>building a 500$ pc
>wtf it's underpowered
Building a 500$ pc
Ok? I could spend $500 on my existing PC and get better graphics. But I really don't care about my games looking pretty so I don't care, I run my games on low and med and get way above 60fps.
But I'd also like to point out, you need a 4k TV to actually take advantage of the Xbox's high resolution, and most 4k HDR TVs are about $500. So in total, that's about $1000 just to get your pretty graphics, and for a thousand dollars one can assemble a PC that can generally out perform the Xbox.
either he's super rich, or this is just for a joke.
Then I wasted all my time getting /fit/ for nothing.
It's not actually 4k or 60 fps.
Xbox's are built for adults and adults have already had 4K tvs for at least a year.
So if you're a child or autistic NEET go ahead and build that pc.
>paying a hooker to take pictures with you
>But I'd also like to point out, you need a 4k TV to actually take advantage of the Xbox's high resolution
Ah yes the XBone, well known for rendering gaems at true 4k
There are female chubby chasers. Most of them are gold diggers though.
oh damn I want to be an adult, I'd better get an xbox one x too!
Nah, that´s actually legit.
The girl has a fat fetish.
How much do you think he payed her?
>Linking to linux jewish tips
at least put hooktube version
((linus))jewish shill tips*
Who the hell took these pictures
It's called a fetish you dumbass.
Guys chubby chase too.
>soy boy thumbnail
No, thanks.
Her pimp.
Bullshit, there is an ulterior motive behind that picture.
There are no women who legitimately seek out obese men.
triggered /fit/ fuck detected
says the all caps child
There are people who get off to eating poop and hammering nails in their dicks. But women you like fatties, that's shocking to you huh?
Nothing that bitch could offer me would make me wanna let myself get that fat.
No pussy is worth disfigurement.
>hammering nails in their dicks
>That nu-male mouth thumbnail
the obvious shoop on some of these
dude come on, there´s people who get off at the most weird shit
also, obese women look either for obese man, or really skinny man
obese people are disgusting no doubt, but with the variety of sick fucks we have in the world don´t you think it´s plausible that a FEW women like them disgusting like that?
>tfw borderline obese neet who lives in his gfs place
>tfw slim qt girlfriend for years who has a job
What are you gonna do about it?
>fatfuck shilling
Now i hate fat people even more, thx op
In your eyes maybe.
Damn. We would be a perfect match together
But he never factored in paid subscription fees and fully priced $60 games.
Women aren't as driven by sex as you user
>landwhale had money
>gf has to endure the urge to puke waiting for heart attack
>ntr the fucker to keep her shit together
Doesn't look like he has that much money either.
Oh no I'm just saying that's why it's shocking that she would stay together with that pig just for her fetish
I hope the obese blob is reading this thread so he can think "gosh she is using me as her toy" then kick her, its for his good
Some of them are. It's rare but yeah they exist.
>Doesn't want to be a sexual toy for a slim qt you would normally have 0 chance with as the fat disgusting pig you are
>Can still eat all the garbage food you want
What a surprise Xbox one x is better than most gaming pc's
I'm assuming that every time 4K is mentioned in that video in relation to the XboneX they actually mean full 4K, not some sort of dynamic scaling trick?
But user, his feelings, he need real and heartwarm love
"""gaming pc's""""""
Are those games native 4k and run 60 fps constantly?
Hard to believe.Also fuck this trend,consoles should be revolutionary not evolutionary.
pusseay is better
With love pussy is even better user, she wont be looking disgusted