8400
Hell even without waiting for the 350 mobos youre still better off getting the 8400.

everything in that post aside from the 6600 is fine. 1060 6GB is /the/ card for 1080p gaymes and will even work for 1440p on lower settings. Just swap out the 6600 for an r5-1600 and whatever mobo is equivalent. Try to get the fastest RAM possible because it does actually make some difference.

Possibly most importantly: DO NOT skimp on the PSU. I will always unironically shill for free for SeaSonic and their top-end consumer models because they are simply the best. 550-650W is fine.

what's wrong with i7, still shits on AMD in every way

enjoy your cum TIM, corelet status, countless exploits, and botnet.

recon is the most unoptimized shit, not a good example

my i5 and 390 plays everything I give a shit about at 1440p60 and older stuff at the 96hz my monitor does :^)

>PC gaming a scan
>Uses Ubishit as evidence
I think the latter is more the problem.

>falling for the 1440p meme
>buying a $200 more expensive monitor and $500 more expensive CPU+GPU in pursuit of said meme

What was that saying about a fool and his money?

Fair enough. I haven't kept track of CPU trends for a few years now since it's not yet time for an upgrade. That said, I'm gonna start keeping an eye on Ryzen and see if I should go for one.

Let me guess, you fell for the 1080p meme? 720p is more than enough for modern games lmao

Heyo, I also play a lot of KI and Dark Souls 3. My build cost me maybe $800 USD at the time I built it, but that involved a lot of niceties for myself, like making it small and portable so I could bring it to tournaments and junk.

You could probably put it all together for the same amount in CAD. RX 580 4GB (8 is nice, but not necessary) or GTX 1060 3GB (again, 6 is nice), and either a Ryzen 5 1600 or an i5 7600 should be your starting points.

1440p60 25" IPS monitor was the best upgrade I've made since I bought an SSD desu.

thanks alot for the help guys. i have to get ready for work soon, but i saved the list of parts and listened to the advice. really appreciate all this.

Anything ubisoft runs like shit. Even black flag or something old usually runs like poop. No one should be supporting those French fucks.

>using ghost recon as a reference
I borrowed a gtx 1070 from a roommate (he was on vacation) and I tried to run it on my i7 2700k and never got 60fps on any setting. This is either the most CPU intensive game or the worst optimized

you genuinely blind if you think 1440p is a meme. 4k is a meme however

you probably have other issues in life too
my i7 works the way it should unlike your autism and soaked up tech knowledge which for a reason you defend probably because you are shit skin from India with income that only can afford AMD

>ghost recon wildlands
fuck off

intel shills get out

Well yea if we can stop NVIDIAjews from pushing DX11 because their shitty cards can't do DX12/Vulkan we'll start to see an actual increase in overall performance.

>tfw 75 fps maxed out in Hitman DX12
>80 fps average in Wolfenstein 2 Vulkan maxed out
>120 fps in Doom Vulkan maxed out
>on pic related

>falling for the overpriced gpu meme
>falling for the unoptimized console trash port meme
>falling for the 4k meme
good god

thanks for your input man. with your setup how well do those games perform on it? i want to put in a lot of hours with both games before any others.

AMD apologist found a way into Sup Forums or something?
You know that your beloved Raja left AMD for Intel right.

>That one kid that'd play all their games with settings on max at 2-3 fps, cause muh grahix.

120fps > 1440p

>mfw I have a 1060 and 4k monitor
>play games at 1440p while being able to watch 4k video content and have an amazing amount of desktop work space

Feels good man.

>being this attached to giant corporations
if you want to pay an extra $100 for 2 less cores and ~5 more fps then be my guest goy

A lot of modern NVIDIA dx11 titles tend to be optimized like ass because DX11 is a shitty outdated API they keep pushing because NVIDIA cards can't into anything else and they can't let the competition's weaker cards outperform their cards in a newer API now can they?

Both get maxed with no trouble. KI gets something like 2500/1000 in the performance test. Here's the full spec list.

You could honestly probably drop to a 7400-7500 if your budget's tight. Or go for Ryzen. Just know that Ryzen chips are a little picky when it comes to RAM.

2500k stronk

I have a 1050Ti and I'm happy with it so far

if you get ryzen get fast ram, ideally >2666mhz