Does anyone think this segment is very insulting?

The whole "clueless gamer" where he picks up a game and just shits on it while the "NERD" says "you need to do this and level up that" while Conan stares into the camera like "look at this basement dwelling virgin, I just want to shoot stuff".

It's quite funny how he's shilling now for that fucking mobile game that shall go unnamed

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>t. Final Faggotry XV fan.

Yes OP, it's very insulting, disgusting, and triggering. I for one think we need to BOYCOTT Conan O'Brien and DEMAND that TBS take him off the air.

It's comedy man,it's played for laughs.

Don't become the same thing as tumblr and go looking for things to be offended over.
If you don't like it, okay, something being "offensive" or not doesn't actually make that thing any worse, you just don't like it.


Conan O'Brien is a fucking faggot. Just watch the documentary about him and you'll come away from it wondering why anyone would want to associate with this motherfucker for more than 10 seconds. It's because of money, of course.

Conan is usually more on the nose about games than actual reviewers, now that is insulting.

>this post gets replys every time

t. triggered basement dwelling virgin

Which documentary is that Jay?

I genuinely enjoyed it until they stopped adding the nerd and added celebrities to shill the game. Both Conan and the celebrity barely mentioning the game making it a glamorized reaction video

>sony Sup Forums will forever be btfo

based conan


His reviews are far better than most "professionals"

Give me quick rundown

not very funny though. And I'm not even one of those spergs who gets offended when he just acts ignorant about what the nerd is saying



Conan exposed why video games cant be mainstream

He's an obsessive workaholic who can be abrasive during crunch time. A lot like letterman

They do the same joke every time. In reality the guy is nothing like that.

Nah, it was entertaining when the segment wasn't about celebrities playing a game for 5 minutes.

this, OP is what's wrong with modern world

literally who?

An epic blue balls waste of time.

Conan was auditioning for the tonight show from the day he started doing late night. People get mad at him for "betraying jay" by taking the tonight show gig when many felt nbc was pushing jay out, but I didn't feel conan owed jay any sort of career deference. Although I always knew conans style wasn't going to mesh well with the tonight shows elderly audience

>What do you expect? He's a public fucking figure.


Celebs are not video games.

is the board you're looking for

>Whining that Conan is exposing him as the nerd loser he is
>Not instead being angered that clueless gamer turned to shit because now every episode has a boring celeb and they're the focus rather than the game


his ffxv review was based

the guy makes millions and fucks as many girls as he wants.
Why should he gives a shit?

Also, back in his day, video games were pinball machines.

>look at this basement dwelling virgin, I just want to shoot stuff
Are you blaming him for being sane?

>my identity as a gamer is being attacked, the public doesn't respect us!

Fucking good. I like video games, but we deserve to be made fun of. Get your 600 lb 5'6 ass to the gym you pussy

Conan, you fucking beast!

Look at the chair. He almost get killed doing that shitty joke

I'm 5'11 and 150 pounds

Go to the gym you lanky, goofy looking fuck.

I don't think 5'11 is tall enough to be called lanky desu

>.t manlet
I can see why you're angry that the big bad redhead man is making fun of you!

Awwwww, you seem upset.


reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stop bullying me

shut the fuck up you sensitive twat

>Get your 600 lb 5'6 ass to the gym you pussy
user you're projecting again.

Jay promised the tonight show to Conan years before he stepped down, and then before Conan could really get started jay started doing a shitty show in the time slot before Conan.
Most in the entertainment industry resent jay Leno for being a lying entitled prick

It's just part of his act, mate.

Agreed. Aaron Bleyaert is obviously a good guy and passionate about games, and he represented gamers being the butt of the joke because they're misunderstood. If anything Conan comes off as a crazy guy in the segments, and it's good for laughs.

Oh no! The bad man hurt your feewings too? I'm sowwy you still can't squat your body weight! But ranking gold in overwatch is much more impressive!


The best Conan videos are with his producer Jordan

That's your opinion.
If no one found it funny the segment wouldn't have gone on this long. As long as Conan fans keep watching and laughing they'll keep doing them and, even if they don't its free promotion for the game anyways.

You are retarded.

it's just not for you. Conan is obviously exaggerating and playing for laughs. Aaron's the straight man.

Of course, Aaron's the nerd and is going to get poked and prodded by Conan. The worst ones are without Aaron and just celebrities who clearly don't give a shit about having fun with the game and can't play off of Conan's comedy shtick very well.

I know what you mean but mr producer there doesn't articulate himself very well. Conan is often a shit, and the joke of the segment is that he doesn't like video games at all, but his buddy there always struggles to make a point. The segment is best when Conan takes it seriously and makes surprisingly good points, its no fun when he acts bored the whole time. Honestly I don't enjoy Conan anymore because his whole shtick is to look down and make pic related face whenever anyone does anything he doesn't expect.

been there done that bud i even have my own home gym
time to grow up and stop trying to hide your insecurities with the gym.

No, because it's satire.
There's nothing worse then a stiff that can't take a joke.

>Conan insulting Bing Bing Man

Was he right?

What makes it better is that Conan is /lit/ as fuck

Not him, but most people can squat thier body weight within 2 weeks.