>EA is feeling the burn after the gaming community as a whole rebelled against the microtransaction model in Star Wars Battlefront 2. EA debuted an aggressive loot box system in Battlefront 2, a gashapon machine with shooter elements, which tied in-game progression to premium currency transactions that cost real money. Electronic Arts' stock is down 8.5 percent month-to-date, which equates to around $3.1 billion in losses.
EA Loses $3 Billion in Stock Value after Battlefront 2 Debacle
this and the mass effect blunder makes me happy
Oh no, surely EA is finished now. You manbabies can't win against a corporation out of your basements.
oh no! now they only have 43 billion dollars!
Literal retard.
nobody said EA is finished retard, but they did lose a sizable chunk of their net worth because of how insanely shit battlefront 2 was
the ceo probably hates reedit more than 4 chan lel
I still can't believe some woman sleeping around led to EA losing over 3 billion dollars & Donald Trump becoming president. Te butterfly effect is REAL.
>damage control
And they won't learn a fucking thing.
We did it Reddit. DAE hate capitalism?
Thanks for the gold.
As someone who doesn't pretend to understand the stock market, what does this mean?
>frogposter is a huge dumbass
What a surprise.
$3.1 billion is serious cash for anyone. Think of how many games they could of made with that amount of money. Or corporate bonuses
Looks like reddit got their own TORtanic. Why is it always Star Wars?
Literally nothing.
Their stock has never been this strong, 8.5% drop or not.
This is like the business equivalent of stubbing your toe on the coffee table in the dark.
I was going to buy bf2 but didn't
I am the cause of all this
(you) can thank me later
I mean, they don't really have any IP's anymore (Mass Effect is basically dead forever now), their pay2win style of lootboxes isn't going to be tolerated anymore (so FIFA and other sports games might actually be in serious trouble now), Disney is probably going to pull the plug on thier Star Wars deal...
I'm not saying it's going to kill EA overnight, but we could be looking at the start of a long, slow burn.
>stock is liquid cash
oh man
The stock price merely corrected itself a bit after it spiked up back in May. Recently the worst that has happened is a 2.5% decrease in stock price which is not even a deal at all let alone a big one.
...to save millions.
It's not even a big enough dip to warrant buying stock mate.
>Battlefront 2, a gashapon machine with shooter elements
>their pay2win style of lootboxes isn't going to be tolerated anymore
But it's been tolerated in the sports games for years. I don't think the fools who buy those games even know what's going or care.
>EA's December quarter sales forecast was fairly optimistic when it came out on October 31. Baird analyst Colin Sebastian rated the stock with an outperform rating and $130 price target per share. Well, as of right now it's trading at $109.47 a share after hitting a low today of $106.91.
>After social media and Reddit were flooded with negative posts about Battlefront 2, during which an EA account on Reddit managed to get the most downvoted comment of all time, it seems like sales of the game aren't meeting expectations. U.K. physical copy sales are down, and it's not even on the top 100 list of Amazon's best-selling games of the year.
We did it Reddit!
I dunno really. I never really enjoyed star wars but a lot of people have nostalgia over it.
Even though like 80% are born after the prequels came out.
This us just the beginning.
Will this finally be the end of EA?
This is the one thing that will make EA shit their pants out of everything that's happened
>goobergab had anything to do with this
i will thank you right now my friend, would you mind thanking me? I was not going to purchase the game but after seeing the whole debacle i decided that it would be in my best interest to not buy the game.
I personally like to think I myself did more but you can take 30% (thirty ones) percent of the credit if you wish, i'm not that much of a pompus asshole
Based EA barely slown down by crying redditors
It did and you know it did you autistic shitsmear
You know the stock will go back up when they turn on the "fixed" microtransactions and everyone rushes to buy the star wars game because of the movie.
EA: 1
Cucked clientele: -923
>because of a whore
Elaborate pls
>This is like the business equivalent of stubbing your toe on the coffee table in the dark.
More like stubbing your toe in the dark, & then you turn on the lights & Mickey Mouse is there to break your legs with a baseball bat for not making money with your Star Wars License.
Good, that's the only use those morons have (to take the blame and avert the fire in their direction).
EA fucked over some good developers over the years.
The only thing that would make me happier is if Activision was going getting smashed at the same time.
I would cum buckets if they both went under.
>lootcrates are bad badbad baaaaaaaad fuckfuckfukc
>angry gaymers silent aaa devs who cant come up with other realistic
>make good games!!!!! its the only thing us gaymers want!!!
western devs cant use lootcrates anymore to make a profit. putting them in games means getting a threat from gaymers like sjws forcing them to put diversity in games
is that really a good thing?
Hell yeah, even normal fucks can finally agree with Sup Forums that EA is SHIT
GG started the wave against the system, it made all the early mistakes (like actually trying to reason with SJWs) and only improved the newest attacks against corruption while still being a boogieman that everyone fears and blames, usually looking like loons.
GG won and is still winning because it care not for its reputation as written by these (((journalists)))
They will probably get back that with the next sports games and microtransactions.
they label everyone without white guilt as a neo nazi though
They're not even close to goin under, in fact EA's stock price has been skyrocketing since 2011 and the recent debacle is barely even a blip in the radar.
Thia. If you're against lootboxes, you're a cuck.
I wonder if they remember how to do that anymore. Can publishers actually allow the devs to do what they want, and can the devs actually make something that isn't utter shit?
>If you're against lootboxes, you're a cuck.
wtf i love lootboxes now
Star Wars is big enough normie bait that it attracts people that never play video games to the discussion. People that do play video games have tolerated shit for too long, and it happens too slowly for someone that's always been keeping up with the industry to notice.
But then comes along a game in the second most valuable franchise in the world, and suddenly a whole new set of eyes that didn't get slowly indoctrinated over years and years are here to realize how fucked up 90 percent of industry standards in video games are.
But Sup Forums told me the free market didn't work
You do realize how hilariously easy it is to spot you tumblrites over here on Sup Forums when you mispronounce it like that, right?
>EA shills are here
>A gachapon machine with shooter elements
>He listens to Sup Forums
Everyone laugh at this man.
>no bucks in basement
>no bucks to give to EA
checkmate shillsman, now fuck off, no money here for you
Stocks aren't liquid cash, this isn't much money, and EA's market cap is 33 billion and they will make the money back quickly. You people are retarded.
EA shills are hilarious.
They will make ten times the money they lost with this when the shit blows over and they re-activate microtransactions simply because you shitheads don't know how NOT to buy an overblown AAA game with a popular license tied to it.
Don't forget Christmas season is right around the corner so they're probably already getting that loss back as we speak.
>shill on mental breakdown
You're the retard who doesn't understand economics. The market is almost always "at an all-time high" because the market tends to go up in general, especially for a large-cap company like EA. No shit it's never been this high but when your stock plummets 8% in a short time frame then you can bet your ass shareholders are going to ask what the fuck the company is going to do so this doesn't happen again.
I don't think you guys understand something about stock
Stock is really a measure of confidence. How much money investors are willing to bet that a company is doing okay, and will do even better going forward.
Right now if you google "electronic arts stock", every article, every result on the first page is about how much they've lost.
This kind of bad press, specifically in relation to stock prices, can create a death spiral trend. If you REALLY want to hurt EA? Start spreading these articles more, regardless of how hurt EA actually is. In fact, start speculating that any downward trend in Disney is a direct result of their association with EA. If enough people believe it, regardless of the truth, the confidence will disappear, and the stock really will fall. And keep falling.
Ah,right.Forgot about that.Though 3 Billion is a shitload of money even for them.Sure it's stock and not cash but still.
BF2 now needs 5M extra copies than the forecasted 10 to be sold to be profitable.
EA is at best gonna make zero or little money on BF2
>Y-yeah! we did it! heh, we're saviors! fight the good fight!
Stop jacking off to your waifus and go do some significant shit for your life
lootboxes are a lost cause. evil corporate cocksuckers lose. gaymers win and created a new anathema.
they cant use it and need to take a chance everytime they release aaa trash. sounds great.
>EA generated over $800 million in profits with microtransactions in 2016, mostly through purchases for Ultimate Team mode in its sports games.
what in the fuck
How is this a good thing? If they did fine we would be one step closer to the destruction of the gaming market. Now we remain stale.
Your tears sustain us.
It always dips around this time though.
Also it's been steadily recovering and when Q4 earnings show plebbit barely affected sales then they will explode.
You're alone as fuck
They're still way, waaay up compared to where they were even a few years ago.
This is nothing for them. In fact, I'd say it was accounted for. Zoom the fuck out.
>user was killed by fleshpound
It's a 9% dip comparing to their highest point of the year in July, their stock has been decreasing since then so it's ridiculous to blame it on BF2.
Great. Burn in to the ground.
8.5% is not a particularlly big drop.
>Rich idiots being exploited by big companies.
What a surprising development.
AAA titles are so fucking bad now. Aside from w3 I cant think of anything playable in the last few years
Now we can only hope the triple double down on microtransactions in the next FIFA trying to make back their losses and in response actually manage to anger the spics and mudslime hordes that gobble up everything soccer
EA is surely finished. /v has said this with every major release. One day yall will be right.
Just need those sports games to stop selling loke hot cakes each year.
>How to reveal that you've never invested before
You really think shareholders care about a dip in a single company?
Just wait until lootboxes are regulated. EAs stock is going to crash.
It's called football, americlap.
>a drop in a single company matters that much in a portfolio
How to reveal that you're a day-trader pleb
yes the fuck they do
lol this, or else they're crypto dudes who are used to seeing retarded swings by the hour. stocks move slow as fuck, 8% is a goddamn event
Shareholders hold the stock in EA you fucking retard. EA is the company. We're talking about EA's stock. The value of stock is determined by the value it's traded
how about you just dont buy the game
just dont play it, you will be fine
this is like the whole gone homo fiasco but backwards, just kill me